Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday season with family, friends, and those christmas carols currently being played on loop :P

So, on behalf of COSDU, Merry Christmas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011. God bless, and have tons of fun for the rest of the holidays peeps! =^_^=

<3 flo

ps - also, for those of you celebrating birthdays these holiday season, happy birthday :)

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hey all,

I know it's been a while since my previous post- and yes, it is all my fault -.-"""
A lot of things have happened since sports day - with our monthly mass, sessions on Jesus and Mary and more recently... a truly relaxing session prepared by Kim as a lead up to exams. I must say- stress levels have now dropped to medium instead of super critical since attending that session so yes folks.... reflections and prayer does calm you down (though i suspect most of you already know this, so this won't really have the impact of say, the guy who thought up the blue sky theory).

So, as a lead up to exams- we'll be doing up an exam prayer calendar for all of you. If you would like to be prayed for, and your name is not on the calendar- drop an email to or comment on this post.

So until next time- take care folks, and study hard!! Delete your facebook account if necessary :P
(kidding, kidding, we all know that it isn't necessary..)

<3 flo

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey guys,

For those of you who still don't know about our upcoming Sports Day... well, it's ON! It'll be totally awesome, and a fun way to celebrate our freedom this mid-sem break (well, for most of us anyway)

We'll be meeting up at the Bourke St/Swanston St tram stop at 9.15am (sharp!! <-- no, seriously, 9.15am sharp) and bring you guys to Albert Park. Emergency contact details: Felicia @ 0420571564 and Flo @ 0419964491

Hope to see you there, and meanwhile... ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS! =^_^=

<3 flo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy 4th Anniversary, Fr Thinh

"On Saturday September 16, 2006, at 10 am, four priests will be ordained at St Patrick's Cathedral for the Archdiocese of Melbourne. All are warmly invited to attend the ordination of Fathers Eugene Ashkar, John Joel Vergara, Thinh Xuan Nguyen and Justin Ford."

Dear Fr Thinh,

It's been four years since the words and photo above were published on
Now you are a priest, still as cheerful as you can be. Your smile brings joy to people you minister to. What other reason is there except that it is by God's grace that you have remained as joyful as you are now?

We, COSDU, would like to thank you for responding to God's call so many years ago and for the great dedication in your ministry to the youth. We thank you for your smiles, your listening ear and most of all, your heart that you have dedicated in your work as our guide to Heaven. :)

We also pray that your love for our Lord will increase exponentially towards the Heavens as you continue this wonderful work the Lord God has begun in you. We pray also that your heart will always remain receptive to His voice, and your hands and feet eager to do His work.

Thank you so much for EVERYTHING.

Happy 4th anniversary of your ordination and God bless you abundantly for all the days of your life! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sharing is caring (Call to share your two cents on the blog!)

“Iron is made finer by iron, man is refined by another”

Proverbs 27: 17

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “family”?

Mother? Father? Brother? Sister? Maybe your aunt? How many of you thought of the person sitting next to you at mass? Or the person behind you, in line, heading towards receiving the Eucharist? What about the person you shared your stories with during your last Friday C.O.S.D.U. gathering?

I believe I won’t be the only one who knows how important it is to have a family. God Himself could have chosen to be a simple, singular God free from complexity. And He is a singular God, but He is also a Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – by choice. Pope John Paul II said, “God, in His deepest mystery, is not a solitude, but a family, since He has in Himself, fatherhood, sonship, and the essence of the family, which is love.” If even God modeled Himself as a family, it is rather clear that He was revealing to us the significance of being a family – of community life. Before Jesus set out to do His work, he first called disciples, and they did everything together. They were His family.

“Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God’s children;

and that is what we are

1 John 3:1

I don’t know about you, but despite all these, I often forget (perhaps a little too often) that we are brothers and sisters in Christ. The evidence of this profound significance is obvious when Peter wrote to the Corinthians, “Just as a human body, though it is made up of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body” (1 Corinthians 12:12). And he continues to say, “The eye cannot say to the hand ‘I do not need you’, nor can the head say to the feet, ‘I do not need you’.” (1 Corinthians 12:21). So, brothers and sisters in Christ, as a family, we need each other. Jesus did not teach us to care only for ourselves, to care only for our own faith, but to love one another.

