Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Decriminalisation of abortion

Are you all aware of this very important issue that goes on debate today? To learn more about this issue, go to http://www.cadoa.org/

As Catholics, and if you are a local and would like to do something about it, contact the local MP. Someone has kindly written the letters in a series of PDF files and sent it to me. The only thing you have to do is to email me and I'll forward them to you. He has also taken the effort to list down the steps for you to follow in sending those letters. It's simple. There is no excuse now and people need to speak up for these unborn babies in the future. Basically, if this bill is passed and if 2 doctors agree, abortion can be legally done up to birth. Please visit the website above if you would like to find out more.

Thank you


Sir sc said...

I understand the issue; but dont understand what you trying to inform everyone.

audrey said...

Basically, the purpose of this post is if you had wanted to do something about this issue, and didn't know how to, you could write a letter to the local MP. Drafts of the letter and steps you could take in regards to this issue can be e-mailed to you if you are interested.

Unknown said...

Some people (myself included) get daunted by the whole process of finding out who your local politicians are (the ones who're representing you), how to write to them asking them not to support abortion, and where to send the letters. So the PDF documents just make this easier for you - they contain the info and pre-written letters. They're short and basically you can just sign your name, stick on a stamp and send them off.

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