Thursday, September 20, 2007


Have you heard of the term 'Apologetics' and wondered what it means? It actually refers to the defence of something that you believe in, which could be anything, ranging from Atheist beliefs to our Roman Catholic faith.

Anastasia covered the topic of Apologetics: what it means, why we should know how to defend our faith, the common misconceptions of our faith, and how we can clarify and stand by what we believe in. Throughout the session, it was heartening (to me at least) to see the way we questioned and debated, presented our own understandings and definitions, and explored certain difficult concepts togther. Below are some of the points that was presented:

1) We should know how to defend our faith and be ready to do so when the occasion calls for because we should
“Always be READY to make your DEFENSE to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the HOPE that is in you. Yet do it with gentleness and reverence.”
1Peter 3:15-16

2) We should also believe that 'being saved' is a process: we Were saved, by the coming of Christ; we Are Being saved, by our own behaviour and actions; and that we Will Be saved, by God's grace even though what we have done is essentially not sufficient.

3) The term 'Scola Scriptura' -the bible only- was introduced. Some people attack the RC church using the Bible, quoting from it and using the Word against the teachings of the Church. But, the many books of the Bible was picked, compiled and validated by the Catholic church. So if the Church's teachings are all a lie, does that mean the Bible is too?

4) We recognise that the Pope and the ecumenical council are infallible in the teachings of faith and morality. This is because we believe that any such decisions are made in the joint action of the Spirit of God and themselves.

5) We do not worship the Saints. We honour them as righteous people and ask them to intercede for us. This is akin to asking our friends and families here on Earth to pray for us to God. Since we recognise the Church as a body of not only those on Earth, but also those who are in heaven, we also recognise the Saints as family.

6) Similarly, we honour Mother Mary as the mother of God, who knows her Son better than any of us, and so her prayers will be more powerful. We do not worship her nor recognise that she has any authority. Some might argue that she is only the mother of the earthly Jesus and not that of the divine. However, Jesus is Man and God in one person. He does not have split personalities and his identity of both Man and God cannot be separated.

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