“Let us be concerned for one another then, to stir a response in love and good works”

Hebrews 10:24

How do we do that? We make sure we catch up with each other, challenge each other about our faiths, gather to share the Word, and so on. What we often forget is that the lives we lead are also a sharing; that the blessings that we’ve received are an affirmation. When I am burdened by my own Cross(es) (and rest assured, there have been aplenty), I have always found that someone’s unique story of faith renews my strength and lifts me up. When I find that I do not have it in me to believe that our God is a caring and loving God, your knowledge and experience of God's promise to love with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) can lead me to believe in such a God again. When I feel so lonely amidst the crowd, the solidarity in God that you have experienced can help me come into the still Presence of the Lord. We need each other.

Therefore, I am inviting you - COSDUan or ex-COSDUan, priest or nun, student or working adult - to send in your two cents about the times when God has shown His everlasting love and mercy to you, or when His miracles astounded you so much you were left in wonder. Or you could also write about the little things: when you saw the loving innocence in a child or hearing the sounds of God's laughter in the wind. Everything that affirmed your faith and will help affirm that of mine and of our family.

So send your writing in to the COSDU email ( and it will be posted on the blog*.

Whether you want to have it posted with your name as the author, or you would like to adopt a pen name, or remain anonymous, it’s up to your discretion.

Thanks, brothers and sisters. We look forward to seeing what you have to share!

“My beloveds, let us love one another then, since love comes from God, and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God… we love, because He loved us first”

1 John 4: 7; 19

*Article approval and publication will be subject to editor’s discretion.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monthly mass

Hey all

This week, COSDU will be celebrating monthly mass together. Hopefully, all of you can take some time out of your busy lives, and join us =^_^=

If you don't know where St. Carthage's is, you can contact flo@0419964491
my directions are terrible and probably wildly inaccurate, but i will make sure you'll get there :)

so until friday,
take care everyone...

<3 flo

Monday, August 16, 2010


So as you may already know.... this Friday we won't be having our usual sessions... because we're going to the WYD FIESTA! Having gone to a previous pre-WYD celebration before, I seriously recommend that you guys come along to celebrate (whether or not you are planning to go to Madrid next year).

So, COSDU will be travelling together if you are interested:

WHEN: Friday, 20th August, 6.15 pm
WHERE: Sidney Myer Asia Centre

We will be walking (20-30min) so please don't be late! And... as usual, please RSVP... either on facebook, replying to the weekly cosdu email on tuesday, or contacting:

florence @ 0419964491 OR kim @ 0415537865 OR jon @ 0433140701

For those of you who don't feel like walking, travel details can be found on the poster, or the new sidebar of the blog (thanks to kimmy ^_^)

So, see you all on Friday... and till then

take care
<3 flo

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Documentary Night #1

hey guys.... this is the first COSDU documentary night for this semester and we'd love you to join us! The event is up on facebook, so if you guys re interested, please RSVP or contact jess if you don't have facebook... because the venue for this event depends on the number of people attending. Right now, the venue is at milano based on the number of people who have indicated they will be attending.

so, prove to us that the art of RSVP is not dead and outdated people, and.....
hope to see you all there =^_^=

<3 flo

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Welcome Mass

Hey everyone... Welcome Mass is coming up and we'd love to see you all there. To all new members, meet up in Sidney Myer @ 5.30 pm sharp if you'd like us to take you to St Carthage's. For all enquiries, directions, and questions, call me @ 0419964491

The mass will be celebrated by Fr.Thinh, and we'll be going out to have dinner afterwards. So... do join us, and until then, take care!

<3 flo

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome Food & Games

Hey all...

