Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ana - Liturgy

Hello there!! So you’re interested in knowing what COSDU’s liturgy coordinator does eh? As previously mentioned (after one of the Friday sessions), it really is a piece of cake. Here’s an overview of what a liturgy coordinator does for COSDU
  1. Book the venue for monthly mass, exam mass and graduation mass
  2. Invite priests for mass (all the contact details are with me)
  3. Find readers, people to read out the prayers of faithful, people to do the collection and offertory
  4. Get altar servers for mass (you don’t need to serve if you prefer not to, you’ll get the contact details of all the servers)
  5. Have fun during committee retreats and sessions

I’ve learnt a lot in my months of serving COSDU as a liturgy coordinator. I didn’t know much about mass and what comes first or next, nor do I know much about the significance of each action performed during mass. I don’t know everything still, that’s for sure, but at least I know enough to get by now.

As for being in COSDU’s committee in general, it is a very enriching and refreshing experience. I’ve served in COSDU’s committee for 3 years now, and I kept coming back. Being able to be a part of COSDU this way has helped me a lot with coping with all the stress at school. It has been my source of happiness. I often find myself looking forward to seeing your faces. To me, COSDU is indeed my family away from home. To be able to serve all of you this way is truly an honour. I hope that the next liturgy coordinator will find this experience equally valuable, and equally enriching. Do not be afraid of taking the first step, you’ll never shine if you don’t glow ;D

AGM is happening on 13 May 2011

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