Friday, March 23, 2012

Clio Lin - Treasurer

Treasurer sounds like the typical commerce student? No anyone can do it because it only involves plus and minus.
Is your answer 2? If it is, well done! You have the skill that is needed of a treasurer. Here are the 8 things I did throughout my term.
8 ‘So Simple’ things to do as a Treasurer:
  • Attend Trainings
Just sit down and listen to a very informative lesson on everything you need to know as a treasurer. I guarantee you will not be spilling your guts out trying to understand and it takes so little of your time. Also there is no numbers involve!
  • Prepare an excel spreadsheet to keep track of COSDU’s money
Fret not if you don’t know your debits and credits. You will only need to create 2 columns: cash in and cash out. That’s it!
  • Familiarise yourself with the UMSU office and the people
UMSU office is so conveniently located at the union house and just outside the office you have whatever you need (forms, information sheets etc.) all lined up nicely in a shelf.
  • Apply for grants and wait for the money to flow in
Grant application is pretty much dummy proof. Fill that up, submit it to the office and you will be notified once it has been approved. Submit the receipts (proof of purchase) and you get your grant. Direct credit into the bank account so no need to personally go down to pick up the cheque or cash.
  • Collect membership funds
This is done only once a semester. No stress at all!
  • Keep track of petty cash and bank account
Make sure your cash on hand is always kept safe and that you know how much is in your bank.
  • Collect monthly bank statements from our mailbox
Guess what? Mailbox is also located at the Union house on the same level as the UMSU office.
  • At the end of your term, do up a treasurer’s report
This is basically the excel file you have created at the beginning of your term and the bank statements that you have been collecting. All you have to do is to submit to UMSU. Simple!
I implore you to take on this role and be God’s treasurer!
COSDU isn’t all work, it means so much more to me. I really thank God for guiding me to COSDU and back to his embrace. Till this very day, I am still very surprised that I actually walked to the COSDU booth on O-week and signed up. That was the light leading me back. I am very glad I followed and through this journey in COSDU, I have learnt to treasure so much. Treasure my friends, my family, my life and most importantly God. He has taught me the meaning of endurance and patience through this ministry. Now I understand the importance of God’s presence in my life and I know through it all he will always be there for me.
It has been an awesome year with the COSDU committee, I will always remember the retreats we had and the abundance of food God has nourished us with. Even though COSDU is small in size, I believe that it has touched so many people within. I know it has touched me in many ways and that; it is a place I look forward to every Friday.
Indeed it is a family away from home.
God Bless

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