As stipulated by our constitution, these are the roles of the
· Take care of each ministry in COSDU
· Oversee and ensure the overall smooth running of COSDU
· Keep the Spiritual Directors informed of COSDU’s wellbeing
· Supervise and delegate tasks to committee members
· Chair and prepare AGM
· Call and chair committee meetings
· Liaise with The Archdiocese
· Attend AGM and other necessary training conducted by UMSU
However, in COSDU we’re more than just a list of duties and
responsibilities. If you have a vision for COSDU, an idea of how to improve
COSDU, whether its how to help the members grow in their Catholic faith, how to
make Catholicism more present in our secular campus or what we do to help
Catholic students live their faith, then the role of president may just be for
In my role as president so far, the most important thing that I’ve
learnt is to trust God. Remember that we are His hands and feet and we do our
best to serve Him and give glory to His name in all we do. Remember that no
matter what you do, He will provide you with the grace and resources to make it
happen. All you need is a willing heart.
‘He doesn’t call the worthy, he makes worthy those who are called
and the ones who respond to His call,’ were the words that inspired me to
accept this role a year ago.
On the way, you’ll develop your own leadership style and grow your
organizational abilities if you are willing to learn and open to growth. As
Christian leaders we’re called to serve. The role of president of COSDU is one
that involves much service and behind the scene works. It’s important to liase
with the spiritual directors, archdiocesan office for Youth, and different
youth groups to help COSDU expand its horizons as well. Within the committee, a
president’s role is more of a facilitative one. You pull strings and oversee
the running of COSDU and make sure things get done by leading discussions and
chairing meetings. Help and support your committee members. Be there for them
physically and emotionally when problem arises.
Each leader is different in the way they approach their roles, but
know that you will always have the support of your team members, spiritual
directors and past committee members in your undertaking. Also, ‘if God is for
us, who can stand against us?’ He will be your best guide and support and if
you do take up this challenge, and He will see you through it all.
So if you do
take up this role, know that you will be blessed beyond your own expectations
and you will grow both in faith and as a person if you trust and rely upon God.
God Bless,
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