Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Portfolio of the Music Coordinator in the Committee

Before dwelling on the nitty gritty of what music coordinator is all about, I want to share my experiences in this post.

Honestly, it took me awhile to get use to the idea that I have to select songs for the mass and also search for chords for the guitarist and pianist. I also had some difficulty at first when I didn’t much understand the simple technical ideas such as the guitarist require guitar chords to play music and also how to manage the song selections with the Liturgy coordinator. But, as time pass, I learnt from my experiences and with advices from the musicians regarding how music practices are normally held.

What I like about this post is that I have a say in the songs I select. Sometimes I do select my favourite songs if appropriate to the mass but most of the time I just trust in Holy Spirit to guide my selection. Also, I get to meet new people and also reaching out to the new members and telling them about the music ministry that we have in COSDU. Most of the ideas I heard from them, I always try to take it in while song surfing. I also enjoy knowing that each songs has its own unique place in the order of the mass and in my life which lead me to grow a deeper understanding and respect for the music and fellow musicians alike .

On a general note, this post is open to students, (Melbourne University or other educational institutions). I strongly emphasis whoever is interested in this post must at least have a passion for music and the willingness to share their talents with COSDU. Not only that, preferably some technical musical background is also desirable as well as it will make this post much easier to manage especially during music practices. Even if you have none of the above, you must still be able to select the appropriate songs together with the Liturgy Coordinator for the mass i.e. 4 or 5 songs in total and coordinate the musicians i.e. when the music practices is to be held. So in hindsight, the singers and musicians are your top priority in this post.

In summary, to those who are interested in running for this post, please take note

1) Musical background is desirable but not essential

2) Willingness to learn

3) Have passion for music

4) Good organisation and time management skills

5) Make sure that some of the musicians have heard the songs before

(Likely chances that some of the COSDUans may have heard of it!)

6) Keep the musicians happy at all times (hint= TimTams)

7) Have fun and enjoy your time in the COSDU Committee of 2007/08

Note: If you require any further information regarding this post, please come and ask me. I am always happy to listen to your questions and hopefully I can give you the answers that you are seeking.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Time management is critical in any industry.


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