Sunday, November 02, 2008

Exam timetable

Exams in October:
Jian Sheng: 24th, 29th, 30th October
Caroline: 31st October
Jessica: 31st October

Click on image for larger view

Dear Lord, Be with me now, as I enter this exam. Thank you for the many talents and gifts that you have already given to me. Help me recall all that I have studied and express it clearly. Inspire me to answer the questions and encourage me to do the very best that I can. Lord, remind me that nothing is going to happen to me that you and I together can’t handle. Holy Spirit, think through me until your ideas are my ideas. Amen. ~Melbourne University Chaplains~

Prayer before exam:

Dear Father, Source of all wisdom, help me to use my time and my intelligence wisely as I prepare for exams. Help me to dispose myself to listen to your Holy Spirit so that you, as my loving Father, may place me in a state of prayer and lead me to understand that the supreme wisdom is knowing I am your child. Help me to remain serene so that my work may truly reflect this profound truth Mary, Mother of my spiritual life, guide me in the ways of your Son, so that my work may help to transform this world for His glory. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of enchanting love, of fear, of knowledge, of holy hope, through Whose pious intercession many make admirable progress in studies and piety despite crudeness of understanding, I choose Thee as protectress and patroness of my studies. Humbly I implore Thee that, from the heart of Thy maternal pity, and principally from the Eternal Wisdom that deigned to take on our flesh in Thee, and that exalted Thee in heavenly light above all the saints, Thou obtain grace from the Holy Ghost for me so that I might be able to penetrate with my understanding, retain in my memory, express by my life and words, and teach to others all that brings honor to Thee and Thy divine Son, likewise to the advantage of my eternal joy and that of all men. So be it.

O Blessed Thomas, Patron of Schools,
Obtain for us from God
An Invincible Faith,
A Burning Charity,
A Chaste Life,
And True Knowledge
Through Christ Our Lord.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino for Students

O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favored by God in the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and aid my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom. Help me especially in the decisive moments of examination, protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often accompany them, so that I may grow in knowledge, love, and service of God from Whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. Amen

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Can War be Just?

Just War theories were developed over the span of many centuries by a variety of Catholic theologians, including Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Grotius. The church has a long tradition of involvement in war. The 'Just War' doctrine was developed during the early Christian centuries when Christian leaders had responsibility for matters of State. St. Augustine, followed by other theologians, developed a series of questions designed to clarify limits to war and when a Christian authority could go to war.

According to the current Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC),

2309 The strict conditions for legitimate defense by military force require rigorous consideration. The CCC defines the four conditions for determining the justice of a war as:

  • the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
  • all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;
  • there must be serious prospects of success;
  • the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated. The power of modem means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.

These are the traditional elements enumerated in what is called the "just war" doctrine.

The evaluation of these conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good.

However, this also brings upon many questions that are left unanswerable.

  1. How do Just War theories expect to justify the pursuit of some wars?
  2. In requirement of public authorities to go to war in defense a their country's security and freedom, is it right to go to war?
  3. How can we ever conclude that some particular war may be more moral than another?
  4. With the use of nuclear weapons, bombs and other sorts of weapons of mass destruction, how is it possible for war to be just when their use would always kill or injure the innocent?
  5. Many Christians today are also asking whether non-violence is the only option.
  6. Is it right for Christians to accept war as 'just' in the light of Jesus's call?
  7. Can Christians learn to take a path that is actively for peace which is just, and may call for self-sacrifice in 'costly discipleship'

Just War theories definitely have some difficulties. The criteria are often ambiguous and questionable as who gets to decide if war is just or not just? Although this is the case, it also does not mean that the criteria are pointless. It just shows that questions that depend on ethics are not easily distinguished between black and white. They are not clear cut and there will always be grey areas where well intentioned people will not necessarily agree.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

29th August's session on confession

Here's an interesting link from Fr. Robin on confession for those of you who want to have a read.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cosdu's Annual Sports Day

Last Saturday (20th of September), was our long-awaited Cosdu Sports Day. From what I had gathered, preparation began weeks in advance for some of us. It was held in Albert park and no, it was not the conventional track and field athletic sports. In fact, it was way better! With a picturesque lake right beside where we played, picnic tables and barbeque areas, there was nothing lacking. Well, maybe for a bit of warmth as the day started out with a bit of a drizzle. However, that bit of rain did not deter any of us from running around the park whether to warm up or to do our own strange things. Despite the weather, we still had high spirits to compete in our teams against our fellow friends and it did not bother us at all. We had 4 teams of Green, Black, Blue and Red and it really was a you-had-to-be-there kind of situation to understand how hilarious some of our team chants were. Among the many games played were dodge ball, captain's ball, ultimate frisbee, roman's ball and the mini-olympic teams relay. Yes, if you are wondering if these are the typical sports day activities, leave it up to us to spice things up with some of the games. As for lunch, what is the use of the previously mentioned barbeque area if we weren't going to use it? Of course, we had mouth-watering food with a balanced diet of meat, fruit and veges. Some new friendships were formed and old friendships strengthened through this day of fun-filled food and activities. Missed out? Do not fret as there is next year's Easter Camp to look forward to!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Decriminalisation of abortion

Are you all aware of this very important issue that goes on debate today? To learn more about this issue, go to

As Catholics, and if you are a local and would like to do something about it, contact the local MP. Someone has kindly written the letters in a series of PDF files and sent it to me. The only thing you have to do is to email me and I'll forward them to you. He has also taken the effort to list down the steps for you to follow in sending those letters. It's simple. There is no excuse now and people need to speak up for these unborn babies in the future. Basically, if this bill is passed and if 2 doctors agree, abortion can be legally done up to birth. Please visit the website above if you would like to find out more.

Thank you

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Links for I-Bible session

Here are the links for the I-Bible session and we hope that you would take the time to actually have a look at these sites and figure out which of them suits you. However, if you have any particularly useful sites that you might want to share with us, just let me know!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Confession - Fr. Robin Koning

Have you ever thought about what confession means to us Catholics and why it is important in our spiritual lives? Well, Friday's session was defnitely an interesting one where I am sure most people would have at least grasped something new and useful to them about the Sacrament of Reconcilitaion. I guess the main question in everyone's hearts are, why do we need to go for confession?

During the session, Father Robin explained that when we sin, we are actually weakening our own Christian spirit and weakening the body of Christ. What that means is that we are not only harming our personal relationship with God, but we are also harming the membership of the body as sin is before all else an offense against God and a rupture of communion with him.

