Thursday, April 25, 2013

Music Coordinator - Jeanne!

Music has always touched me. It has always been my favorite form of prayer. “When words aren’t
enough, music comes into play”, indeed, music adds a whole new dimension to just saying the exact same words. It unites people and guides us into praise and worship to give glory to God.

If you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure God is nudging you in this direction ;) and I pray that you will have the courage and passion to take up this role. Anyway, let’s keep this short.

According to COSDU constitution, your role includes:

1. To arrange music for the sessions and the masses.
2. To coordinate the music practices for the said sessions and masses
3. To oversee the storage and upkeep of all musical instruments.

A music coordinator requires quite some time commitment, mostly due to practices in addition to COSDU sessions as well as other events if any (upon request by different groups of people such as Ecumenical Services, Special Masses etc). Furthermore, the bulk of what you do (organise practices, prepare power point slides, preparing/printing music sheets/chords, train/recruit musicians and worship leaders, and handling music equipment) is routine. It may get monotonous and tiring at times, but remember that God is the centre of all these and you are not on your own. Ask for God’s grace and seek help from others.

Developing your prayer life is essential. As leaders in the faith, in general, we must build up our own spirituality in order to bring others closer to God. Build up your relationship and love for God, then you can spread it to the rest of the community. Have a fierce passion for both God and music. That is key.

Now, Christian (especially Catholic) music knowledge is preferable – but of course it is a gift that can be learned. There are resources you can use and preceding Music Coordinators are ready to help. With a willing heart, it’s not difficult. I would also want to emphasize that a music coordinator should be well-versed with liturgy and try to understand it because mass is also an integral part of COSDU.

Of course, there are many things you can also do as a Music Coordinator such as working with
the Sessions Coordinator to arrange Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Taize Night or the likes.
Anything to do with music lies in your hands :)

Finally, always, ALWAYS remember to focus on God and let Him use you as His instruments to bring His children back to Him. I hope that if you feel called to this role, you will say YES to God and help enrich COSDU with more music to come. If you have more questions, feel free to approach me.

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