Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life in Christ

Hey guys! One more update for the week! (: Last night's P&W was led by Jessica, Bernice, Ben and Jeanne. Go team!  We also had a really fun and engaging talk done by Father Robin! He talked about grace, carried forward from what Father Thinh had previously mentioned and added on to it. Talking about adding on.. Both priests came in very very similar jumpers! Take a look below!

(Looks like God was telling both of them what to wear since both talked about grace yeah? :P) 

Anyways, moving back to the talk by Father Robin. Father Robin made us break into smaller groups to discuss what we could remember from the talk which was conducted by Father Thinh 2 weeks ago. And I have to say, it was a little daunting trying to remember everything of what Father Thinh had said. Well, maybe because we were all growing old :P 

But hey! We all remembered the essential, important bits such as the GRACE acronym, how grace is given and not earned, so on and so forth. Father Robin took these bits, and talked about how grace is all about us having a relationship with God. He mentioned that leading a life with grace boils down to having our life centered on this wonderful and personal relationship we share with God. Father Robin also got us to share in our small groups how we keep our faith constant and the relationship strong between God and ourselves (: 

Well, I suppose it is important that we see and place God in the center of our lives. Not simply because He is our God, but maybe also because God is the only one who can bring us grace and peace to our lives and after all, He is the one who created us in His likeness and image (: What a wonderful message did Father Robin convey to us last night yeah! 

As usual, after the talk ended, we proceeded for dinner! Last night's dinner was special cause we weren't eating asian food! Heehee. We had really really long dishes. Any idea what it was? Well.... Here are some photos to give you a clue... 

We had dinner at Da Salvatore, Pizza By The Meter. I hope I got the name right! Pizza was awesome, and the company that came along with it was really fun as well! Another great wrap up for our 5th week into the semester. We pray that you all had pretty fun and enriching sessions over the past weeks and that y'all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did (: 

*Feel like you want some more fun instilled to the end of your week? Continue coming for COSDU yeah! I promise that you'll have a great time here and everyone is welcome! 


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