It had never crossed my mind that I would run as a SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR for COSDU, especially after a hard year of being a social secretary (which is the same) in another uni club. Being a social activity coordinator is not an easy job but, well I can say, not that hard. The metaphor that well describes this job is ‘Chinese culinary’ - it requires a long good time of preparation/planning, but the cooking/execution time is so little (or sometimes NONE!). As the name suggested, you need to plan as many social activities as you could, such as karaoke, clubbing, footy session, movie night, sporting, social gathering, games night, drinking night, and many other fun social activities that you can think of. Do not forget that the idea of social is really ambiguous. Organising blood donation, charity gigs, and busking for fundraising are another aspect of social activities that [regrettably] I failed to accomplish during my term.
Being a SOC-AC-TOR (Indonesian like to shorten words) is the best way to get new skills and FRIENDS!!! I was a little bit worried about balancing my other activities and ‘working’ in COSDU committee. However, I am able to manage my time very well and I am happily doing my other stuffs. Undoubtedly TIME MANAGEMENT is the most useful skill in the world that you may get from this position as it requires dedication and commitment! Another skill that you might gains from being a SOC-AC-TOR is COMMUNICATION skill. As you need to organise ‘fellowship’ dinner every week, liaising skill become essential. Make a reservation for 30+ people on Friday night is always so bloody hard – literally until I shed tears of blood (joking! J). A few things that you should consider in choosing a restaurant: location (the hard one as you do not want it to be too far from the mass or session place), price (as COSDU people super stingy!), vegetarian option or most likely beef-free option. Personally, I think this ‘fellowship’ dinner is very important as it is the only media for members to talk to each other in a relax atmosphere as well as savouring on yummy food. But, you really need to be bold as many restaurants may turn you down.
Many things happened during my term in committee. Sometimes you already plan everything to run smoothly, but well, still a lot of speed bumps on the road. Therefore, PROFESIONALISM is also required – friendship and work need to be separated. Do not let your personal feeling affect your job, particularly when you are doing a youth ministry type of job! This has throughout the year and has certainly made my term in COSDU memorable.
COSDU also has certainly enriched my life in many ways, from the spiritual to the social aspects, which was the main reason why I joined the society in the first place. Talking about social, two big events, SPORTS DAY and SCAVENGER HUNT that you need to plan as well. You would have to think about the logistics and location and to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day. There will also be administrative protocols that have to the complied by liaising with the student union (UMSU), which will be helped by the awesome COSDU secretary. Other than that, you would have to decide on the team distributions, games to be played, health and safety measures, and last but not least, food! Despite all of these, it has certainly been very satisfying seeing the members enjoying themselves during these events and knowing that these events went well. And to make things easier, the rest of the committee were always there to help in any way they could!
In conclusion, for those of you who are interested in running for the Social Activities Coordinator position, I would just like to reassure you that taking this position can be extremely rewarding in both the social and religious aspects to it. Sure, you might be faced with challenges along the way, but life without challenges is like a tasteless food. It will only make you stronger and more matured in that sense. But remember, do it for the wellbeing of COSDU and GOD. Just do your best and God will do the rest! J
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