Therefore, by going for confession, our sins are forgiven but what I realised from the session was that confession also :
  • helps us to be more sensitive to our offenses to God, including the small things that we do. As we gradually learn to reflect on our sins, we grow to be more aware of the things that we should and should not do.
  • gives ourselves a break as we do not have to carry a burden that we do not need to carry.
  • cuts across our self deception by keeping us honest to ourselves and in our relationship with God.
  • frees us and gives us a certainty that we are forgiven as God just loves to forgive us when we are truly sorry for the things we have offended Him with.
To be truly sorry for our sins, we have to admit them and confess them but also important is that we repent of our sins and do penance for our sins. According to paragraphs 1434 onwards in the Cathecism of the Catholic Church, there are many forms of penance in the christian life and if you want have a read about it, here's the link

Some of you curious ones asked for the reason that we need to go for confession through a priest. Well the reason is that it is a blessing that we have from Christ as Christ has established this as a way of forgiveness. By confession to a priest, God is acting through the minister by giving words of encouragement, penance and word of absolution to us. What Father Robin said was that as a priest, hearing confessions gives him a sense of the goodness of humanity and he is grateful to them for going for confession. Everything we receive is mediated through the Church.

How often should we go for confession you may ask? This is not a definite answer but preferably, we should all go for confession at least once a year.

Especially to those who missed out, hope this post helps you understand better about Reconciliation.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

World Youth Day Reflections

I would firstly like to thank Hobart, Donna and Bernice for taking some time to reflect on their World Youth Day experience in Sydney and share them with us. For those of you who are still empowered by the spiritual experience gained in Sydney, read on to relive the moment just not too long ago. If you were one of those who missed out on this opportunity, here's your chance to know what it was like to be there, from the words of your own friends :)

Donna's World Youth Day 2008 Reflection



DID08, which i enjoyed immensely,was a great opening act to the main event that is World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney. I can only attempt to share how wyd 08 has impacted me without being long-winded for I certainly do not wish to summarize such monumental event inadequately.

To cater to the youths, concerts, talks, exhibitions amongst others were happening throughout the afternoon and into the night. Of the many concerts, the "Receive the Power Live!" concert left the deepest impression on me. It featured the popular Hillsong United, Darlene Zchech & the Matt Maher Band; great musicians whose music got all those around me jumping and dancing in joy and praise. The night was made extra special by the unique adoration experience. Another concert that I remember fondly is the one by Fr Stan Fortuna, at the Sydney Opera House. Although I dont have a personal liking for rap or hip hop music, I bopped along to the beats, and by the end of the night I found that I was actually enjoying myself.

Moving on to the talks, the one that I simply have to mention is Theology On Tap in Parramatta. Aside from being locked in a mall for the first time in my life, drinking cheap Guinness and meeting a celebrity (I met Peter Harvey and he asked me whether I wanted to take a picture with him) , the topic of the night - Leading a double life will lead to self-destruction- challenged me to grow in my faith by living it daily and proudly.

Besides the youth festival events, pilgrims participated in cathechesis for three mornings. For me, I would say the wisdom of the preachings during cathechesis do not present itself immediately, rather, the words materialize days later, perhaps even weeks, months or years later.

Finally, just the atmosphere of world youth day made the experience such a memorable one, be it the friendly smiles, chit-chat whilst queuing or traveling, chanting in the streets, etc. Sometimes, we ask God for signs and miracles. At wyd, the circadian sunset, the people singing and/or laughing next to us in the train amongst so many other little and great things - each wonderful in their own right-, was His reply.

Looking back at the photos, I reminisce about the joy and spirit of world youth day. Looking forward, I eagerly await WYD 2011 in Madrid. Meanwhile I can only pray that my faith will grow stronger than yesterday but less than tomorrow. "Jesus said, 'Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.'", Matthew 18:20. So imagine, what of 200,000 gathered in His name.

Hobart's World Youth Day 2008 Reflection

God is not great . "Why religion poisons everything" reads the sub-heading . The fact that the author of this international best-seller is hailed as one of the bright intellectuals of our time saddens me . Then as i returned to Canberra , i sat at a table where they discussed how World Youth Day was such an impediment to Sydney's economy , to the flow of public transport , and not forgetting to mention , to their peace and harmony . I was silenced as i listened . But i shall come back to that later .

223,000 pilgrims ; 110,000 from 170 nations - that's only 34 shy of the Olympics .

Anyone who wasn't there can only attempt to imagine what those statistics mean - identifying at least one fellow pilgrim (by their flaming backpacks) everywhere we went (especially at McDonalds pit stops) . And that's just the least of it .

Every event was accompanied by an ever jovial crowd with voices that never failed to cheer and sing as we spread our love along the streets . I can still vividly remember the chants as if i was still there ; language never proved to be a barrier when we spoke the lingua franca of one faith .

Although i did not personally encounter any of the rumored protesters (apart from receiving one of the Chick booklets) , i'd like to think that it was because i probably missed them by the grace of God or perhaps i was so constantly absorbed in the atmosphere that i simply didn't notice them . The overflow of theological discussions and concerts only contributed to this effect .

Even our very first session of catechism had prompted me to return to confession . That was the third time in my life i had entered the box . But i daresay that i have been inspired to revisit such a comforting act more frequently . Perhaps next time a priest asks me when my last confession was , i will be able to provide a little bewilderment and perhaps put a smile on his face when i say "yesterday" .

Admittedly , because i seem to be too preoccupied with organizing myself to attend as many of these events as possible , i initially felt as though there was a lack of spiritual encounter in my experience . Or at least , to a lesser extent of what i had anticipated following the build-up from the Days of the Diocese .

But as i reminisced over the hundreds of photos i took , i began to laugh to myself , wondering how i missed what i had . Throughout the week i was there , through all the seemingly aimless walking around , through all the early mornings and late nights , roughing it out in sleeping bags and train rides , the shower worries and bad curries , the masses and adorations , and through all the events to the gruelling pilgrimage to randwick and the final mass with our beloved Pope , i cannot help but feel blessed with the all the little fortunate happenings that filled my days but one in particular - the company i had .

As i look at the smiles (random or otherwise) that are littered everywhere on my photo album(s) , that is where i discover an unmistakable conviction that the Holy Spirit was and is present . As we heard , miracles happen when the Holy Spirit is present .

Where else can one find a more unified crowd of such color and diversity and more importantly , one body which celebrates life with so much vigor than this ? And motivated , i might add , without any alcohol or drugs , but rather by something illusive-ly simple as faith ?

