Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heaven, hell and purgatory

So. Heaven, hell and purgatory. PJs and GJs and the lot.

Whew. There was a lot of deep discussion about that topic on Friday, and some very thought provoking lessons presented then... some of which I am still struggling to understand, but learning to accept. Slides of the presentation are going to be up so no... I will not be re-lecturing people on the Catholic teachings about the afterlife. I will however, procrastinate shamelessly and share with you what I've learnt.

It's a bit of a shocker really, to find out that South Park's portrayal of heaven is totally wrong- no clouds, pearly gates, angels playing golden PSP's or Kenny. Heaven is not a place, but a state of being, where one is not limited by time and space and is eternally happy because he or she is in eternal communion with God. The way I see it, it's sort of like a Zen meditation feeling of calm and peace... like all your worries have been sapped away and instead of thinking about the prospect of Torrres leaving Liverpool and joining Chelsea... you are totally in the zone... and totally content. I'm guessing this contentment is because you can hear what God is saying when He's talking to you. Unlike your time on earth when you often don't know what God is saying to you (if He is saying something to you)... in heaven, communication is pretty sweet both ways.

Hell on the other hand, is the eternal absence of God, or as Sara says, discommunion with God. Hell, to be honest, sounds like a time when you don’t have internet connection, credit on your phone, and you’re completely isolated and alone- and aware of the fact that it will be an eternity before you can go on Facebook and make a status update about how terrible you feel about the whole thing. And perhaps, multiply that feeling by 1000000000000000000000000000 to the power of infinity. Then square it, and take the natural log of it.
I have a mathematical representation of purgatory, but that… is probably best edited out for the interest of all non-engineering students.
So… methinks a shout out to Donna is in order… thanks for the awesome session!!
As for now… May the force be with you. Good luck with assignments, studying, work, life, coin laundry and the works guys.


HeartSounds said...

Flo, I think I've come up with the mathematical function which works.

A co-function actually:

f(t)= cos (t)

where f(0)=1 ie at birth we're good then goes downhill, 0 -> to -1 then back to 0 and 1 etc. That's the earthly journey for us perpetual sinners...

At the point of death and Particular judgement the function becomes:

f(t)= +/- tan (t)

depending on whether we are bound for heaven or hell (hence the asymptote up or down).

If bound for heaven but needing to pass through purgatory, the graph approaches the asymptote. When it passes f(t)=1 meaning we're as good and pure as the day we're born, then we've left purgatory and entered heaven! :)

- Thai

Anonymous said...

I'm interested to see your mathematical representation of purgatory.


Anonymous said...



Kim =) said...

Thai, aren't you supposed to be a DOCTOR? lol

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