Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sessions Coordinator: Emmanuel Tan

In a nutshell, as Sessions Coordinator, you’re in charge of organizing the entire session line-up for two semesters. Sounds like a lot of work, but really it only equates to roughly 5 – 7 sessions per semester (not including monthly masses, social activities & social justice sessions, which will be taken care of by your fellow committee members).

As Sessions Coordinator, your primary role is to help facilitate the spiritual growth of COSDU. That being said, it would be ideal for you to understand a few points regarding the dynamics of COSDU:

– Naturally, every one of us walks on a unique spiritual journey. While some may be studying the works of the doctors of the Church, some may have only recently been baptized! Most likely, you will find that it is near impossible to cater for each and every spiritual level. Understanding this, and depending on the current batch of COSDUans, you will have to gauge where the majority of COSDUans are spiritually, and address this level.

– Remember! It is not your job to organize an epic session where lives are changed – leaving everyone with epiphanies, hearts set on fire and bound for religious life after a single session! Our job is to organize an opportunity for a seed to be planted in their hearts. To spark an interest, and let the Holy Spirit take care of everything else.

– Facilitating the spiritual growth of COSDUans, it is important for you to schedule regular meetings with the man on top. And no, I don’t mean your President. Always remember that you are not in this alone. Keep in mind that you are not the one who will deliver salvation for all COSDUans through your sessions! The Holy Spirit wants to use you, and guide you towards hosting the appropriate sessions that will convey the exact message He desires. And He will provide the perfect speaker to convey just that. If you surrender and allow Him to guide you, He will open all the right doors.

– But where do I even begin? Where can I find the right resources and/or the right speakers? Let’s start close to home – First of all, the chaplains are there to help you discern and finalize your decision as to what the session should be about and who will present it. Besides our chaplains, fellow COSDUans are bound to have various resources and contacts available to you, don’t be afraid to ask! Last but not least, you have plenty of options available outside of COSDU as well!
-          Archdiocesan Office for Youth
-          Ascension Press
-          Australian Catholic University Campus Ministry
-          Australian Catholic University School of Theology
-          Catholic Charismatic Renewal
-          Catholic Theological College
-          Central Catholic Bookshop
-          John Paul II Institute for Marriage & Family
-          NET Ministries Australia
-          St. Paul’s Centre for Biblical Theology
-          Youth Mission Team
As for speakers, you have once again, a large pool to choose from! You may choose from the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Dominicans, Franciscan Friars, Jesuits, Lay People, Marists, Missionaries of God’s Love, Salesians, and the list goes on. Talk about having perks!

– Generally speaking, your sessions may either focus on deepening ones relationship with God, or deepening ones relationship with others. For example, to encourage a deeper prayer life, you may host a session on Discernment, Praise & Worship or Prayer. To encourage bonding and fellowship, you may host a Movie Night or Trivia Night. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, you could combine the two and make a Trivia Night focused on the bible!

All in all, becoming COSDU’s Sessions Coordinator is not only a great opportunity to serve, but you will learn a great many things during your term as well.

God is with you!

In Christ,

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