My name is Belle and I’m currently Vice
President and I’m hoping that perhaps YOU will be the next one since you’re
reading this, which maybe then indicates that something about COSDU, or even
the title of this post attracts you and that you’re interested? Muahahaha! Ok
I’m just kidding. Wherever you are in life and however you feel about the
upcoming AGM, let me just share a little something with you about what being
Vice President is like. I tend to go on a bit of a tangent sometimes so please
bear with me J
Being Vice, as outlined by the constitution
(huhu let’s get the super formal things outta the way) in Clause 7aii, states
that the role of a Vice President, who shall be a Melbourne University student
for his/her full term is to
Support the President and the
Responsible for fund raising
and sponsorship together with Publicity Coordinator and Social Activities
Resource Management
Attend necessary training
conducted by UMSU
Before you start freaking out on how
possibly daunting all that may sound and before thoughts like “Can I do this?
I’m not holy enough. I haven’t been in COSDU long enough. I don’t know what to
do or how to lead people. I am not capable” flood your mind, let me ask you one
Have you been touched by COSDU?
If your answer to that is a yes, you can do
great great things because the love and joy that resonates off COSDU comes only
from Christ and being Vice allows you the opportunity to be an instrument of
this exact love and joy that you have experienced yourself! As Vice, you don’t
have to be amazing at everything, neither do you have to be on the top of your
game 24 hours, 7 days a week but it definitely calls for a willing heart to be
ripped open, torn down, and built back up again. Being Vice, we call ourselves
to be open to receiving Christ in ways we might not have ever felt before.
Personally, Vice was hard for me because I
am a perfectionist and sometimes (actually most of the time) I really want
things my way and choose not to want to see the bigger picture. However, being
Vice calls you to work very closely not just with your President but also with
your committee and ultimately, it is calling you to listen to the voice of God.
What do you think God is calling you to do?
I wouldn’t say ‘stepping up’ to Vice, but maybe I will say ‘stepping down’
because stepping down to Vice invites us to humble ourselves, listen to His
call and answer it. Yes, the road will not always be smooth sailing but pray
about it, envision what you want COSDU to be and have good time management,
which is something I learnt over my term and is also very important.
If you have a little something you want to
give back, and you have a little nudge or feeling to want to serve and give
back to COSDU, this may be it! You’ll have plenty of opportunities through
planning orientations, night market, festival of nations, being organized and
being disciplined to learn the many things that God has yet to show you. And
before I forget, being in the committee in itself is SUCH a rewarding
experience because the friendships and relationships formed amidst your term
here with both comm and members might just be the ones you’ll be keeping for
life. So please, if you have the faintest of callings, I urge you to pray about
it and know that if you’ve any ANY questions whatsoever, I am always here for
you J
With love,
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