The first session of the semester will be our welcome food&games event. There will be awesome games organized by Felicia, lots of fun, prizes and above all...... FREE FOOD. yes, to all those students living on a super strict budget..... DINNER IS FREE.

So you know the drill people, rsvp on facebook, and let us know if you're coming so that we won't over-cater ridiculously and be forced to send off all remnants to michael phelps.

Hope to see all of you there, and until then.... take care

<3 flo

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hey all..... mid year o-week is coming up next week, which means....

We can legally deface and graffiti the uni for a great cause


We'll really, REALLY appreciate your support during the clubs and societies expo (22nd of July, 12-3pm, North Court). If you can drop by, say hi, or not say hi but just drop by and steal our food.... it will be really appreciated (the latter, of course, will be far more appreciated...).

So do come along, and support COSDU! =^_^=

Until then, enjoy the rest of the holidays guys, and take care

<3 flo

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Upcoming events

Hey people!

Hope the winter holidays are going great for you! I know this is a little last minute but better late than never, I suppose! :)

Anyway there are a few things going on in Melbourne (i.e. talks etc), some of which may appeal to you.

1. Theology at the pub
Time: Monday, 5 July 2010 - 6.30pm dinner (7.30pm start)
Venue: The Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy
Topic: What is the Bible and where does it come from?
Speaker: Fr Paul Mankowski SJ

Go here for more info

2. Fullness of Truth tour
There will be a few talks going on around in Melbourne

  • Mon July 5 @ 7pm: St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Church @ 33 Howard St, West Melbourne. Steve Ray’s conversion story - “Finding the Fullness of Faith”
  • Mon July 12 @ 10am - 12pm: Freedom Publishing - St. Benedict Book Centre @ Lvl 2, 35 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn. “Our Lady, the Eucharist and Islam” - Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J.
  • Mon July 12 @ 7:00pm - St Mary’s Star of the Sea Church @ 33 Howard St, West Melbourne. “Living your faith in a secular world” - Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J.

More info here

3. Life in the Spirit seminar
Organised by the Missionaries of God's love (the order that Fr Simon [who came with us to Easter camp] belongs to)

Dates and times: 5 Wednesdays : July 7, 14, 21, 28 (7.30-9.00pm) and Aug 4 (7.30-9.30pm)
Venue: Benedict House - 301 Warrigal Rd, Burwood
Cost: $10
Contact: Vincent Clementine MGL - 03 98087345
Chris Eaton MGL - 03 9808 2646
Info: Help you know more about faith, grow in prayer, discover the gifts that God has given to us, learn more about hte mission we have been called to, find out more about the work of the Spirit in our lives.

I know this one is a bit far. There may be a possibility that I can help arrange transport (no promises yet!) so let me know if you're interested but the distance is the only things putting you off. Another thing, apparently there might be a weekend seminar (most likely 10/11 Jul) for this. I have to find out more about that. So if you want to know whether there really is a weekend seminar for this, let me know ( and I'll pass on the details ASAP. :)

p/s this seminar's really good!

4. Religious Faith Formation: Brunswick 'I AM AMONG YOU AS ONE WHO SERVES'
This one related more to social justice stuff

Venue: St Ambrose's Parish, 287 Sydney Rd, Brunswick 3056

Cost: Gold coin donation per session

Thursday July 8: A Home For The Heart - Offering Local Hospitality In Our Parishes
Presenter: Damian Coleridge
Damian has worked for many years in pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese. He served as a parish pastoral associate for several years before spending the last 20 years as a pastoral support person for parish conferences of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Victoria. Damian begins a new role as Parish Support coordinator for the AOFE in June 2010.

Thursday July 15: 'We Are Waiters Not Masters' - Toward A Spirituality Of Service Today
Presenter: Br Mark O'Connor FMS
Mark is a Marist Brother and taught in Marist schools for many years. As Director of the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation, Mark holds a Master of Theology degree from the Melbourne College of Divinity and a Masters in Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin.

