Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Sign for Times

Greetings from your Social Justice minister.

In order to help our members be more aware of what's happening in the outside world, we now have a brand new noticeboard conveniently situated in the Chaplaincy's kitchen (yes, we can help ourselves with the coffee and tea but please don't go crazy) in Melbourne University's Health Services building.

This board, as mentioned previously, will be highlighting not just happenings in the world but also justice and peace issues that often get lost in all the media hype. Also, we will be featuring some volunteer jobs available for those who have always wanted to get into some volunteer work.

Every Friday afternoon, this board will be updated with news articles and images of the week's happenings, hot issues in the community and advertisements from local and international sources.

So you are all more than welcome to get a cuppa and gaze lovingly at the board. Myself included.

Among this week's many postings, we will be covering the war in Lebanon and Israel, free expression for people with disabilities, Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic remarks, volunteer jobs available around Melbourne and an uber-cool gift shop on Victoria Street.

So make sure you regularly check our noticeboard starting this Friday(11th August) to keep up with the times!

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