If that isn’t amazing enough , where else can you find such a crowd which is also capable of transitioning from such jubilation into complete silent prayer and adoration the next minute ?

Returning to my opening disappointment , i feel for those who cannot and/or are unwilling to experience and/or understand before criticizing . But i recall the theme of World Youth Day - "When the Holy Spirit has come upon you , you will be filled with power ; and you will be my witnesses" (Acts 1:8) . And so with such an enriching experience for support , i find the courage to continue spreading the message with the testimony of my life by surrendering it to Him and further this with a promise to let Him lead me to be a bold witness for the rest of my days and to share and pray that our secular world awakens to the understanding of what the Holy Spirit has to offer and fulfill .

What have you done today to be His witness ?

Bernice's World Youth Day 2008 Reflection

When I first heard about WYD, it was the one held in Germany and I thought it sounded really cool. I thought to myself, I wouldn't mind going, I get to meet lots of people and get to see new places but I couldn't go at that time, unfortunately. So, when I heard that WYD 2008 was going to be held in sydney, somewhere so near to me, I was excited and was absolutely sure I wanted to go. But I now realise i wanted to go for the wrong reasons. I wanted to go just for fun. I wasn't really intending on learning more about my faith. It was more about the fun for me as I felt spiritually dry at that time.

However, after having gone to WYD, i felt this energy and this hope that I haven't felt for a very long time. I feel rejuvenated. I not only had so much fun, I learnt so much too. About my faith and about God's love for me. My pilgrimage to the St. Mary's Cathedral was the most memorable for me. I felt that peace that I have not felt in a while. Although the wait was long, I really believe that it was worth it.

Overall, it was an amazing experience, one that I would never trade and I will never regret my decision in going. It was all worth it, the Catechesis session, the youth festivals, masses and also the opportunity to see the pope and be in his presence. And just being there, sharing all these with people all around the world who share the same faith, who although live completely different lives, have that one thing in common that binds them all together. The Catholic faith. And to know that we are not alone in our journey of faith, our journey to God, to know that there are soo many people out there in the world who are also walking with us in this journey, it is just amazing.

I feel that WYD 2008 has helped me grow in a lot of ways, particularly in my spiritual life. And I would definitely go again in three years! See you in Spain! =)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Food and Games Day

Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.

And so, I felt that the new friendships formed on that day will continue to grow even stronger as it was all part of God's plan. I have to say that last Friday went pretty well and it was especially fulfilling as the new members became an addition to our family growing together in faith. The evening started off with the games which brought out the gales of laughter within everyone as the initial shyness gradually faded away. It was lots of fun, as you can see from the pictures above. Then of course, it was dinner time and who can say no to free food? -especially when we're all so hungry from the cold (accelerated metabolism rate).

Also, not forgetting the main reason of our club, we also arranged for a short session of Praise and Worship after.

The night felt like it ended pretty quick and we definitely cannot wait to see everyone again! If there are any others out there who missed out, do not worry as we will always look forward to welcoming you =)

A note from Donna:
There is no official photographer for COSDU and if there are any of you who are interested in sharing your photos or even helping us out with taking the pictures, please send us your photos

Thank you!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sessions Lineup for 2008 Sem 2

Week 1
Date: 1st August 2008
Activity: Food & Games Day
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm

Week 2

Date: 8th August 2008
Activity: Welcome Mass for the new members
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 3

Date: 15th August 2008
Activity: "Prayer"- by Angela

  • Understanding what prayer is
  • The idea of praying with others
  • Introducing the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm

Week 4

Date: 22nd August 2008
Activity: "i-Bible"

  • How to incorporate the use of the Bible with technology
  • Introduce the practice of daily reflections
  • Bible sharing in small groups
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30 pm
Week 5
Date: 29th August 2008

Activity: ''Confession'' by Fr. Robin Koning

  • Learning about the history of how the sacrament of Reconciliation came about
  • Understanding how important the Sacrament of Reconciliation is
  • Allow time for reflection and confession
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm

Week 6

Date: 5th September 2008

Activity: 'Mass'

Venue: St. Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30pm
Week 7
Date: 12th September 2008


Week 8
Date: 19th September 2008
Activity: Love vs. Lust
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30 pm

2 week break - Sports Day!!! on the 20th of September

Week 9

Date: 10th October 2008

Activity: Mass

Venue: St. Carthage's (along Royal Parade)

Time: 6.30pm

Week 10

Date: 17th October 2008

"The Beauty of the Eucharist"
  • Invite a priest to talk about the Sacrament of the Eucharist
  • Why is receiving Holy Communion so important to our spiritual lives?
  • Why do we have adoration?
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm

Week 11
Date: 24th October 2008

Activity: Social Justice

Venue: Chaplaincy

Time: 6.30 pm
Week 12
Date: 31st October
Activity: Examination Mass
Venue: St. Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hey everyone!

The holidays are nearing to an end and it will be back to uni for most of us. What better way to start of the first week of uni than a warm and welcoming Food and Games Day? Even if you haven't signed up, you can still come and hang out with us. We will be more than happy to see you there. Well, here are the details:

Food and Games Day
Date: 1st of August, Friday
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: Chaplaincy

If you do not know where that is, do not worry as there will be some of us waiting for you in front of the Sidney Myer building (opposite tram stop) at 6pm to bring you there! You can use this opportunity to meet the other new members as well.

Please rsvp and if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me (Audrey) at 0430385525 or you can email us at

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Exams: Prayers

If you want your name to be in the prayer calendar, let Audrey or me know! Or just email with your exam dates.

Additional Prayers
St. Thomas Aquinas' Prayer for Students
O Mary, Mother of enchanting love, of fear, of knowledge, of holy hope, through Whose pious intercession many make admirable progress in studies and piety despite crudeness of understanding, I choose Thee as protectress and patroness of my studies. Humbly I implore Thee that, from the heart of Thy maternal pity, and principally from the Eternal Wisdom that deigned to take on our flesh in Thee, and that exalted Thee in heavenly light above all the saints, Thou obtain grace from the Holy Ghost for me so that I might be able to penetrate with my understanding, retain in my memory, express by my life and words, and teach to others all that brings honor to Thee and Thy divine Son, likewise to the advantage of my eternal joy and that of all men. So be it.