Thursday July 22: The God Of Justice - Service And Living The Eucharist
Presenter: Sr Jan Gray RSM
Jan is a Sister of Mercy in the Adelaide Congregation. She was educated at Macquarie University, United Faculty of Theology, and Cambridge University. Sr Jan's teaching areas are in systematic theology, especially theology of Human Person, Church, Feminist theology, and Christian Muslim relations. She is also a member of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia National Formation Council.

5. Where is God now? Searching for the sacred in the ordinary
Date: Friday 23 July 2010 5.00-7.00pm
Venue: The Oratory, Newman College, University of Melbourne, 887 Swanston Street, Parkville 3052
Presenter: Donna Orsuto

RSVP: Br Mark O'Connor FMS at

Phone: 0401 222 596

More info here. This one would probably be more on the intellectual side

6. MGL Vocation weekend for Women

The sisters invite you to attend a weekend of prayer, talks, sharing
and sisterhood to help discern your life direction and vocation.
Where: Sisters place in
North Balwyn, Melbourne
When: July 16,17, 18
Contact: Sisters 03 9857 8177

Sorry boys. This one's for the girls. There's one for the boys in August. :)

Thanks guys enjoy your holidays!

God bless.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Graduation Mass

Hey all,

our super awesome secretary is solely responsible for the wicked brand-spankin new blog layout... and get this peeps.... she did all of this during the exam period! (*super woman*)

so..... thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankyou kershia, for making the blog awesom-ooo!!!! =^_^=

getting back to the topic.... grad mass is coming up- we have 4 graduates this sem,

Alice, Amanda, Hilary and Yanuar

So come join us in making sure they get a proper send off, COSDU style. Mass spam emails are out- but just in case you haven't been checking emails or facebook.... here are the details:

So come join us.... and till then

Take care :)

<3 flo

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Feast of Corpus Christi and Youth Mass

For those who are interested, the Feast of Corpus Christi 2010 runs from the 4th to the 6th of June at the Seminary church of the Sacred Heart in Carlton. For more details, check out the flyer ^_^

Also, a reminder that there is a YOUTH MASS this Saturday... please check Facebook for details, or open up your inbox. Hope to see you guys there!

as for now, take care everyone.

<3 flo

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Exam calendar

Hey everyone

Just letting the rest of you who don't have Facebook (or who refuses to be sucked in by Facebook during the exam period) know, the exam calendar is up :)

For those of you without exams, please pray for all those poor souls going through a 1kg tin of coffee this month just to function properly.... and as for those of you who are doing so, SLEEP.

Good luck everyone! And may the force be with you.

<3 flo

Monday, May 31, 2010

Heaven, Hell & Purgatory


As promised, here are the slides from the wonderful presentation by Fr Thinh.

Though we may never fully understand the afterlife until all is revealed when we reach that afterlife, I do believe that from what we do know and understand, we get a representation of what it could be. For some, knowing is equally good as not knowing; for others, even the slightest glimpse strengthens our faith.

There's this scene in the film Meet Joe Black where a character asks Death : Should I be afraid? And Death replies "Not a man like you." I encourage you to lead a moral and honorable life such that the same can be said.

Discussion of questions that people had...
Please feel free to reply and add other questions that you may have.

1. How do we know whether we have done good or bad in our lives?

2. What is our purpose after reaching heaven?

3. What of spirits roaming the earth? Are they in heaven, hell or purgatory or something totally separate?

4. Are our feelings of unworthiness for receiving God's for forgiveness a "willing refusal of God's mercy"?

5. Is it possible to go from hell to heaven and vice versa?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Examination Mass!

Join us for a time of prayer before the start of your exams!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heaven, hell and purgatory

So. Heaven, hell and purgatory. PJs and GJs and the lot.

Whew. There was a lot of deep discussion about that topic on Friday, and some very thought provoking lessons presented then... some of which I am still struggling to understand, but learning to accept. Slides of the presentation are going to be up so no... I will not be re-lecturing people on the Catholic teachings about the afterlife. I will however, procrastinate shamelessly and share with you what I've learnt.

