Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Portfolio of the Secretary in the Committee

“Paper work’ is what comes to the mind of most people when they think of the Secretarial post.

“Paper work” however is merely a means to an end. The skills of the secretary is used to bring some sense of order after each committee meeting where a myriad of ideas are often strewn around, to ensure that Cosdu as an affiliated club of the University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU) adheres to their regulations, and be available to UMSU in the capacity of an executive committee member.

The on-going duty of the Secretary is the consolidation of the minutes of the aforementioned monthly meeting and ensuring that venues for the sessions and masses are available and constantly updating the membership list (which has become consequential of late since it affects funding). The more adhoc tasks involve overseeing the AGM, amending the Constitution accordingly and sending out Christmas Cards as a token of appreciation for guests speaks, priests and others who have contributed in an official capacity

Therefore, more than most portfolios, the Secretary has to have the big picture in mind as well as to be able to see how the flow of information and discussions cascade down to the activities.

The more intense period for me as a Secretary has to be getting clarity of the ramification of the implementation of VSU that was announced towards the end of last year. This involves realizing the drastic cut in funding even while Cosdu adheres to the basic terms of affiliation. However, like all members in the Committee, the Secretary does not work alone. Ultimately challenges are worked out as a committee and decisions are made together.

The satisfaction that the Secretary gets is to be able to contribute to the efficient flow of information and data.

With the help and support of my committee, I’ve been able to negotiate through the more demanding aspects of the job.

If your passion lies with organization and you have the knack for translating thoughts into words and action, and if you are looking for an opportunity to serve in a less conspicuous but equally valuable position, I encourage you to consider the portfolio of the Secretary at the coming AGM.


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