O Blessed Thomas, Patron of Schools,
Obtain for us from God
An Invincible Faith,
A Burning Charity,
A Chaste Life,
And True Knowledge
Through Christ Our Lord.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino for Students

O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favored by God in the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and aid my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom. Help me especially in the decisive moments of examination, protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often accompany them, so that I may grow in knowledge, love, and service of God from Whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. Amen.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

COSDU Committee 2008-2009

President Amanda Johan
Vice President Jessica Tan
Secretary Donna Yeo
Treasurer William Lim
Social Justice Coordinator Anastasia Agusto
Sessions Coordinator Angela Liew
Liturgy Coordinator Janan Lee
Music Coordinator Bernice Lim
Publicity Coordinator Audrey Teh
Social Activities Coordinator Hilary Heah

Monday, April 28, 2008

President Portfolio 2007-2008

So you wanna know what does the role of the President entail?

It was indeed a blessing in disguise that I was COSDU’s Liturgy Coordinator 2 yrs back. Throughout my term then, I was able to watch and see how my President carried out her duties and the responsibilities she had to bare.

Over the year as President, there were many times I could just look up and thank God for all the blessings He had showered on to this small church called COSDU. There were also times when I just wondered, why I agreed to put myself as a target in a shooting range. Let me assure you, the positive outcomes out weighed the negative.

The role of a president is not at all how it is perceived as - Trump in Apprentice. It is a role that requires serious commitments, honesty and discipline. When I was elected into office, I must say that I was not prepared with those attributes but I had two other things that I guess carried me through - Faith and Hope. Being in 4th Yr of Architecture (just two weeks before taking up the position, I was given a warning by the Ass.Dean that I was gonna fail a subject), doing part time barista work and doing a host of volunteer work, it looked like I was mad to take up the post. I did not dare tell my parents. Today, I am in 5th Yr of Archi (I passed everything in 4th Yr), doing a heavier part time work, more volunteer work and all seems well. My point in telling you this is to assure you that with dedication and will power, you can take up this role besides having a heavy schedule. If there is a will, there is a way.

I normally don’t see a reason in telling people what I do because I strongly feel in serving God, we should do things willingly, it is the opposite in the office, where you have to hype things up with the hope of getting an increment. My only reason in highlighting my contribution to COSDU is so that it roughly gives you an idea of what is expected of a president. Firstly, I told my committee, that 5 hours of my time every week is dedicated to COSDU, this is excluding the Friday meet ups. Most of the time, 5 hours was too much. I also prepared and chaired monthly Comm Meetings, kept in touch with comm members to check on their well-being, speaking to many people of different standings in church and also in uni to promote the existence of COSDU, being Group Leader for COSDU-WYD, organizing transport for WYD.

Let me assure you that I am in no way claiming that I am perfect or anywhere near it. The support of a united committee made things much easier.

As I write this, I am reminded of the Gospel on Monday (John 10:11-18) after Good Shepherd Sunday where we are reminded to keep an eye on our friends. You do not need to be President to carry out what the Gospel challenges us to do but with this role, you will be able to reach out to more people and you will also be able to set the path for the other members to reach out. This is something that COSDU has been doing for 21 years and I strongly feel it is time that COSDU should come out of its comfort zone and reach out to the wider mass.

Have you actually prayed about God’s calling for you with regards to COSDU?
Are you afraid of the commitment?

Please find below the Gospel reading meant for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Easter.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit,
and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.
You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
unless it remains on the vine,
so neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,
because without me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
will be thrown out like a branch and wither;
people will gather them and throw them into a fire
and they will be burned.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.
By this is my Father glorified,
that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”

Be not afraid to answer God’s calling for you as He clearly states the He will be there for you as long as you remain with Him. Just as the branch bears fruit, it still gets pruned so that there will be a bigger outcome.

May I encourage you to pray and ask God to show you the way, and by His grace you will find comfort in whatever path He leads you to. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me and we can chat this over.

Kind regards,

Vice President Portfolio 2007-2008

“To be the vice president is to be the Jack-of-all-traits of COSDU’s committee.”
–Sr. Theresa, International Chaplain (2002-2007)

This certainly does not mean that the vice president has to own a huge stash of ‘abilities’ stored in his or her mind like the RPG games we play in our PC and PS. It simply means that the vice president has the privilege to contribute to COSDU in very diverse ways. Naturally, this revolves around liaising with other committee members and whenever possible, assisting them in their respective ministries.

To me, being a vice president is just that. Despite the fact that all the other ministries have their own distinct role in ensuring the smooth running of COSDU, and that the vice president’s role is often limited to accomplishing subtle tasks, I always find being the vice president of COSDU very self-fulfilling.

Here are some of the things that I did which the incoming VP can consider exploring-

Keeping and updating COSDU’s inventory and making sure that all COSDU’s belongings, when possible, are kept in the allocated cupboard of chaplaincy’s utility room. I also communicated with the session’s coordinator about the list of items needed for each session and strived to ensure that the items were prepared and available on time for the weekly sessions (this is one of the customary roles of the VP).

The incoming VP can also consider conducting one or two sessions for the community. Last year, I conducted a session on ‘Apologetics’. This could not have been possible without the support, understanding, and encouragement of my fellow committee members and the accommodating COSDU community. Hopefully the session served its purpose in stirring our will in protecting and justifying our faith as well as in encouraging us to learn more of our own faith.

In addition, I was in charged of finding an appropriate company for the printing of COSDU’s latest T-shirts and was kindly assisted by my fellow committee members, Jess and Janan. The task of finding an appropriate design for COSDU’s t-shirt was not easy. The committee members brainstormed several designs but finally decided to let the community themselves contribute in designing their own COSDU t-shirt. After asking around, our very own COSDU members, Clara and Nicholas, kindly agreed to design the t-shirt prints, which are what we see in our new COSDU t-shirts today.

Another customary role of the VP is to undertake a short course on ‘Food and Safety Handling’ and obtain the certificate required to permit COSDUANS to prepare their own food during events or sessions. This indirectly enables COSDU to receive various grants for the food bought.

Of course, being the vice president has its own ups and downs. For me, not having a substantial and set in stone role can sometimes make me feel dubious in relations to the extent of my contributions to COSDU. However, I personally believe that the little things that we do on our part can go a long, long way in making the world a better place to live in, or in this case, making COSDU a place where we can grow and nourish our thirsting souls - a true ‘home away from home’.

For my fellow committee members (you know who you are), I KNOW I’ve told you this and that this is going to be redundant but it’s good to cement it onto the blog so that whenever you feel unloved, just visit the blog and read this (laugh)…Thanks, thanks, and thanks so much for all we've been through, and for taking the first steps as COSDU’s committee members together with me. You were all there with me for my first experience as a COSDU committee member. I really enjoy each and every one of your company. Oftentimes, I find myself musing the silly and unique things about each one of us, and every so often, I find myself chuckling in response to those fascinating recollections. I hold every one so of you dear to me. So, too bad guys, guess you'll have to hang around in my mind for the rest of my life, haha ;D Thanks for being part of my life, you are truly my blessings.

