Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Way of the Cross

City of Melbourne Student Welcome Flash Mob Dance

AOY Activities

Blueprint is a workshop series on Youth Ministry being offered by the Archdiocesan Office for the Youth. The series is designed to inspire and support people working in Youth Ministry- be it in a parish, school or community environment. For the session dates, check out the Blueprint Flyer below:

(click for larger images)

Also, here are some youth events around Melbourne for 2010, including the World Youth Day One Year to go Fiesta! So do check out the calendar below for some big ticket items!

Hope you manage to find something interesting that suits you! (:

Monday, March 08, 2010

Welcome Mass

The most common thing that I've heard everyone mention this week is their disbelief at how it's already the second week of uni and there's heaps of work awaiting for them at home to be completed. The stress of what's there to do for the coming week is already building up.

So why not come and join us where we can all find comfort in the presence of the Lord together while we celebrate mass this Friday, take our minds off uni and for some of us, off work. For the carefree ones out there, you can join us as we give thanks to the Lord for all of his blessings upon us.

Do not fret if you missed last week's Welcome Session, that's what this Welcome Mass is for. Just be at Sidney Myer by 6pm and we look forward to seeing you all on Friday! :)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Welcome Session

Before I begin the recap of Friday's Welcome Food and Games Session, which is also Cosdu's first session of the semester, I'd just like to share one of my favourite quotes from C. S. Lewis:

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."

In a similar sense I guess you could say that all of us on that day, returning or brand new members, have something in common; which is that we ALL share the same faith in Christ. If you were one of the new members who showed up on that day, you gotta hand it to yourselves for not only willing to meet a completely new group of people whom you've never met before and knew nothing about, but also for subjecting yourself to the endless introductions where it becomes a memory amusement of connecting names to faces. :)

The evening commenced with a speech from our President-Jessica followed by introductions of the Cosdu Committee and our wonderful Chaplain-Father Thinh.

While the activities played out after, everyone limbered up and the evening was quickly filled with mirth and merriment. Soon, we began fostering a new community of friends to grow together in faith, some of them..just the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

We would still love to meet any of you who were unable to make it to the first food and games session. You can come along and celebrate Welcome Mass with us at the Newman Chapel which is in close proximity to Melbourne Uni, so stay tuned to this blog and check your emails for further info!

If you still aren't receiving mails from us, email us ( your name and email address right now!

And as the night ended with plenty of exchanged conversations over delicious pizza, here is a video we showed of our Easter Camp from April 2nd-5th! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Food and Games Welcome Session

Hello and a very warm welcome to the new members! To the existing members, welcome back!

We've met some really cool people during orientation and we can't wait to see you all again! So please do come join us in the fun this Friday! It's just an informal session of getting to know each other while playing some games and chatting over dinner. All you have to bring is yourself :)

So do come and join us for some FREE FOOD and FUN-FILLED ACTIVITIES!

If you do not know where the Chaplaincy is, rest assured as there will be a couple of us waiting for you in front of the Sidney Myer Building in uni, (opposite the tram stop) and we'll bring you there.

We will be there from 6pm and will wait until 6:15pm sharp before we leave to the chaplaincy. Try not to be late so we can start on time.

If you have any questions of if you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0430385525 (Audrey). I will see you all soon on Friday!


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