Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sports Day 2007

Our annual event Sports Day was held last last Saturday on 15 Sept at Albert Park. The weather forecast predicted a rainy day, and gigantic clouds loomed at the start, but a gap in between the clouds spread, and by the middle of our games, the sky was perfect blue.

At 9am, E Wei and I waited for the majority of the people at Bourke St, and boarded a tram to Albert Park, while some of the others (kudos to Jian Sheng, Amanda, Janan, Maria and Hobart) prepared the food and brought it to the venue in the wee hours of the morning. Upon our arrival, the chicken wings were well soaked in marinate and waiting to be barbequed.

The participants were then split into four teams - blue, red, yellow and purple. And then the battle started, in rounds of captain's ball and touch rugby, and the Blue Team emerged the winner.

After all that hard work, we had lunch by the barbeque pit. The production line could not meet the demands of the market fast enough and so we had a pack of vultures waiting by the side for chicken wings, sausages, and stir fried mushrooms with onions, meanwhile feeding ourselves with bread and tomato sauce. The food turned out to be really good, especially the chicken wings (kudos again). After prize giving, and playing a few more rounds of soccer on our own, we packed up, took a group pic by the playground, and went home feeling worked out and immensely satisfied.

1 comment:

Ramesh Richards said...

I am waiting for the pics...... hint hint

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