To the incoming officer, I am here for you if you need me. Do your best in all you do and I’m sure you’ll do just fine as COSDU’s VP =) Cheers and God bless to all!


Secretary Portfolio 2007-2008

I am really grateful that I have been given the opportunity to be part of the committee. Previously, I was just another sporadic member of COSDU; I just come as and when most convenient for me. I was not as dedicated as today. I really enjoy the friendship, fun and laughter that COSDU has brought to my life. It has been a wonderful experience to be part of a close community.

Being a secretary requires you to be a leader as well. You are supporting the whole committee and you are also someone whom other committee turn to when they have questions. It is like you are a walking encyclopaedia, who has the answer to everything. You are also the one person who will drag the whole committee back to reality, you are like this ringing bell who will constantly remind everyone of things that are left undone.

There are so many things that you will learn by being a secretary;
1. Organisational skills
I guess this is the most important skill that will make a secretary, a successful and efficient secretary. You don’t have to be an organised person by nature; this is something that can be learned. Good time management is a bonus too.
2. Communication skills
As a student, I have never really liked English or other humanities subjects. I am more of a Maths person. However, being a secretary requires me to liaise with UMSU, MUOSS, St Mary’s and other various parties. Letters and invitations have to be written. You learn how to please the various bodies and accept rejections too. It can get difficult sometimes as not all correspondence is nice.
3. People & Social skills
Managing an organisation is not an easy task, but it is a very rewarding experience. You learn how to compromise and take initiative. People can be difficult sometimes, not everyone is in the same frequency as you. You cannot expect everyone to understand your rationale. It can be frustrating but you have to realise that conflicts are good too. I guess the most important lesson I have learnt is that no matter how much you’ve planned, some things are just beyond your control. You just have to trust your team and let them do their work with liberty.
4. Problem Solving skills
Problems will arise; you cannot run away from it. In fact, ignoring it and hoping that it will be forgotten is a bad idea. Always try to solve whatever problems or issues that come up. Creativity is a plus point as you need to be a quick thinker. The goal: trying to make most people happy. You cannot please everyone but it is still possible to make everyone satisfied and happy.
5. Basic Legal knowledge
This is where the ‘paper work’ term comes in. UMSU requires us to fill in a lot of forms. I guess it is a form of formality. I never knew that there are so many indemnity forms to be filled in. There are rules to everything. Revising the constitution and reporting it to UMSU is also part of the job. You need to be well-updated and in touch with the current issues.

I believe all of these skills will be useful to everyone of any profession. I certainly appreciate all the skills that I have learned. They will come in handy as I progress into working life as these are skills that cannot be learned by studying. They are just part of the survival skills that are essential to survive in today’s society.

Honestly, I have grown as an individual. I am not sure about others but I feel that I have matured. I have grown wiser. I am now more willing and not afraid to take initiative; and open to criticisms too. I have learned to compromise and I amazed myself by being able to juggle study, work and serving COSDU all at once.

My advice to those who are still procrastinating, whether to run for office position (not only for secretary post); is to listen and follow your heart. Never ever force yourself to take up an office position just because your friends elected you. You have to be passionate of what you do. You need to reassure and convince yourself that you are capable of great things; you are committed and willing to make sacrifices and be part of the committee. Like it or not, sacrifices have to be made. My opinion, a good office bearer is someone who understands the meaning of commitment, sacrifice, responsibility and initiative.

I hope this reflection has not discouraged anyone from taking up the secretarial post. Thank you for the experience and lessons that I have learned.



Treasurer Portfolio 2007-2008

“Show me the money!” Jerry Maguire. =)

3rd May 2007, was the day my life changed, I was elected as the treasurer of COSDU. When the returning officer announced that I had actually won the elections as treasurer, I felt a sudden rush of excitement and joy to think that the members of COSDU actually voted for me and entrusted me with this position really made me happy.
Honestly I was actually very scared and nervous before AGM, I was scared of losing, but I thought to myself, I shouldn’t be scared of losing because I am running to serve god and not just running for myself and if I end up losing, it doesn’t mean I am not worthy but it will just mean that it was not the time to run. However what gave me the confidence and courage to still run was a calling from god and my love for COSDU that really kept me focused. I really just wanted to serve and be a part of COSDU to help it be successful, to help it grow and mature in faith and bring everybody together.

Before taking up this role, I have to admit that I was quite scared, as I didn’t have an accounting background and I was going to deal with money!!!!! MONEY!!! That’s an exciting yet scary word.

The only accounting background I had is back in high school with a subject called “kemahiran hidup”. A direct translation in English would be “life knowledge” subject.

However, throughout my high school years, I always had an interest in accounting and with my passion for helping the less fortunate, I just wanted to challenge myself and take up the position to help COSDU in making more money =) and of course to raise funds to help the less fortunate and the church.

So comes the question:

· The treasurer is ultimately responsible for ensuring the finances of the club are well organized and managed effectively through a specific bank account.

Managing Income
· Invoicing and collecting receipts and all money owed to the club
· Ensuring that all cash and cheques are deposited promptly in the bank
· Issuing receipts for all money received and recording this information

Managing expenditure
· Paying bills and recording information


A treasurer should have:
· Adequate time to perform their role
· Enthusiasm
· Good organizational skills
· Good communication skills
· Honesty and Integrity
· An ability to keep records
· An ability to handle money and cheques carefully
· A good eye for detail
· Confidence with numbers

Besides that, a treasurer also has to deal with UMSU on the grants, set the budget for events, attend UMSU/ MUOSS meetings and also organize fundraising activities for COSDU.

Being a treasurer and being a part of COSDU during this past year have really taught me to grow and mature as a person. It has also taught me to work in a team as well as to lead. I must say we did have our ups and downs but it was all worthwhile. Being a part of the COSDU committee has really been very enjoyable and fulfilling and it has been a great pleasure working with each and everyone. Honestly, life without COSDU would really be dull as it is my family away from home.

To those thinking of running for a committee position, remember to run because you want to serve GOD. It is not just about doing your own job, but it is about helping each other and supporting them in accordance to your capability. Therefore, whichever role you choose doesn’t really matter because everybody is in this together and your main focus is to grow in faith and help COSDU grow.

