Sunday, March 17, 2013

Comm Retreat 2013! (:

Sorry for the late posts! Here’s a few coming your way guys, brace yourselves! (:

On the first day of this month, we began yet another journey down the road, not too far away from Melbourne city, to spend time together and reflect.

It was a beautiful 3-day, 2-night trip down to an amazing place off St Leonard’s Beach and we had a lot of fun. 

Some of us even made a trip down to the beach for the sunrise on Saturday morning. It was freezing and the wind was blowing really hard at us but the scenery was hauntingly beautiful; it was another moment in time where I was awed by the beauty in God’s creation. 

We also took turns cooking… Here are some pictures! :P

Fr Thinh joining us today.. Yummy chicken! :P'

The food and drink hoarders Kim and Reina ;P

So they weren't cooking. . . 

A beautiful sunrise Laura took while we stayed warm in the car~

So much Oil! >:O

Our Mighty President swinging by xD

Comm pic :DD

At other times in the trip, we also put our heads together for the upcoming events in the semester! I think we have a pretty exciting semester ahead guys. Are you as excited as we are? (x

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