Monday, May 12, 2014

Social Activities Coordinator: Ellie Ngu

Just a blink of an eye the term is over! Being in the committee has been a wonderful experience for me. I am really happy to be in this committee, to serve COSDU and to serve the LORD!  COSDU plays a really big part of my live here in Melbourne.  COSDU helped me to grow in my faith and to deepen my relationship with God. COSDU gives me heaps of friends! Friends that means so much to me, they are my family away from home<3 COSDU brings joys in my live! Being in the committee and to serve COSDU in return is the least I can do for what COSDU has given me.

I really really love being in COSDU. Never have I missed a single session. I just love hanging around with fellow COSDUans so much! And this is the reason I took the role as social activity coordinator. As a social activity coordinator, my job is to organize activities and events so that COSDU members can hangout together and deepen their friendship. The main activities a social activity coordinator has to do are: organize weekly dinner after COSDU, annual event-sports day and scavenger hunt and welcome food and games sessions.
Booking dinner venues that can accommodate 30 people and within walking distance can sometimes be challenging. But our lovely members will never complain having dinner at same place! And they will suggest you places to book too! Sports day and Scavenger Hunt are the 2 main events Social Activity Coordinator is in charge of, but don’t worry, the committee will help with organizing as well!

Other than these mentioned, events such as movie night, weekly sports events, going for a run or playing badminton, or even just having a picnic in the park, anything you can think of can be organize throughout the year.

During my term, I organized Trick Or Eat on Halloween! Instead of collecting candies, we went door-to-door collecting non-perishable food to donate to ASRC (Asylum Seekers Resource Centre). It was a really fun evening, we get to dress up and also do meaningful things together! We also had picnic during Easter. It was a really joyful afternoon. Getting to spend time with COSDU friends and celebrate the joyful day together!

If you're thinking of taking this role, the only thing you need is to love being around with COSDU members and wanting to put a smile on their face! Don't worry about not being able to find dinner places every week, organizing big events like scavenger hunt or sports day, because you'll have a great team of committee members to help and support you!
So good luck, have fun and serve the Lord!

God Bless,

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