Wednesday, August 17, 2011

COSDU's First Session of Second Semester 2011

The goal of this session was to give new members a taste of the kinda things we do at COSDU Catholic Society.
So thanks to Kim and Emily, this weeks session opened eyes to everyone. Revealing us on the things that we took for granted. I'd like to present it as the three pillars of a complete set. They are all social justice programs we can do in Melbourne to make a positive impact. To feed the homelessness, praying for the victims of abortion and supporting the elderly. I'd like to highlight some of things that was quite striking for me: 
-It is mandatory to apply pain killers into animals when being tested/experimented in labs, but aborted babies don't even receive them. They are actually conscious and show signs of resistance during the process of abortion. So does that mean babies are treated more cruel than animals?
-The mentioning of babies being left in hospital bins to die… is just inhumane.
-Those elderly were once like us before, and we will one day be like them. I guess we overlook these things I mean check out this video very touching 
Im pretty sure you fellas have more that sparked during this session, so please shoot out your comments by clicking the comment button bellow!

I'll close this post by a question, from these three pillars, which one is for you to support our society?

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