Monday, April 28, 2008

Sessions Coordinator Portfolio 2007-2008

Wow, as cliché as it sounds, time does fly by oh so quickly. A year ago, I never thought of running for this position as I felt that I would have difficulties coping with the additional workload. Also, there was this preconception that this role requires a vast knowledge of the Church and its teachings. However, after some discussion, much pondering, coupled with praying, I decided to contest for this position. Now, one year later, I can say with great conviction that I truly enjoyed my work as a session coordinator and the time spent in the committee.

Sessions are a major aspect of COSDU and the role of the session coordinator is to determine the content of the weekly sessions. This may seem overwhelming initially but really, it’s very manageable. A few tips that I have learnt from my predecessors and some that I’ve picked up along the way may be useful to those who are thinking about running for this role.

Start planning early!
Decide upon the theme (if u wish to have one) for the semester, come up with topics & find relevant speakers (if applicable) during the holidays. That way, u can have more time when semester starts.
Prepare your speakers!
Give them advanced notice and remind them about their sessions. Speakers can be busy at times and it’s important to keep them informed.
Seek help!
There are always people around to help u if u need it. Talk to our spiritual advisors (Sr. Delma & Fr McKenna) if u need ideas for sessions. Get aid from ur committee in preparing logistics for sessions. Speak to cosdu to get feedback on sessions. And of coz, feel free to approach myself or any previous session coordinator.

An important point to note is ur role in the committee is not simply overseeing sessions. The committee functions effectively when each member strives to do more than what their portfolio describes. A vital focus is also to keep in mind the motto of COSDU: a family away from home, growing together with Christ. God is the center of our community and the desire to serve with love is our action.

It is always satisfying at the end of each session for me. Talking to cosdu and finding out how they felt about it. There are hits and also misses, but everyone does gain something out of each session.

There are countless fond memories I have of COSDU and many of them occurred while serving the community. Our committee was a very chapalang/rojak mix but that made it interesting as we bonded through time, either via good or bad ones. I love the committee that I’m in and I truly thank each one of them for the joy they brought me.

That said, I’m indeed excited about the new era/generation of COSDU. With WYD coming up, I have a positive feeling that it will be an exciting year ahead for COSDU. Therefore, the challenge for the committee would be to catch the wave… and ride it. In particular, for those considering the position of session coordinator, I encourage u to spend some time pondering and praying over it. I also challenge the incoming coordinator to continually bring cosdu to greater heights in spiritual growth. :)

wah, I’m really getting old and long-winded sia. Better not say so much oredi. Anw, to the new session coordinator: me will have a nice long chat during the handover. Heh heh heh…
This year’s AGM better be more exciting than last year’s..

Okay, good luck! tata…adios.... ciao.. sayonara.. peace out..

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