Monday, April 06, 2009

Vice President - Jessica Tan

Being in COSDU for the past 3 years has really changed my life here in Melbourne, it has brought me closer to God and I feel that it has fulfilled its mission statement “family away from home, growing together with Christ”.

“To be the vice president is to be the Jack-of-all-traits of COSDU’s committee.”
–Sr. Theresa, International Chaplain (2002-2007)

“Love One Another, As I Have Loved You” Luke 22:1-38; John 13. I believe that this is one of the greatest commandments that god has given us. Being VP has been very fulfilling, I feel that I have truly grown a lot as a person, it has taught me to be more patient and understanding towards the needs of others.

Many times working in a team with nine different individuals has been really challenging, we went through a lot of ups and downs and whenever I face any difficulties in the committee I will always keep in mind the bible quote “Love One Another, As I Have Loved You”

When I first took up the job, I was very confused as the VP didn’t have a fixed role and I really didn’t know what was needed of me. However, after being in the committee as VP for the past one year, I realized the most important thing a VP has to do is to support the president and the committee members. To just be there whenever anybody needs help, and most importantly is to take the initiative to get to know each and everybody, to support and help the different ministries.

A few main Responsibilities:

  1. Logistics- Basically keeping track of the music equipments and Items bought for COSDU. Updating the inventory list every semester, or whenever COSDU buys anything.
  2. Supporting the session coordinator in making sure there are enough materials for each session.
  3. Helping out with the planning of sports day and scavenger hunt.
  4. Getting Sponsorships.

Lastly, I would just like to thank the members for truly making this experience a very exciting and fruitful adventure. I would not have done this without the support of all of you, especially my fellow committee members. Even though we sometimes we do have our disagreements but it has been a pleasure working with all of you.

As for my future successor, if any of you are thinking of running for vice president, my advice is do not be afraid, as god is always with you, pray for his guidance and calling. All you have to do is be open to each other in the committee, learn to forgive one another, be friends, support one another not just with your own portfolio, pray with and for each other and lastly as I mention before take the initiative to get to know and help one another.

One thing that I regret not doing is finding sponsorships for COSDU, so I do encourage the next Vice President to actually try to help COSDU find more sponsorships and remember we are the only catholic youth group on campus, what makes us different from other youth groups is we do not IMPOSE our faith but the main thing is to PROPOSE our faith through our actions, and then we can truly call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ.



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