Monday, May 12, 2014

Publicity Coordinator: Ruth Dooley

Hi all, I’d like to start by sharing my journey in choosing and also taking on the role as Publicity Coordinator. Before taking on this role, I felt I had a deep sense of serving cosdu but I had no idea what I wanted to do. In previous years (whilst studying), Ive always pulled away from committing too much to clubs & activity for fear of my studies. 

Last year after some nudging from a friend that this role is perfect for me, I decided to take a plunge, and the rewards were amazing! I’ve not only gotten close and made a great life long friendships, but also the gratification of success though my input! My only wish to you (who is considering this role) is that you will be well and truly satisfied that whatever you give in to cosdu will be rewarded by God hundreds of time more!

Now, just some fine details of this role. Like I mentioned at my brief presentation last Friday, being the publicity coordinator, you are mainly responsible for two main things. Firstly, the Orientation Booth during the two semesters that you will be serving as Publicity Coordinator. This includes, planning of what need to be done for this event such as liaising with the treasurer to get the orientation booth grant into UMSU, designing orientation fliers, preparation of give bags (this is the fun bit!- you get to choose what goes in the give bag, ie fliers, sweets, note pads, magnets, badges) and managing the orientation booth itself on Orientation week. All these are done with the help of fellow cosduans and committee, and you not only participate but also manage what needs to be done and so on.

Next, are the weekly duties of our cosdu social media. This includes sending out weekly emails (the event themselves are organised by other committee members, so its just of case of cutting and pasting what needs to be sent out), maintaining the Instagram & Twitter accounts (Instragram is linked to our twitter and facebook page, therefore updates are really easy as you will only need to post one picture into instragram and it will appear on both twitter and facebook), and updating the blog on recent events, upcoming events and anything interesting of your choice!

Now, all these aside, as a member of the committee, we also support each and every member and committee toward bringing people closer to Jesus whilst practicing to be more like him in his ever giving heart and love towards others.

God Bless,

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