Saturday, May 27, 2006

Exam Mass, Pentecost and the Holy Spirit

Cosdu met formally for the last time at Exam Mass yesterday. Do remember to keep each other in prayer as we slog through these intense days. Thanks to Hobart and Ross, the exam schedule for all Cosduans has been compiled for the month of June to assist us in covering over each other in prayer.

At Mass yesterday, we also received a Gift of the Holy Spirit and a Fruit of the Holy Spirit combined into one winged-heart. "What has this got to do with Pentecost? What's Pentecost?" some might wonder.

Annually, Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday. Pentecost commemorates the awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit as Acts Chapter 2 describes:

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

Some bible scholars have suggested that Pentecost was God's reversal of the Tower of Babel; the confusion of tongues was used to divide people when they came together in arrogance and pride to build a tower to reach heaven, while the speaking tongues was used to unite people when they gathered according to God's intended purposes.

Looking beyond the sensations (and differing opinions of speaking in tongues), the main learning point for everyone is to have imbue in themselves the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that came with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit include wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverence & wonder and awe in God's presence.

The 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and right relationships.

On the winged-heart, the bold in black points to a Gift of the Holy Spirit and the italics in red denotes a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Some Cosduans have wondered if the binary of the Gift and Fruit they picked up signifies the virtues they lack or indicates virtues blessed upon them. Other Cosduans have marveled at how they have picked up the same Gift and/or Fruit year after year. Whatever the case, let the Godly characteristics be a blessing to yourself and to others around you as you emulate these Gifts and Fruits.

Updates on this blog might not be as frequent during the Winter Break, but please do check back once in a while, or better yet, subscribe to this blog in the sidebar or add it to your feed reader.

Stay close to God and all the best for the coming exams!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Annual General Meeting - Elections

The Verdict:

Executive Committee
President - Jean
Vice President - Bryant
Secretary - Wynnie
Treasurer - Maria

Non-Executive Committee
Sessions Coordinator - Ming Yin
Liturgy - Ramesh
Social Activities - Jonathan
Public Relations - Ross
Social Justice - Celine
Music Director - Denning

The newly elected Cosdu Committee are revving and ready to go. With a good mix of girls and guys, older members and newbies, the 2006/2007 Committee boast new vigour and precious wisdom. Each member has been elected aaccording their expertise and the confidence they have in themselves.

To name a few, Ming Yin can draw on her wealth of experience from the previous committees she has served in, Ramesh has served as an altar boy for a substantial number of years in his church in Malaysia, Celine has carved a career out of her heart for the less fortunate and Denning has a intuitive sense for orchestrating moving praise and worship sessions. Jonathan and Ross have a keen interest in making people feel comfortable and uninhibited. They have also promised to boost the level of fun and fellowship in Cosdu, as Jonathan said, "I have a vision... for Cosdu".

Indeed each member of the committee does.

With continued prayer, dedication and enthusiasm, meaningful activities and fulfilling experiences await each Cosduan in Semester 2 2006.

Felicia's Presidential Closure Speech

(Click here for continuation)

Jean's Presidential Acceptance Speech

There's no better way for Felicia to commemorate the closure of her service as President than to celebrate her 21st birthday with Cosdu. So here's wishing Felicia a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns!

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