Thursday, August 03, 2006

COSDU's GamIntroduSions this FRIDAY, 4th of August :)

For most of us, uni is in its second week! Tutorials have officially started and we hope you're adjusting to the new semester well. :)

Most of you were present at last week's Welcome Mass, Games and Dinner which was a blast. Thank you all for your presence that evening! Things went by so quickly that some of you probably didn't get a chance to fully understand what we do here at COSDU. Well, you shan't be of ignorance any longer for we present to you:

"GamIntroduSions" ...A night of Games, Introduction to COSDU and the line up of COSDU Sessions throughout the semester :)

Venue: West Hall, St. Mary's College
Day and Date: Friday, 4th August 2006
Time: 6.30 PM

Yup, we will playing more games, introducing COSDU more formally as well as informing you of what COSDU has lined up for you for the rest of this semester! Its going to be a blast, so do come along and bring your friends too. As the saying goes, "THE MORE THE MERRIER" and we are all very merry people :)


Day of Obligation: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Day and Date: Tuesday, 15th of August 2006

Ramesh, the liturgy minister has guaranteed that Catholic churches in Melbourne are having masses on the day itself. So, please find time to attend mass at churches of your convenience. For more info on churches around Melbourne, do visit and click on the "Mass Times Around Melbourne" link :)

LASTLY, BIBLE STUDY is still being held EVERY MONDAY, from 1.15 PM to 2 PM. Feel free to bring along your lunches :)

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