During my term as treasurer, I achieved my goal by organizing the “movie ticket” fundraising, to be able to give back to the society. I must say that there are many other things I would like to do as a treasurer but failed to do so. I would therefore like to challenge the next treasurer to do greater things not just so the group can afford to spend on materialistic things but to actually give back to the church and society. Life doesn’t revolve around us and it definitely isn’t just about money either. Life is about Love and when we love one another that is when we can truly call ourselves followers of Jesus.

God bless
Jess… =))

Sessions Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

Wow, as cliché as it sounds, time does fly by oh so quickly. A year ago, I never thought of running for this position as I felt that I would have difficulties coping with the additional workload. Also, there was this preconception that this role requires a vast knowledge of the Church and its teachings. However, after some discussion, much pondering, coupled with praying, I decided to contest for this position. Now, one year later, I can say with great conviction that I truly enjoyed my work as a session coordinator and the time spent in the committee.

Sessions are a major aspect of COSDU and the role of the session coordinator is to determine the content of the weekly sessions. This may seem overwhelming initially but really, it’s very manageable. A few tips that I have learnt from my predecessors and some that I’ve picked up along the way may be useful to those who are thinking about running for this role.

Start planning early!
Decide upon the theme (if u wish to have one) for the semester, come up with topics & find relevant speakers (if applicable) during the holidays. That way, u can have more time when semester starts.
Prepare your speakers!
Give them advanced notice and remind them about their sessions. Speakers can be busy at times and it’s important to keep them informed.
Seek help!
There are always people around to help u if u need it. Talk to our spiritual advisors (Sr. Delma & Fr McKenna) if u need ideas for sessions. Get aid from ur committee in preparing logistics for sessions. Speak to cosdu to get feedback on sessions. And of coz, feel free to approach myself or any previous session coordinator.

An important point to note is ur role in the committee is not simply overseeing sessions. The committee functions effectively when each member strives to do more than what their portfolio describes. A vital focus is also to keep in mind the motto of COSDU: a family away from home, growing together with Christ. God is the center of our community and the desire to serve with love is our action.

It is always satisfying at the end of each session for me. Talking to cosdu and finding out how they felt about it. There are hits and also misses, but everyone does gain something out of each session.

There are countless fond memories I have of COSDU and many of them occurred while serving the community. Our committee was a very chapalang/rojak mix but that made it interesting as we bonded through time, either via good or bad ones. I love the committee that I’m in and I truly thank each one of them for the joy they brought me.

That said, I’m indeed excited about the new era/generation of COSDU. With WYD coming up, I have a positive feeling that it will be an exciting year ahead for COSDU. Therefore, the challenge for the committee would be to catch the wave… and ride it. In particular, for those considering the position of session coordinator, I encourage u to spend some time pondering and praying over it. I also challenge the incoming coordinator to continually bring cosdu to greater heights in spiritual growth. :)

wah, I’m really getting old and long-winded sia. Better not say so much oredi. Anw, to the new session coordinator: me will have a nice long chat during the handover. Heh heh heh…
This year’s AGM better be more exciting than last year’s..

Okay, good luck! tata…adios.... ciao.. sayonara.. peace out..

Liturgy Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

The duty of Liturgy Coordinator is to prepare Mass. This includes:
- Get a priest
- Get readings for Mass
- Get readers and volunteers
- Set up the altar for Mass
- Assist Father during Mass

Being the Liturgy Coordinator was not as easy as I thought. At the beginning, I did not have any contact with priests and I did not know who to invite. Fortunately, with the help of the previous Liturgy Coordinator and President, Ramesh, and previous chaplain, Sr. Theresa, I was able to obtain a list of contact details of priests.

Before I became the Liturgy Coordinator, I thought it would be easy to get a priest as priests are usually nice and always willing to help when people ask for help. It is true that priests are nice and all the priests that I have contacted with are most willing to celebrate Mass with us. However, sometimes priests are busy too. They may not be available to celebrate Mass with us on the day we want. So I actually need to look for priest. I will advise my successor to allow sufficient time for him/herself to get a priest.

I also thought that COSDU members were more willing to be readers for Mass. Later I found out that not everyone wanted to be reader nor they would like to sing in front of other people. This made it harder to find different readers for every Mass. Again, I would advise my successor to prepare for Mass earlier.

Preparing for Mass is not a problem if I do it earlier. I feel lucky and glad that there are usually more people come to Mass than I expect. I do not need to worry about lack of participants at Mass. However, I may worry about insufficient booklets. Even though I have made a lot of mistakes as a Liturgy Coordinator, I have tried my best. Thank you for everyone who has helped me and I have learnt a lot since I had no experience as an altar boy until I became Liturgy Coordinator.

All the best to the next committee, especially the next Liturgy Coordinator, and I hope to see more different priests celebrating Mass with COSDU in the future.

Music Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

The role of a music coordinator is to act as a mentor and leader to guide and lead the group in all music related aspects of COSDU in the course of his/her duty. It is his/her responsibility to prepare appropriate songs/hymns for Mass as well as for praise and worship sessions. The Music Coordinator will get the readings from the Liturgy Coordinator to aid in his/her preparation for songs/hymns choices.

Having a good leadership quality is essential and imperative to achieve group cohesion, unity and control. The primary role is to lead and be in control of situations at all times. In order to gain a successful and fruitful practice session, early planning and preparation for each session and giving sufficient notice to musicians and singers for practice dates are compulsory. He/she also needs to arrange and organise reasonable number and duration of practices to ensure a smooth flow of deliverance for the events. He/she will aim to encourage more members to be part of the music group. In accordance to that goal, it is the duty of the music coordinator to teach and guide the musicians in the style of performance and playing.

Music coordinator also needs to fuse authority with musicians’ views. It is necessary to create a safe and friendly environment for members to voice their comments and ideas, in a constructive and respectful manner. Feedbacks will be taken into consideration and new ideas explored. Upon deliberation, the music coordinator, bearing the role of a leader, will emerge with a final decision.

Music coordinator also acts as a facilitator to members in the group. He/she needs to nurture members’ interest in music and strive to build members’ self esteem and confidence in performance. By providing a supportive, motivating and a stable framework, it will encourage members’ ownership of performance and an increased level of group commitment.

The music sessions should be one that aims to be people friendly, fun and enjoyable for everyone to attend and bond. It should be an avenue where members come to bond and build upon stronger relationships with one another and to grow in faith and love together.

Publicity Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

Synthesis of Publicita Coordinata
More than a year ago, I joined COSDU, and after Easter Camp, COSDU was becoming more homely and warm day by day, and I wanted to serve God by serving COSDU. So I decided to run for the position of Treasurer at AGM. No other positions really appealed to me, and so I never considered any other alternatives. Until AGM that day. One way or another, I found myself with the position of Publicity Coordinator.

