Monday, August 21, 2006

We're in Week 5!

Welcome to the start of Week 5, Semester 2, 2006. It is truly incredibly how time flies. We hope that you've settled into the weekly routine of lectures, tutorials and have braced yourself for the onslaught of assignments. And before you know it, we'll be enjoying the Summer Break!

To keep us spiritually and socially balanced, we hope that you'll continue to benefit from the programme we've planned for the rest of Semester 2. Click here for a sneak preview of the exciting happenings for the following sessions.

Perhaps you've noticed the theme of Social Justice that launched us into Semester 2. Father Bernie Lane, ministering youths in Peru, reminded us that Social Justice and outreach are hallmarks of disciples of Jesus.

Referring to Mark 1: 14, John 8:31 and Luke 1:35, Father Bernie Lane reminded us that Christian discipleship is a deliberate choice that we have to consciously act on everyday so that we will know what is required of us, "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

The biblically grounded session by Father Bernie lane was aptly followed by the viewing of I Know I'm Not Alone which captures Michael Franti's efforts in foregrounding the basic human desire for peace and security amidst political and military chaos. The theme song is available for download at the website.

In preparation of the baptism of Janan on 1st September, this Friday Sister Theresa will lead us in a session of deeper understanding of the Apostle's Creed as well as a deeper appreciation of our own confirmation as we reflect on what it means to us.

So please set aside your Friday evenings and join us for an enriching time of fellowship and food (at the ensuing dinners).

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