Saturday, August 08, 2009

Easter Camp position descriptions

Roles within Easter Committee (prepared by Gracie):

Camp Commander:

  • To overlook and delegate work and responsibilities to the right person.
  • Make sure that work is completed and followed according to plan and schedule. It is also important that you do not run over budget. In short, you have to overlook everything that is going on in the committee; every role is to be managed with care.
  • Keep in mind that booking of venue, transportation etc... are to be done well in advance; always have a backup plan should anything go wrong.
  • Bring the committee together and work as a group, you’ll find yourself working with people of different personalities, therefore you’ll be exposed to learning more about your friends and yourself.
  • You can do more than I have mentioned here. Feel free to do anything you want to make Easter camp a fulfilling experience.
  • Update main committee (together with the main committee liaise/overseer) about the Easter camp preparations
  • Your role is to manage all the paper work, type out minutes and schedule meetings, ensuring that deadlines are met and tasks are completed well.
  • Advertise and publicize Easter Camp to all that are interested, within and outside of COSDU should your committee agree upon this.
  • Sort out all paperwork that needs to be filled and submitted to UMSU before the camp.
  • executionResponsible for all administrative matters in the duration of camp preparation and execution.
  • This may include, Indemnity forms, Participants registration forms, Grant application etc.
  • There will be more responsibilities that will arise as you progress: you’ll be able to define other responsibilities that you would like to add to your role.
  • You’ll find yourself doing more things, or helping out with other committee members should they need your help.

  • Your role is to collect, spend and save as much money where appropriate.
  • Have a budget proposal that is set up APPROPRIATELY. Set up and maintain an Easter Camp Account.
  • Communicate and plan out what is feasible and what is NOT. In particular you’ll be working very closely with logistics, food-person etc. Make sure these channels work and communicate soundly.
  • You’ll be finding yourself with more than I have mentioned. It’s complete fun, so I hope that you’re looking forward to making Easter Camp’s fare as sufficient as possible.
  • Your role is crucial in maintaining your cash flow WITHIN the budget so that the committee does not get into trouble. Find ways to make it feasible and efficient.
Logistic planner:

  • Your role is to think of all the stuff that is needed for Easter Camp. Nearing the Camp day, you’ll have to post up the list of things that retreatants should bring along with them.
  • Prepare things like first aid-kit, stationary, paper bags, bible, COSDU Banner and cross etc.
  • Find venues and means of transportation for the Camp. Keep in mind the amount of money that is available to be used.
  • You’ll find out more about your role as you progress, things will somehow find its way to appear to you; your role is important here because these are the little details that are overlooked and with your work, it will make Easter Camp run smoothly.
  • You’ll be working with the whole committee in ensuring the whole camp runs smoothly. You will collaborate with almost every committee member, whether it is the games, music, liturgy, or session coordinator to prepare items needed for the camp. Good organisation skill is essential in this role.
Sessions coordinator:

  • Your role is to design the schedule for the duration of Easter Camp and look for a priest or speakers to come along.
  • Have a plan for what topics to cover and ways in which it will be conducted.
  • Have powerpoint presentations arranged in order etc.
  • Your role is very specific because what the committee chooses to cover during Easter Camp will impact how people feel, it is during a time when our Lord shows His most Devine Love, conveying message and conducting sessions will help participants reconnected with their spirituality, and find a deeper meaning to their faith.
  • As your committee progresses nearer to the day, you’ll be getting more ideas and silent promptings, do not be afraid to put down your thoughts when inspiration fills your heart, talk it over with someone you trust will show you the right path and then implement it in sessions.
  • Usually the sessions coordinator does not work alone to plan the sessions. The whole committee usually brainstorms together to come up with a theme and relevant session lineup for the camp.
  • Keep in mind that if the committee members are conducting the sessions (as opposed to having external speakers), practice or trial sessions are required to ensure the quality of the talks and also to get feedback from the whole committee to find ways of improving them. It is the session coordinator’s job to arrange these sessions. Basically, the role of the session coordinator is to coordinate the sessions and make sure everything related to the sessions is running smoothly and on schedule. You will be required to work with logistics to acquire items needed for sessions.
Games director:

  • Your role is to arrange games.
  • You’ll be working closely with sessions-coordinator, and logistics to list down the things that you’ll need during camp days.
  • Your role will help retreatants grow closer with each other as they discover more about themselves and others around them. Through the games that that you plan, it will allow people to relax and have fun at the same time.
  • You may choose to conduct Fun-time in ways that you want: e.g. more physically challenging, or more spiritually connected and fun at the same time, or helping one another to be more receptive and kind to other people.
  • Have a Fun time exploring people’s personalities through games.

  • Your role is to prepare yummy food throughout the camp duration.
  • Be mindful of the allergies that are present and set your recipes and menu accordingly.
  • Ensure that all food preparation adheres to food and safety protocols.
  • Ensure that at least one person in the food team has attended UMSU food and safety session (requirement by UMSU, check with main committee about this)
  • Have a good time making good food.
  • Work WITHIN the budget that the committee has set out.

  • Your role here is to coordinate the masses that will be held throughout the Easter Camp.
  • Discuss readings that will be read during masses and have them printed out. Choose your readers and ensure that the essential things are brought along.
  • Should liaise with music coordinator and consult spiritual director regarding all liturgical services.
Praise and Worship (Music):

  • Your role here is to make Easter Camp more memorable, where participants get the opportunity to sing and praise. Among the things that you are responsible for is choosing songs, arranging music practices before the camp, and working with musicians to enrich the camp through music in mass and also in praise and worship sessions. Also, you may have to liaise with Logistics in arranging for the transport and care of music instruments.

If you are interested in any of the above positions or would like to find out more about it, please see Gracie or any of the committee members of cosdu for more information.

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