The aim of this role is to publicise COSDU and to publicise God, to members within and people out of COSDU. It is making known to others about COSDU as a platform towards love, friendship and support. The objectives include increasing the number of COSDUans, making the newbies feel welcomed, informing on COSDU events, and encouraging people to go for it. Publicising God entails all these plus the effort to make and maintain friendships with all indiscriminately.

1) Send emails that are informative, attention seeking, yet concise. Emails must be punctual to allow time for members to plan ahead. Emails must always be in a positive tone and bring a positive message.

2) Maintain the blog. Information on the blog includes our history, our session programmes, links, pictures, current updates on events and sessions, and write ups on our activities. Blog audience includes those who cannot be bothered to check my emails, those whose emails are lost in their inbox, those not on our mailing list, or those who do not remember details from emails but do so from the blog. The blog should be informative, attention seeking, and can be long winded.

3) Work closely with the Socialia Activita Coordinata, on the major events such as Scavenger Hunt and Sports Day, especially regarding getting sufficient numbers. This is where Publicity kicks in.

4) Orientation. Getting numbers for COSDU in general. Setting up the booth and getting as many current members to help and participate in expanding our gang.

5) Exam Prayer Calendar. Once the exam timetable is out (this week..), everyone's exam dates should be collected and tabulated into a calendar so that we can all pray for each other.

6) The Committeeed Member. Being a member of the comm, regardless of post, race and religion, means that we should work closely with each other, support each other out of our own portfolios, and strive for greater bonding, fellowship, unity and faith to make things happen.

Results and Discussion
Fulfilment in achieving the aims I set myself out with, which includes getting sufficient numbers for this sem. Seeing the vibrancy of our current members make me feel happy and youthful (but elderly in comparison..) and full of hope for COSDU's future. I am really glad to have had the chance to be in this committee. Working for COSDU with them gave me closer friendships and a greater attachment to this family than I ever imagined. We've not only have had fun but lots of ups and downs as well, which makes it all the more memorable and to be cherished.

From the start I've thought myself as shy and not sociable (but now that I'm writing this that statement can hardly be convincing), so taking on the role of the Public Relations Officer of the COSDU corporation seemed daunting. The first thing I did was to define what Publicity Coord meant, and that is clearly stated in the Aims. My first step involved overcoming fears to type emails (which is equivalent to electronic mass speaking) and writing blog posts to a seemingly wide audience, and to be confident in doing so in my own style. I had to learn the ropes of how gmail works, the intricacies of our current blog layout, the convenience of flickr and its slide shows. I learnt that uploading and desizing hobart's pictures takes a lot of time, but are worth the effort in every while when you see them speaking thousands of words. I've had to learn punctuality in sending out emails in time, posting on the blog asap, and in arriving for comm meetings and COSDU events. I learn that orgainizing events and liasing with people are nothing to frightened of; that reaching out and talking to people and creating conversations come with practice and a genuine self to want to know a person who is in God's image. These are some of the few challenges that I faced.

My point being, don't be afraid of running for any position. You may not feel you have any of the characteristics required for a certain position, but as long as you are serious about doing your best, are open to learning the ropes, and have the time and discipline to commit to this job, synthesis of Publicita Coordinata should yield a high percentage. And don't forget that you should always communicate and run to your comm for help, just as they can when they need you. On a side note, just make sure your president finds his own PA from outside the comm.

Social Activities Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

One year has gone past, but a year wiser nevertheless. In May 2007, I was given the chance by the COSDU members to act as the Social Activities Coordinator and it was one wild roller coaster ride. Fast, scary, but fun. During my term, I learnt to have a balance between being a student as well as a committed committee member. Why, you might ask would I want to put more pressure on myself? Isn’t studying hard enough? Paradoxically, the answer is yes and no. Yes, studying is hard, and no, it will never be hard enough to stop me from serving COSDU who has done so much to enrich my life.

As for my experience as a maturing person, I learnt a few things although not everything was rosy and sweet. The one thing that I found out about being a committee member is that you have to be much more sensitive to how others feel and what you may do with good intention might not be perceived that way. I would not trade that whole experience for anything and neither should you. Learning to be sensitive to other’s feelings, having your eyes opened to things that you previously took for granted, and in the mean time growing together as an individual and as a team doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

COSDU has given me bonds of friendship that I will treasure forever and most importantly, growing as Christians together. Me being a Methodist, I gained an insight on the Catholic theology and was never pressured nor threatened by the wonderful COSDU members. Personally, I grew spiritually, reaffirming my faith and breaking down pre-conceived ideas about the Catholic faith and other religions in general. So the question is not why would you want to serve COSDU, but why wouldn’t you?

As the Social Activities Coordinator (SAC) implies, one of your main tasks are to organize major events such as Sports Day, Scavenger Hunt and the weekly dinner avenue. On top of that, you will be helping on other major events like Night Market and Festival of Nations. Committee meetings will be held occasionally and you (or any other committee member in fact) will be expected to attend it. Why? It’s because COSDU’s future are in your and your committee’s hands. With great powers come great responsibilities. Abusing your powers or neglecting your responsibilities is not a very good way of showing your appreciation to COSDU.

Of all the challenges I faced, its funny that I found the booking of the weekly dinner avenue the most challenging. I was constantly stressed when I booked a restaurant and people say it’s too far. When it’s closer by, they say it doesn’t taste good or why we’re going there again; all that with a constant voice at the back of my head urging me to keep on challenging the members’ taste buds. Besides that, organizing events was just pure fun except from the fact I couldn’t participate in them…sigh. The highlight for me was Sports Day which I helped organized. There were logistics like where the event would be held, food and drinks, medical kits, official forms to fill up and last but not least, team member distribution. Thinking up games was also a challenge. There was a debate whether to introduce a complete set of new games or stick to the used but popular ones. In the end, there was a mixture of old and new and it turned out alright with some help from other members.

The only one thing I regret not accomplishing in my term as SAC is not being able to bring the COSDU members for a bushwalk, even if it’s just a day trip. I had a hard time finding a walk that was short enough or cheap enough in terms of transportation. In that, I regret not being able to bring COSDU as a family, experiencing together the beautiful exquisite delights that God has created and still creating. With that, I would like to challenge the next SAC to bring my dreams to reality by realizing it in your term to come.

