Saturday, April 22, 2006

Easter Camp 2006

Easter Camp is the highlight activity of Cosdu each year. In 2006 it took place from the 18th to 20th of April at the Rowallan Recreation and Adventure Camp. The theme was aptly decided as "Beyond the Tomb into the Light".

This post serves as a communal point of reflection for everyone. It is an opportunity for all participants of the camp to share our personal testimonies. During her session, Sister Theresa reminded us that "amidst the words the WORD appears". This sharing will also be a strong encouragement to the camp committee and subsequent camp committees to follow.

Therefore let our sharing bless and encourage others as we strive towards the end of this semester. To add to the sharing, just post a comment in this post.

Wynnie's Photos

Hobart and Jean's Photos


Anonymous said...

This camp was the first easter camp I've ever been to and it's absolutely fantastic!

soliloquy said...

my "Beyond the Tomb into the Light" experience was to be able to see God in the worship songs, songs that have been learnt more by head then by heart, and therefore appeared dead. God was always there, but in my own struggles, i could not recognise Him. But when God drew near and spoke, the songs appeared alive again and the weeping could stop.

afootnote said...

mate, I think you mean strive.

Anonymous said...

Indeed the camp was great... Different from the friday gatherings... Tell you guys the truth, I didnt even know most of your names but the camp really helped me know ur names:) and also get to know you all better. I went there with the mission, it was to get to know you all better and I happy I accomplished it. Proud to be a COSDUian.. Truly a home away from home. I hope to be around for the next camp.

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