Monday, April 06, 2009

Sessions Coordinator - Angela Liew

Sessions Coordinator 2008-2009

It had never crossed my mind that I would be a part of the Committee until a month before the AGM. I was just talking to a friend about the upcoming election and that conversation sparked the thought of me serving God through COSDU. I knew very well that if I did join the committee, the only role I was interested in was “Sessions Coordinator” because since I first joined COSDU, I was interested in sharing various knowledge about our faith that I have learned from the previous youth group I was in.

So to all of you who are interested in taking up this post, I’d encourage you to pray about it. Believe me, God will speak to your heart, and if it feels right, you’ll know that you should run for that post.

  • Before you can do anything else as a Sessions Coordinator, you must first involve God. Pray for his guidance in planning the sessions. Ask him to inspire you. He will.
  • Then, begin by brainstorming all the topics surrounding our faith that you think are interesting or important.
  • Ask other COSDU members what they would like to get from the sessions.
  • Consult Sr. Delma and Fr. Michael.
  • After you’ve gathered all the ideas and feedback, narrow the topics down to those you think would benefit the members most. Remember, it’s not about what you like or want, but what is good for the group as a whole.
  • Work on planning your sessions during the holidays so that it wouldn’t take up too much of your time during the semester.
  • Book the speakers early if you have any. Try to speak to them first so that you can convey to them what you expect to get out of the talk.
  • Try to improve each session as you go. You’ll learn through experience. Don’t take it too hard if it doesn’t go well. Just keep praying and surrendering to God.

I must say that this role has challenged me to seek God’s will first, to depend on his guidance, to trust in his providence and most of all, to put my selfishness aside to serve him.

This role is truly an important one because sessions are the core activity for COSDU, so do consider it seriously because your decisions will affect everyone who attends the sessions. Nevertheless, do not be afraid, because He will give you all the grace you need to do His will. All you need to do is to say yes and let Him lead. I’m always happy to guide you if you need any help. You’re not alone.

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