The whole organizing and planning experience was extremely rewarding with a sense of achievement. For all who are interested in running for SAC, remember, becoming a committee member means one is to serve the COSDU community for the better good and not for one’s own self interest. For Jesus once said, one will be a leader when one serves the people and the Lord. Come serve the Lord. Come serve COSDU.

Sexuality Links and Resources

Fr Robin sent us an email following-up on the session of 'Sexuality', containing links and resources that we might like to refer to, and they are below:

Natural Family Planning and Contraception
Billing Ovulation Method:
Couple to Couple league:
One more soul:
(On this site you can listen to a very good mp3 presentation by Dr Janet Smith: "Contraception: Why Not?" Well worth listening to)

Youtube videos:

David Morrison Beyond Gay One man's journey from gay activism to Catholicism. A summary version of Morrison's story can be found at:
Jeffrey Satinover Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth
Thomas Schmidt Straight and Narrow: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexual Debate


Evangelism and Night Market 08

Our first session after coming back from Easter Camp was held in the Alan Gilbert Building, our first there as well. It was on the topic of 'Evangelism'. James Macdonald brought us into discussion on what Evangelism meant to us, and shared with us some of his experiences of doing God's work. We explored what loving all people meant, and how it was possible to love without even knowing that person. We analysed why we want to Evangelise, how it helps us, and how we think we should go about it. This session highlighted Evangelism as being part of our lives and our love for God, and reminded us of the importance of it.

Following that, we trooped down to Uni for dinner: Night Market! Stalls set up by the clubs and societies of Melbourne Uni sold food and drinks, and we had a ball of time looking out for our favourite cuisines. And how could COSDU not have a stall? The churros and chocolate dip we churned out sold out before half-time, thought the gado gado did not do as well. Nevertheless, we all enjoyed ourselves, especially those who helped out in setting up the stall, cooking and serving. Kudos to them for making our sales!

For pics, turn to Hobart's blog here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sessions Lineup 2008 Sem 1

Week 1
Date: 7 March 2008
Activity: Food & Games Day
Time: 6.30pm

Week 2
Date: 14 March 2008
Activity: Welcome Mass - Bishop Tim Costelloe & Fr. McKenna
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 3
Date: 20 March 2008
Activity: Maundy Thursday - Washing of the Feet
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.00pm

Easter Week - Easter Camp

Week 4
Date: 4 April 2008
Activity: Mass
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 5
Date: 11 April 2008
Activity: 'Evangelism' by James McDonald
Venue: Alan Gilbert Building
Time: 6.10pm

Week 6
Date: 18 April 2008
Activity: 'Sexuality' by Fr. Robin Konning
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.10pm

Week 7
Date: 2 May 2008
Activity: Mass
Venue: All Saints Parish (Fitzroy)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 8
Date: 9 May 2008
Activity: Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Venue: Alan Gilbert Building
Time: 6.10pm

Week 9
Date: 16 May 2008
Activity: 'Our Blessed Virgin Mary' by Fr. Paul Newton
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm

Week 10
Date: 23 May 2008
Activity: 'Social Justice' by Sr. Delma
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.10pm

Week 11
Date: 30 May 2008
Activity: Examination Mass
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Welcome Mass 2008

Welcome Mass
14 Mar 2008
St Carthage's
Bishop Tim Constelloe & Fr .Michael McKenna

Yes the Bishop is co-celebrating this Mass for us! So do be early and not let him wait. St Carthage's is along Royal Parade Rd up North, and for the benefit of those who are new, we'll have people waiting outside Sidney Myer at 6pm. Rsvp Nicole at or at 0430454777, esp if you're gonna be late.

To all who have not filled out the registration forms (yes including us oldies), bring a membership fee of $5 for non-student union members or $2.50 for student union members, as well as $17 for a t-shirt if you want one!

Ooh and check out the links for World Youth Day and Easter Camp on the right.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Food & Games Day

They say the greatest treasure anyone can will ever find is a friend .

In C.O.S.D.U. , we don't just stop there ; we offer family .

And if there is one other thing we know (besides our faith) , it's food . So in the spirit of kinship , we , all members (ancient and new) gathered on our usual Friday nights for a whole night of food & games . I say the photos above splattered with smiles speak volumes about the fun (and gastronomical satisfaction) involved - far better than i could ever express in words .

We even had time to squeeze in announcements about WYD and hype everyone up about the coming Easter Camp .

For those of you who missed out , don't fret - there'll be plenty more ahead . I guarantee it .

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Orientation 2008

As usual , we enjoy head starting our year by organizing the re-gathering of members who are willing to subject themselves to the scrutiny of others whilst shamelessly advertising ourselves via semi-artistic projects on strategic locations around uni - all in the name of welcoming pilgrims searching for direction .
You've got to hand it to the chalk-ers ; we've got to come up with different ideas every semester .
Anyway , i believe that this is where C.O.S.D.U thanks all those who were involved in every effort , especially all those who stood under the sweltering sun for hours at our allocated table on Clubs & Societies Day(s) , trying to entice everyone to join us . Thank you to all those who supported the committee - returning or brand new members , because without any single one of you , it wouldn't have been such a success and so much fun in between .
Here's one for the future of C.O.S.D.U . Let the good times roll .

Sunday, February 10, 2008

WYD 2008

World Youth Day will be held in Sydney from 15th to 20th July 2008.

Around 500,00 young people will converge in Sydney from all over the world, in what will be not only a great youth festival of arts, culture and faith, but will will also be the largest gathering of people ever seen in Australia. Catholics and believers of other faith gathering together and to celebrate the Mass with the Pope, it is WYD, it is YOUR day, I am sure you dont wanna miss this. Details as follows:-


We'll have a group travelling to World Youth Day by bus on the 14th of July morning reaching in the afternoon and returning on the 21st of July afternoon reaching Melbourne in the evening. ONLY 30 places on the bus, so hurry up! You have only secured a place on the bus once you settle the amount due in full which is AUD 220.00 . In the event of a disagreement caused by over than 30 registrations, my bank account statement will be used to determine whose transaction came in first thus qualifying that person for a sit on the bus. Money paid is not refundable and any changes to personal details with regards to travel should be done between the individual and the transport contractor.


If you want to go with COSDU, you can go to . At this point payment is not yet required when you register - just put in your details and which group yu're attending with. Our group name is COSDU and our group number is 2987. Currently, you can cancel your registration if circumstances change. When you eventually pay for registration, the cost is AUD $395.00. This includes all meals, very basic accomodation, local transport and access to the WYD events. I will be automatically notified that you have registered because I will have to approve you.

For the details to make payments to me or for registeration, please refer to the email sent out previously. If you have not received it, email for a copy.


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