Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sessions Lineup 2008 Sem 1
Date: 7 March 2008
Activity: Food & Games Day
Time: 6.30pm
Week 2
Date: 14 March 2008
Activity: Welcome Mass - Bishop Tim Costelloe & Fr. McKenna
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm
Week 3
Date: 20 March 2008
Activity: Maundy Thursday - Washing of the Feet
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.00pm
Easter Week - Easter Camp
Week 4
Date: 4 April 2008
Activity: Mass
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm
Week 5
Date: 11 April 2008
Activity: 'Evangelism' by James McDonald
Venue: Alan Gilbert Building
Time: 6.10pm
Week 6
Date: 18 April 2008
Activity: 'Sexuality' by Fr. Robin Konning
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.10pm
Week 7
Date: 2 May 2008
Activity: Mass
Venue: All Saints Parish (Fitzroy)
Time: 6.30 pm
Week 8
Date: 9 May 2008
Activity: Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Venue: Alan Gilbert Building
Time: 6.10pm
Week 9
Date: 16 May 2008
Activity: 'Our Blessed Virgin Mary' by Fr. Paul Newton
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30pm
Week 10
Date: 23 May 2008
Activity: 'Social Justice' by Sr. Delma
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.10pm
Week 11
Date: 30 May 2008
Activity: Examination Mass
Venue: St Carthage's (along Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Welcome Mass 2008
Yes the Bishop is co-celebrating this Mass for us! So do be early and not let him wait. St Carthage's is along Royal Parade Rd up North, and for the benefit of those who are new, we'll have people waiting outside Sidney Myer at 6pm. Rsvp Nicole at or at 0430454777, esp if you're gonna be late.
To all who have not filled out the registration forms (yes including us oldies), bring a membership fee of $5 for non-student union members or $2.50 for student union members, as well as $17 for a t-shirt if you want one!
Ooh and check out the links for World Youth Day and Easter Camp on the right.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Food & Games Day
They say the greatest treasure anyone can will ever find is a friend .
In C.O.S.D.U. , we don't just stop there ; we offer family .
And if there is one other thing we know (besides our faith) , it's food . So in the spirit of kinship , we , all members (ancient and new) gathered on our usual Friday nights for a whole night of food & games . I say the photos above splattered with smiles speak volumes about the fun (and gastronomical satisfaction) involved - far better than i could ever express in words .
We even had time to squeeze in announcements about WYD and hype everyone up about the coming Easter Camp .
For those of you who missed out , don't fret - there'll be plenty more ahead . I guarantee it .
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