Thursday, April 25, 2013

Liturgy Coordinator - Kimberley!

To be honest, I didn't think of running for any part in the committee. As usual, whatever we plan to do, God plans otherwise. He's cheeky that way, and He's given me graces I couldn't expect anywhere else through my experience in the COSDU committee this year. So stay open to that gentle nudge God might give you, because it may only come on the day of the AGM itself!

Anyway, the role of the liturgy coordinator is quite straight forward. You coordinate the liturgy. It includes (but is not limited to)
- Booking a venue for Mass
- Inviting different priests to say Mass
- Preparing powerpoint slides
- Appointing people to do the readings and prayers of the faithful
- Liaising with the music coordinator

Aside from that, being part of the committee means that you have a vital part in supporting the rest of the committee members and helping them where help is needed. COSDU has a few major events a year and it's essential that you give as much support (physical, emotional, spiritual etc) as you can!

Ultimately, the title 'liturgy coordinator' is merely a name that specifies your main role. Your true role is so much more than that - you are an active and essential part of the mixed bag that we call the COSDU committee and it is through the love and dedication you give in this endeavour that makes COSDU as awesome as it can be. 

I always say that a willing heart is enough for anything. If you are willing, you should go for it - because I know for a fact that God will make up for whatever is short. Well, that's His job, right? ;)

Come talk to me about it if you have any concerns or questions! :)


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