It's a bit of a shocker really, to find out that South Park's portrayal of heaven is totally wrong- no clouds, pearly gates, angels playing golden PSP's or Kenny. Heaven is not a place, but a state of being, where one is not limited by time and space and is eternally happy because he or she is in eternal communion with God. The way I see it, it's sort of like a Zen meditation feeling of calm and peace... like all your worries have been sapped away and instead of thinking about the prospect of Torrres leaving Liverpool and joining Chelsea... you are totally in the zone... and totally content. I'm guessing this contentment is because you can hear what God is saying when He's talking to you. Unlike your time on earth when you often don't know what God is saying to you (if He is saying something to you)... in heaven, communication is pretty sweet both ways.

Hell on the other hand, is the eternal absence of God, or as Sara says, discommunion with God. Hell, to be honest, sounds like a time when you don’t have internet connection, credit on your phone, and you’re completely isolated and alone- and aware of the fact that it will be an eternity before you can go on Facebook and make a status update about how terrible you feel about the whole thing. And perhaps, multiply that feeling by 1000000000000000000000000000 to the power of infinity. Then square it, and take the natural log of it.
I have a mathematical representation of purgatory, but that… is probably best edited out for the interest of all non-engineering students.
So… methinks a shout out to Donna is in order… thanks for the awesome session!!
As for now… May the force be with you. Good luck with assignments, studying, work, life, coin laundry and the works guys.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Congratulations to the new Cosdu Committee!

Here is your new 2010/2011 committee!

President: Jonathan Au
Vice President: Renee Siu
Secretary: Kershia Kathleen
Treasurer: Kudokun Wuisan (Theo)
Social Justice Coordinator: Jessica Tan
Sessions Coordinator: Kim Ngu
Liturgy Coordinator: Anastasia Agusto
Music Coordinator: Alphonsus Tan
Publicity Coordinator: Florence Santana
Social Activities Coordinator: Felicia Tang

Congratulations to them and may the Lord give them the courage, strength and guidance they need to serve Him through their work in Cosdu!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Friday, May 14 2010
6:00pm Mass begins, 6:30pm AGM begins
Executive Lounge (upstairs), Alan Gilbert Building on Grattan Street.

As a general consideration towards others, please try to be early so we can all start on time.

**Very Important**
We need at least 20 non-committee members to attend this event. Please try to make some time out of your busy schedule to support us at this AGM. The committee deeply appreciates this! :) Click for Facebook Event!

Dinner and drinks will be catered and provided after the AGM, light refreshments will be provided throughout the AGM process.

All Positions will be open for nomination in the following order:
Vice President
Social Justice Coordinator
Sessions Coordinator
Liturgy Coordinator
Music Coordinator
Publicity Coordinator
Social Activities Coordinator

AGM Agenda:

Item 1 - Attendance

Mass starts at 6pm! (Celebrant: Fr. Thinh)

1.1 Opening:

Meeting chaired by Jessica Tan

Opening Prayer by Jessica Tan

Meeting opened at 6.30 pm

Minutes taken by Sara Kang

1.2 Attendance

1.3 Apologies

Item 2 - Adoption of Agenda

(Motion required)

Item 3 – Chair Person’s Welcome

Item 4 - Constitution

4.1 Distribution of the club constitution

4.2 Discussion and ratification of club constitution (motion required)

Item 5 - Reports

5.1 President’s Report

5.2 Treasurer’s Report

5.3 Spiritual Directors’ Speeches

Item 6 - Elections

6.1 Appointment of Returning Officer (Motion required)

6.2 Appointment of Ballot Officers

6.3 Outline of election procedure

6.4 Call for Nominations

6.5 Voting and Declaration of Results

Item 7 - Presentation of Tokens of Appreciation

Items 8 – Any Other Business

8.1 Mention of Thanks

8.2 Speech of thanks by the new President

Item 9 – Annual General Meeting closed

9.1 Final tribute to COSDU Committee 2009-2010

9.2 Closing prayer by new President

9.3 Meeting closed at 10.30 pm (or earlier)

Good luck to everyone who is considering running for a position! :)

Monday, May 03, 2010

President: Jessica Tan

Come to think of it, ever since I came to Melbourne, COSDU has become my Melbourne, I have been in the committee for the past 2 years and i’m honoured to have the opportunity to be President.

