Monday, April 06, 2009

Liturgy Coordinator - Janan Lee

Roles and Responsibilities

The main duties of a liturgy coordinator are facilitating the smooth celebration of any COSDU masses and providing information about important events on the liturgical calendar to the members. The task of organising a mass involves close collaboration with the celebrant, the music coordinator and altar servers. In addition, readers, offertory aides and communion ministers have to be assigned before the commencement of each mass. The liturgy coordinator is also responsible for the design and provision on mass booklets. For those creative bugs out there, this is a wonderful opportunity to put your skills to great use.

Keeping COSDU members informed about landmark events, such as Feast Days, on the Church’s calendar is also vital. By delving into the life stories of our saints, we can be inspired and nourished by their actions and apply it in our daily lives.

Looking Ahead

In conjunction with World Youth Day 08, the Melbourne Archdiocese launched a Catholic Youth initiative headed by Bishop Tim Costelloe. COSDU plays an essential part in this youth revolution. Last year, we were tasked with the project of organising a WYD Reunion Mass held in August for university students around Melbourne. In May this year, COSDU will be co-planning a Tertiary Mass for youths with representatives from the Australian Catholic University. Many more exciting opportunities will definitely exist for the next Liturgy Coordinator to foster better relations with our fellow youth organisations.

Serving in the committee is a truly rewarding experience and being the liturgy coordinator has indeed deepened my knowledge about the Eucharist Celebration. If you would like to find out more about this position and what it has to offer or ask any general questions about serving in COSDU’s committee, feel free to speak to me or drop me an email.

See u at AGM 09!

Janan Michael Lee

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