Honestly, I do not know what would make a good opening for this write-up. I do not know what opening will pull you and immerse you in my writing that will lead you to consider running for the position of sessions coordinator. I’ve got nothing.
The main concern of the sessions coordinator is to make sure something happens every Friday session. He/she can either invite speakers to speak on certain topics,conduct the sessions by him/herself or choose to have an activity such as trivia night or the like. It is wholly subjected to the creativity of the coordinator and the inspiration given by God. Simple, ain’t it? :)
Being the sessions coordinator has been the most fulfilling thing I’ve done in COSDU. I had first run for the position with the desire to share, to help the members grow in their faith but little did I know that I would gain so much more than I would give.
The main concern of the sessions coordinator is to make sure something happens every Friday session. He/she can either invite speakers to speak on certain topics,conduct the sessions by him/herself or choose to have an activity such as trivia night or the like. It is wholly subjected to the creativity of the coordinator and the inspiration given by God. Simple, ain’t it? :)
Being the sessions coordinator has been the most fulfilling thing I’ve done in COSDU. I had first run for the position with the desire to share, to help the members grow in their faith but little did I know that I would gain so much more than I would give.
God has been such a gracious Teacher through this journey. He taught me to trust Him to provide even when hope didn’t seem to exist. He taught me to listen to what people need and not what I thought they needed. He reached out to teach and this experience has beckoned me to learn.
Being sessions coordinator does not mean that you are more superior in the faith or more knowledgeable about the Church, spirituality or anything of that kind. It does not and should not mean automatically put you in holier light. It means serving the COSDU family by paying attention to the members’ spiritual needs. It means offering up all that you don’t know and expecting to receive what God wants you and COSDU to know.
Being sessions coordinator does not mean that you are more superior in the faith or more knowledgeable about the Church, spirituality or anything of that kind. It does not and should not mean automatically put you in holier light. It means serving the COSDU family by paying attention to the members’ spiritual needs. It means offering up all that you don’t know and expecting to receive what God wants you and COSDU to know.
There is no prerequisite to be a sessions coordinator except a heart that is open to be shaped and directed by God. You do not need to have a vast bank of theological knowledge to fill these shoes. Do not think that you have to first be holy before being worthy to serve as a sessions coordinator. All these are not necessary except a heart that desires to join others on the journey of discovering more of God’s mystery. A willing heart is all you need, as I would always say.
I am not going to try to convince you to be a sessions coordinator. I believe God will nudge you hard enough for you to not ignore Him. I am going to appeal to you to allow God the freedom to nudge you in the first place though, because He knows what He can do through you and what He can teach you through these experiences.
This is an incredible journey to be on. Please don’t deny yourself of the experience if God has called you to it.
This is an incredible journey to be on. Please don’t deny yourself of the experience if God has called you to it.
Yours in Christ,
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