Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Portfolio of the Publicity Coordinator in the Committee

Being Publicity Coordinator is really just getting people to listen to your crap. heh. Na-ah...I was just kidding there. Publicity is to be PUBLIC. The easiest character to suit this role well would be a person being really open, easily approachable, funny, communicative, and just be a PUBLIC personality where everybody can just approach. That's the "inbox" for publicity ; )

The "outbox" on the other hand is even easier. A typical weekly task would be to figure out what to put in the weekly e-mail to members. This is normally done after consulting the Sessions Coordinator. To make things clearer, below are other typical tasks that come after the weekly emails:

1. Maintaining the COSDU email account,

2. Promoting COSDU to anyone you meet, if you can,

3. Touching base with members;

4. Be the source of contact for outside parties to approach or get in touch with COSDU.

I think that's about it. I cannot really say much as I believe this role really wraps itself around whoever takes it. This role used to have a longer name: Publicity and Liaison Officer for your information. Everyone in the past that has taken up this role has really had his/her own signature on it.

This role has so much of personal touch in the things you do that it becomes a unique position in COSDU to let your creativity flow and just have fun doing what you do. COSDU will benefit from this and you will surely benefit too from being part of something that shelters the COSDU community you love. Its a win-win situation = ) Go for it!


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