Tuesday, August 30, 2011

COSDU Session #3

Last Friday was surely different from the many Fridays we had. 

Br. Greg from the Jesuits came by and gave us an insight about the Ignatian Prayer followed by a very peaceful and calming contemplative prayer that reminded and kept us aware of God's presence in our daily lives, thanking Him for every second of our day.

The very interesting story started with a curious fish looking for water, and how it goes around asking other fishes where can he find "water". Just like how the fish was in water all the while, God is also amongst us, but at times we fail to be aware of His everlasting presence. 

So let's take a few minutes each day, keep away from all that work, Facebook, mobile, and keep in silence and in peace. Through that, may we not just know about God, but know Him personally.

PS: and also wanna give a shout out to Melissa for her birthday last week! Happy birthday Melissa!

1 comment:

Gabby Apolo said...

I found this session very very helpful!

I've always felt that I have been just talking to God and I didn't know how to listen to him. And it felt like I was always talking to the air lol. Well... I find myself using the examen almost every night, and a bit of it before praying, so I can be more "aware" of God's presence. :)

Well... Praise God for the session. :D

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