Friday, April 12, 2013


The highlight of my school week during school hours, the highlight of going for classes on any one day, is often mass.

This may sound a little cheesy, but it's true.

Just yesterday, I thought about going to mass on campus. I thought 'ah well, I should cook lunch, and it's pretty far from home, and I probably can't make it in time...'

But here and now, I'd just like to share a little part of my yesterday with everyone...

I was thinking about going to mass all day.
I felt like I was being prompted to go, and although I had those excuses well prepared and they were convincing enough to me, God didn't really give up.

A friend I had lunch with asked me if I wanted to go for mass at St Francis in the evening,
so imagine my reaction to that ("... Yeahh, that sounds about right.") :P
Resolving to go for mass with her, I went about the rest of the day doing my own thing, and soon became busy with everything else in life but God (something I considered to be a great paradox).

For the lack of better words, I chickened out a little and told myself it was okay not to go, but the most surprising thing happened next. Just as I was ready to message my friend and tell her that I probably wasn't going, another friend who was outside my apartment at that exact moment called me up and said she was going for mass! Doubtless, she asked me to join her. Surely you know how I reacted next : "... Yeahh, that sounds about right." :P

Even as I said it to myself though, it was not without a smile. And not without awe and amazement at how God tirelessly drew me to the church.

"Something always brings me back to you, It never takes too long; 
No matter what I say or do, I'll still feel you here, till the moment I'm gone."

In what seems like too long-winded a story, I meant to say...

I feel I have so much more to learn about the mass and the fruits as well as the beauty of it, as God calls me to.
What's so great about this mass on campus, is that it's really personal.

Kudos to Fr Thinh, we get a chance to find God even on campus, to enjoy a day of seeing our
brothers and sisters in Christ at mass, catching up over lunch afterwards if we are free...
Sometimes the place is packed, and sometimes there may only be a handful, but one thing's always constant and that one thing is the most important : God is always there.

It's a blessing to have mass there for us to go to, whenever we are free, and it's something I've really appreciated, so I thought I'd take a little time to talk about it.

If you weren't already aware of these masses, or haven't been able to go before this, now's the time to start. I assure you, it grows on you. ;)

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