Thursday, April 25, 2013

Publicity Coordinator - Calista!

Hey everybody!

I know it’s often intimidating to see a chunk of text head on, so let me give you an overview. I’ve
two main things to talk about in this post: what you will do as a publicity coordinator and what
happens if you take up this role.

Being a publicity coordinator is about spreading the word about COSDU and about its events.
The following checklist is a guideline and insight into the work involved.

This consists of

à spearheading the orientation booth at university of Melbourne, welcoming new members and inviting them to join us at the sessions

à Updating the blog, in the way you think is best

à Creating emails about an upcoming event, checking the cosdu email

à Making an exam calendar

à Promoting cosdu in any other way

Indeed, a list like that could be daunting to many. Some of you may (or may not) think you
can’t do these things or won’t get chosen; but I would just like to urge you to go for the Annual
General Meeting (AGM) with an open mind – a mind open to God and His Will, for He will not
choose people who are ready, but make His people ready. (:

On this note, I would like to tell you about what could happen if you take up this role.

When I first took up this role, I was honestly at a loss. To me, this role I had was unlike any other
role you could find in any other society in University of Melbourne – COSDU is what my life
should be about, honouring God. I felt unworthy; I am clueless when it comes to technology, and
I am not good at sharings and writing up blog posts.

Furthermore, I had felt like I was really busy after taking up this role and had worried a little
about how little time I had to breathe as I started various routines last semester, one of which
included my responsibilities as a publicity coordinator.

However, I soon realised that these challenges I face are the learning points, the interesting
lessons God planned for me to learn: to not rely on myself but on God and focus on Him in what
I do.

If you are worried as to how you will cope with everything and whether you will be too busy for
any of these roles in general, here’s a titbit for you:

Busyness becomes dangerous only if your activities replace real accomplishment or if you are neglecting God or the people in your care. The key to overcoming empty busyness is… by understanding His call and purpose for your life and prioritising your activities around them.

Upon reading this, I reflected on what doing God’s work meant. I am embarrassed to say, I had
not been aware there was a right or better way to be busy. It’s really a shift in perspective that
changes it all – I then recalled the ‘Yes’ I said at the AGM, the ‘Yes’ I said to what God had in
mind for me. I want to do this; I want to be what God wills me to be. It brought my desire to do
God’s work to my attention, after it (that desire) had been buried under worldly pressures that
had me so convinced I had to do this. In realising this, I learnt to revel in what being a publicity
coordinator entailed, and bask in this ‘busyness’ that brought joy to my heart.

And so, I’d like to leave you with one last question: will you be brave enough to listen to God’s
soft prompting?

Calista A.

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