Saturday, April 22, 2006

Battle of the Pop Bands

The camp committee came up with the ingenius idea of naming the teams according to different pop groups. The teams then had to present a song by that pop group in any creative way they wanted.

Here we see West Life projecting a common camp predicament - constipation, and the subseqeuent relief laxative brings. Michael Learns to Rock dedicated the ballad of unrequited love (in cheesy boyband fashion) to a random victim video-ing the act. the honoured victim was clearly trumatized and shaken. *Disclaimer: Not for the nauseous or faint hearted.

Back Street Boys and The Spice Girls collaborated to produce a polished MTV, while N' Sync were still trying to synchronize their vocal talents.

Calling all those with video clips of the other Pop Bands: Please create a youtube account, if you don't have one already, and tag the upload as COSDU.

Where's Life

Michael Learning to Rock

N' Sync Auditions

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