Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Portfolio of the Sessions Coordinator in Committee

Having been in COSDU for the past 6+ years and having served on 3 different committees, I have had the privilege of watching and being part of its growth. Members/ friends come and go, committees are elected and step down year after year, dynamics may change: but one thing remains constant: that God is and must always be a centre of COSDU, our family away from home...

With this in mind, in order be on the committee, (no matter what position!), one does not need to have all the answers to life or about GOD nor does one need to possess any super out of this world qualities. (heck, I certainly DON’T have any of those!!)

The key is having the commitment to SERVE with a humble, open and sincere heart and the rest will fall into place as one learns on the job.

Being on the committee, in general, certainly has been extremely rewarding yet challenging as things which are not quite specified on the particular job description are bound to crop up. Hence, there will be a need to give or receive help and support to each other as well as carrying out tasks beyond one’s call of duty when the need arises.

In terms of being the sessions coordinator, to be honest, this position was a portfolio I always shied away from. Why? For the obvious reason that it is perceived to be the “scariest” as it may seem as though ALL the work of the Friday meetings falls on the one fool hardy enough to take up this position. But last year, I somehow got convinced to take the plunge to take up this position in my final year in Uni…

And yes, although there have been times I questioned myself why and what could have possibly possessed me to run for this whilst juggling a million other things in my life, the big guy up there (Yes, our God with an incredible sense of humor) finds creative ways of teaching me new things; be it about myself, friendship or about Him/ my religion and showing me that He is in control. I have learnt to truly live by the motto, “To work as though everything depends on you, but pray as though everything depends on God.”

As the Sessions Coordinator, one would have the opportunity to steer the direction of COSDU’s sessions based on the needs of its members. In addition to working with the committee, there is a chance of involving members in various ways and engaging speakers or facilitators depending on the session topic. Since some background work is necessary for the smooth running of each session, one would be exposed to so much more than what can be encompassed within the scope of each COSDU session.

Finally, if you are considering running for this position, but are daunted by the volume of work involved, do remember that although the Cessions Coordinator is ultimately responsible for what takes place during session, he/she need not be the actual speaker or facilitator. (yes, one can hopefully find the happy balance between delegating and personally overseeing things) And you can always count on receiving input from

Sr Theresa who is an ENORMOUS source of inspiration and guidance.

So think about it, find out more, pray about it and if you feel called or up to the challenge, go for it! I am available if anyone has any queries about this post or about being on the comm in general.

Remember - “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for others in your speech, your conduct, your love and purity.” 1 Tim 4:12

Take care and God bless.

Ming Yin


pinto said...

Yes, it's the Sessions Coordinator, not the Sessions Provider. =)

I know that it is informally acknowledged as the most challenging and most important role besides the role of President.

Whether or not you believe that to be true, being the Sessions Coordinator presents a tremendous opportunity to grow and to help others grow in faith and in love.

It is a chance to use God's gifts to you. (You might even discover some that you never knew you had!) You are all lamps: lights for Christ. And you don't hide lights in a closet.

With His grace, you'll be surprised how bright a light you can be!

Pray about it, be silent and listen. Perhaps God is calling you to be the next Sessions Coordinator of COSDU. =)

soliloquy said...

Advise from Pinto being the former Sessions Coordinator of Committee 2002/2003.

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