Friday, October 30, 2009

Exam Dates and Assessments in November 09'

(click for larger view)

An exam calendar for us to pray for one another during this stressful period and also for us to wish each other all the best for our papers the night before!

Dear Lord, be with me now as I enter this exam. Thank you for the many talents and gifts that you have already given to me. Help me recall all that I've studied and express it clearly. Inspire me to answer the questions and encourage me to do the very best I can. Lord, remind me that nothing is going to happen to me that you and I together can't handle. Holy Spirit, think through me until your ideas are my ideas. Amen -Melbourne University Chaplains-

Additional Prayers

Prayer to St Joseph of Cupertino for success in examinations.

O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favoured by God in
overcoming the difficulties of study and the worries of
examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and
strengthen my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom.
Help me especially in the decisive moments of my examinations,
protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety
which often affect me. May I succeed in offering God my finest
work and may I grow in knowledge, understanding, humility and
charity. May everything that I attempt to learn in life be offered in
faithful service to God, from whom flows that wisdom which leads
to eternal life. Amen

O St Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God
to be asked at your examination, the only proposition you knew.
Grant that I may like you succeed in my examinations. Especially
in ..... In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be

St Joseph of Cupertino pray for me; Our Lady of Good Studies
pray for me; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom
enlighten me. Holy Spirit enlighten me!

Prayer to St Joseph of Cupertino for students

Humble St Joseph of Cupertino, ever helpful to those who seek
your aid, hear me in my present need.

By that love which carried you to God, and by that burning
affection which made you a devoted son of Mother of Our
Saviour, and a loyal follower of your spiritual father St Francis of
Assisi, help me to be a successful student.

Help me to be attentive to my studies, so that I may profit by them,
and particularly that I may undergo examinations without fear.

Good St Joseph, you know well the trials and tribulations of
students, intercede for me that I may be successful by divine aid
just as you were successful through the goodness of God. I place
my trust entirely in your hands, realising that as long as I work for
the honour and glory of God that hope will not be in vain. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of enchanting love, of fear, of knowledge, of holy hope, through Whose pious intercession many make admirable progress in studies and piety despite crudeness of understanding, I choose Thee as protectress and patroness of my studies. Humbly I implore Thee that, from the heart of Thy maternal pity, and principally from the Eternal Wisdom that deigned to take on our flesh in Thee, and that exalted Thee in heavenly light above all the saints, Thou obtain grace from the Holy Ghost for me so that I might be able to penetrate with my understanding, retain in my memory, express by my life and words, and teach to others all that brings honor to Thee and Thy divine Son, likewise to the advantage of my eternal joy and that of all men. So be it.

On behalf of the Cosdu Committee 2009/2010, I wish you all the best in your revision and good luck in your exams! Have a happy holiday! :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Examination Mass!

It's the time of the semester again where Swot Vac isn't far away and exams seem to be just looming around the corner. Cosdu will be having an examination mass celebrated by Fr. Robin Koning and Fr. Thinh (the chaplain of melb uni) so that we can pray together for guidance, strength and peace of mind during this period.

In the midst of all our stress, this is what we need most! More divine intervention! So do come along and join us.

All are welcomed!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Discernment - 16 October 2009

This Friday we'll be having a session on the topic of
Discernment. I'm guessing that most people have faced tough decisions in life, regarding vocations (religious or non-religious), relationships or otherwise. Discernment is about hearing God's voice amidst all our distractions and making good, peaceful decisions. It could be through personal prayer or it could be through sharing with a spiritual advisor or a friend. Plinio Martins SJ will be our guest speaker. Some of you may have met him at easter camp 09.

Do attend our session to find out more!

Date: 16th October 2009, Friday
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Chaplaincy, 138-142 cardigan st

-Sessions Coordinator-

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Just something that I thought would be of interest to any of you, there will be a free screening of a feature length documentary by the Cage Free Campus Society about humanity's absolute dependence on animals for companionship, food, clothing, entertainment and research, and our startling disrespect for these so-called “providers”.

Narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix and featuring music by the critically acclaimed artist Moby, EARTHLINGS is a powerful, gut-wrenching and influential expedition through the myriad forms of suffering inflicted on non-human species. Labelled the single most definitive animal rights film ever made, it is a must see for all those who are concerned – or want to learn more – about the severity and extent of this shocking, hidden exploitation.

Date: Tuesday 13 October
Time: 12-2pm
Venue: Public Lecture Theatre, Old Arts, University of Melbourne

taken from

Trailer available at:
The most violent movie ever made…only itʼs real.

Cosdu Trivia Night

This Friday, we'll be having our first Trivia Night!
Venue: Chaplaincy (138 cardigan st)
Date: 9th Oct, Friday
Time: 6.30pm

But you wouldn't just be sitting all night answering bible questions! There are bonus tasks, games and a little surprise to add to the challenge.

Please feel free to bring items that you think may help you (bibles, catholic books, etc.)

We hope to see you there =)

Prayer for the Guardian Angels

(click for larger image)

27th of September was also the Feast Day for St. Vincent De Paul, Patron Saint of Charities.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Social Justice Sessions + New Blog


Jian Sheng's talk on The Environment opened my eyes to different area of Social Justice. It's an area which is easily accessible and very relevant to our daily lives.

We should care because our environment affects us.
Jian Sheng covered three areas, Land, Water and Energy - the issues and the consequences.
He also dismissed some myths and clarified some facts before giving some simple suggestions as to what WE can do. For more motivation, JS presented the benefits to ourselves that would result from our efforts.

"Our future is in our hands."

Here are the slides.

We have also created a new page specifically for social justice - please visit and bookmark HERE.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sessions Recap


I hope you have enjoyed the sessions so far and more importantly, have learnt something from them.

Here are the powerpoint slides from Fr Thinh's talk on Prayer.

Some things he talked about were:
How to Prayer
Types of Prayer
Expressions of Prayer
Some obstacles that we face

If you would like to read more about prayer, you can visit the Catechism if the Catholic Church Part 4 Christian Prayer HERE

St. ThéRèse of Lisieux writes "For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."

And I found this website to be a good collection of verses about prayer - Prayer Bible Verses

Sessions Coordinator '09-'10

1 Timothy 2:1-4
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Friday, October 02, 2009

Sports Day And Youth Mass

Just in case some of you aren't getting emails:

is THIS SATURDAY (Oct 3) starting at 10am and it is going to be loads of fun and excitement! Since Albert Park is pretty big, we would be gathering at a specific tram stop before heading to the game field. And instead of walking there, we would be jogging there as our part of our warm ups so that we'd be all prepared to start the games off!

What you need to do:

Take tram 112 tram from Collins St heading west (meaning towards DFO) and stop at the corner of Albert Road and Cecil St // Tram stop no 131.

Allow 20 minutes travelling time from the city so the latest tram you can catch is the tram at 9.35 AM.

There will be committee members waiting for you there until 10am before leading you guys jogging to the games area.

We stress that you TRY not to be late as it would be difficult to locate your exact whereabouts and it would definitely make things easier for everyone.

Lunch will be provided but if you guys want to bring some snacks you are welcomed to do so.

Of course, please wear appropriate sports attire (shoes and sports clothing), and bringing some bottles of water might be good as well.

We have also randomly allocated you to your teams! So all you need to do is to come dressed in that colour! It also emphasises your team spirit so be a good sport! (especially for the team photos)

Yanfen's friend

Amanda Yeo

Yanfen's friend

Yanfen's friend

You can decide who will be your team leader and would lead your team to your success. See you on Saturday!!!


We would also like to encourage all of you to go for the Youth Mass the day after Sports Day at All Saints Parish in Fitzroy. We all have to go for mass on Sundays so why not go together? Come along and join us! If you can't remember how to get there, take the 112 tram on Collins street heading East (towards Parliament station or St Patricks's Cathedral) and get off at stop 14.

celebrated by Father Thinh
All Saints Parish
Sunday, 4th October
5pm (Praise & Worship at 4:30pm)

We hope to see you all on the weekend!
Meanwhile, continue enjoying your break :)

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