Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Treasurer: Johan Singana & Christine Tee

Hello lovely people (YES, YOU!!!)

It has come to that time of the year again when assignments and mid-sems come to a hectic end (hopefully!) and when the committee steps down after one year of serving together.

Even as I type this, I can’t fully digest that one year has gone by just like that! One whole year of events, sessions and lots of food! In treasurer terms, this means one whole year of grants, budgeting and grants!

Going into AGM 2015, I sat in my seat, smiling at all the nominations of people around me, putting my hand up to second nominations and nudging people to being open to roles! Saying this, by no means was I personally open to taking on a role again, after being COSDU’s treasurer for the 2014/2015 term!

I was going to take a break from serving, I told myself.
I was going to focus on my studies and spend more time on friends, I told myself.
I was going to have some Friday nights where I could just go out, I told myself.

Notice a common theme in these statements I was making in my head?
Firstly, it was all “I” centric and secondly, where was my heart for God in this decision? I was so consumed by my own abilities and doubts that I didn’t allow space for God in my decision.

In the end, I was so glad that I realised this during AGM and had a paradigm shift, where instead of focusing on me, me, me, I was going to be open to this decision being “God and me”. After all, He had shown me so much of His love by serving in the committee in 2015/2016 already, what more was He going to do in 2015/16? And this time, not just for me and my own faith, but for the faith of COSDU.

Now, looking back on that decision last year, I laugh because God is just so funny and great. He doesn’t give up on you and He does know that you alone are not capable based on your own human capabilities, but that’s why He stands by you as you serve.

I can’t even begin to list the things I’ve learned by bein in this committee, from my faith to just working in a team to just being inspired by my amazing fellow comm members :')

BUT HEY, let's get down to the serious stuff for a bit:

The job description of the treasurer pretty much covers all money-related aspects!

1) Keeping track of COSDU’s accounts
· Noting down cash inflows and outflows
· In a book or excel spreadsheet, whichever suits you best.

2) Applying for grants
· Grants can be applied for functions and asset purchasing from UMSU
· The treasurer will need to ensure grant applications, application of payments and other necessary documents are submitted on time online.

3) Reimbursements
· Reimbursing those who have spent on behalf of COSDU, once they’ve handed you the receipt.
· Can be done easily now with online bank transfers!

4) Collection of money
· Collect money whenever necessary e.g. at eat-in dinners, mass donations, o-week booth

5) Attend training by UMSU
· Attend short training sessions by UMSU in which they inform you about how to be the best treasurer for your club!

6) Budgeting
· Coming up with budgets for future events with the committee

7) Prepare Treasurer’s Report
· This is the last thing the treasurer would need to do at AGM!

All in all, yes, it does takecommitment and it does take hard work, but being in the committee isn't something that will last a year and then fade away. It's an experience that will always stick with you, and that's something I think everyone should experience! :)

Open your hearts and be humble. God bless you all and the committee will be praying for everyone, so know that you already are covered in prayer!

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