Tuesday, September 30, 2008

29th August's session on confession

Here's an interesting link from Fr. Robin on confession for those of you who want to have a read.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cosdu's Annual Sports Day

Last Saturday (20th of September), was our long-awaited Cosdu Sports Day. From what I had gathered, preparation began weeks in advance for some of us. It was held in Albert park and no, it was not the conventional track and field athletic sports. In fact, it was way better! With a picturesque lake right beside where we played, picnic tables and barbeque areas, there was nothing lacking. Well, maybe for a bit of warmth as the day started out with a bit of a drizzle. However, that bit of rain did not deter any of us from running around the park whether to warm up or to do our own strange things. Despite the weather, we still had high spirits to compete in our teams against our fellow friends and it did not bother us at all. We had 4 teams of Green, Black, Blue and Red and it really was a you-had-to-be-there kind of situation to understand how hilarious some of our team chants were. Among the many games played were dodge ball, captain's ball, ultimate frisbee, roman's ball and the mini-olympic teams relay. Yes, if you are wondering if these are the typical sports day activities, leave it up to us to spice things up with some of the games. As for lunch, what is the use of the previously mentioned barbeque area if we weren't going to use it? Of course, we had mouth-watering food with a balanced diet of meat, fruit and veges. Some new friendships were formed and old friendships strengthened through this day of fun-filled food and activities. Missed out? Do not fret as there is next year's Easter Camp to look forward to!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Decriminalisation of abortion

Are you all aware of this very important issue that goes on debate today? To learn more about this issue, go to http://www.cadoa.org/

As Catholics, and if you are a local and would like to do something about it, contact the local MP. Someone has kindly written the letters in a series of PDF files and sent it to me. The only thing you have to do is to email me and I'll forward them to you. He has also taken the effort to list down the steps for you to follow in sending those letters. It's simple. There is no excuse now and people need to speak up for these unborn babies in the future. Basically, if this bill is passed and if 2 doctors agree, abortion can be legally done up to birth. Please visit the website above if you would like to find out more.

Thank you

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