Monday, May 03, 2010

Vice President: Gracie Ng

My publicity Coordinator has requested that I send in my VP Profile. So while sitting here and typing away, I can hardly think of what to say to the people that will be reading this. So I have to mentally take myself back to May 2009 and think of how I have improved myself to become what I am now at this moment in time.

I must say though, that it has been such a bumpy road, along this road there are thorny bushes, and beautiful trees and flowers, but the greatest companion the most handsome and lovely sight was Jesus, my Lord. HIS mercy and grace is just overwhelming.

The experience of being a VP for COSDU has given me the opportunity to learn from my fellow committee members. They have humbled my ego and taught me gentleness and humility. They have taught me to love and care for others. Being a self centred person that I am, I have witnessed such sincerity and kindness from my team, that by offering others my help and time can bring such joy. For the 1st term of my VP-ship, I did not really do much for my team, however, by 2nd term; I knew I had to start treating them like real people and FRIENDS; Friends that will be part of my great experience. THIS, my dear friends is what I want to share with you.

You see, being a VP is not being the 2nd boss, being a VP is SUPPORTING EACH AND EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP NO MATTER WHAT, WHERE OR WHEN! And I only came to understand this later in my term. I prayed for Divine guidance and sensitivity so that I may come to BE together with my committee and learn from them, to LOVE them. You want to know why, because like I have talked about in my testimonial on the 23rd of April, there are people out there that are brutal in the way the treat other human beings, the loneliness that I felt in this highly demanding university committee has made me realized what a lovely bunch of COSDUans I am involved with. I am not going to get too detailed into this. The lesson that I learned is that no matter where I am at, God will always guide me, and give me strength and comfort. And I know he will do exactly the same for you. *whispering very softly” That is the truth!

There isn’t a FIX role for being a VP in COSDU; however, from my point of view, a VP MUST be one that is Proactive and Responsible. Simple! There are defined “jobs” for this role, but it was pretty boring for me and I had to do something greater than that. So, I took on the responsibility of Organizing COSDU’s Greatest Annual Event - Eater Camp 2010. And it was FANTASTIC!! Don’t believe me, take up the challenge and be in the organizing committee and experience it for yourself, it will be your heart’s fondness memory!! Still not convince, then just pay-up and go to the camp! For 2011 that is.

Alright, so here are a few main Responsibilities:

  1. Logistics- Basically keeping track of the music equipments and Items bought for COSDU. Updating the inventory list every semester, or whenever COSDU buys anything.
  2. Supporting the session coordinator in making sure there are enough materials for each session.
  3. Helping out with the planning of sports day and scavenger hunt.
  4. Getting Sponsorships.

Coming to the end of my long winded profile, I would like to thank Jess, Sara, Yanuar, Jian Sheng, Donna, John, Matt, Audrey and Giovanni for making my experience such a lovely one. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with you guys, all your support and humour has made it rich and pleasant. I wish it wasn’t going to end so soon.

Lastly, to my future successor, or just anyone who is thinking of giving COSDU-VP a chance. GO FOR IT MY DEAR! You’ll gain a valuable experience from it. As for me, it helped shaped my character and made me into a better and stronger person. It shot me with a big wakeup call and taught me sincerity and kindness. And I know it will give you so much more than I have mentioned. Who knows it will bring you closer “home”, home where your heart knows Peace, Love and Joy. Go and TAKE UP this call to serve your fellow friends and laugh together.

Gracie is encouraging anyone to take on this Fabulous Role as VP. It’s Fun and Wonderful. Do pray and pray and pray and pray until you get the strong sense of “YES, this is what I want to do - to SERVE & BE”. This is what I felt when I decided to join COSDU’s committee. It was a definitely YES. Pray for his grace and guidance and YOU WILL feel it deep within you. Oh yes you will. Or you can just take on as a challenge to yourself, now this is what I call adventurous-soul.

Should you have any questions to ask me regarding COSDU's VP role or anything at all that you would like to share and talk about.
I'm always at sessions. Do come and I'll help you with all I can.

Till then my lovely people, toodlesss!!

With Warmest Love on this Autumn Night,

Gracie Valentina

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