To be able to serve God and his people.

What is important to know is that, COSDU is not just another university club. It’s not just about social activities, although we certainly enjoy these together. It’s not just about writing facebook comments on millions of photos. It is a catholic youth group - THE ONLY ONE ON CAMPUS. The most important thing is that our group is based in faith.
And we need to remember, as pope Benedict says, we do not impose our faith but we propose our faith through our actions and through who we are.

Being president has certainly thought be a lot of things, it hasn’t just thought me how to lead, but is has thought me how to serve God’s people.

There are many things to be planned such as monthly meetings, ensuring everything is running smoothly, updating our spiritual directors, but most importantly, being president is about helping the committee grow in faith with one another, getting to know their strengths, bringing them close together, ( which is very important is you will be working together for the next year), ensuring the members feel that COSDU is inclusive, welcoming, personally fulfilling, faith enhancing, safe and supportive for all.

We had our ups and downs, it certainly gets quite stressful but what isn’t?

Because we base our faith around prayer and our faith, everything turns out great in the end. As people always say God will not give us something that we cannot handle.

And remember this, as Mother Teresa said: we cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

So if you feel the calling to run, go for it, god doesn’t require us to succeed: he only requires that we try and we do our best.

And if you every feel stressed or down, keep in mind that true holiness consists in doing god’s will with a smile.

The committee is like the story of the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd is the one who really knows the sheep and their needs, and is ready to serve them-even to lay down his life for them. Being in a committee is like the Good Shepherd – not just doing a job, not just keeping COSDU going, but really caring for COSDU, knowing every person in COSDU and their needs, and wanting to serve them, like Jesus who didn’t come to BE SERVED, but to SERVE.

All the best to all of you who are thinking of running, this is a great opportunity, so as Father Binh said last night, this might be your vocation, you never never know, if you never
never go. =)

Good luck

Vice President: Gracie Ng

My publicity Coordinator has requested that I send in my VP Profile. So while sitting here and typing away, I can hardly think of what to say to the people that will be reading this. So I have to mentally take myself back to May 2009 and think of how I have improved myself to become what I am now at this moment in time.

I must say though, that it has been such a bumpy road, along this road there are thorny bushes, and beautiful trees and flowers, but the greatest companion the most handsome and lovely sight was Jesus, my Lord. HIS mercy and grace is just overwhelming.

The experience of being a VP for COSDU has given me the opportunity to learn from my fellow committee members. They have humbled my ego and taught me gentleness and humility. They have taught me to love and care for others. Being a self centred person that I am, I have witnessed such sincerity and kindness from my team, that by offering others my help and time can bring such joy. For the 1st term of my VP-ship, I did not really do much for my team, however, by 2nd term; I knew I had to start treating them like real people and FRIENDS; Friends that will be part of my great experience. THIS, my dear friends is what I want to share with you.

You see, being a VP is not being the 2nd boss, being a VP is SUPPORTING EACH AND EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP NO MATTER WHAT, WHERE OR WHEN! And I only came to understand this later in my term. I prayed for Divine guidance and sensitivity so that I may come to BE together with my committee and learn from them, to LOVE them. You want to know why, because like I have talked about in my testimonial on the 23rd of April, there are people out there that are brutal in the way the treat other human beings, the loneliness that I felt in this highly demanding university committee has made me realized what a lovely bunch of COSDUans I am involved with. I am not going to get too detailed into this. The lesson that I learned is that no matter where I am at, God will always guide me, and give me strength and comfort. And I know he will do exactly the same for you. *whispering very softly” That is the truth!

There isn’t a FIX role for being a VP in COSDU; however, from my point of view, a VP MUST be one that is Proactive and Responsible. Simple! There are defined “jobs” for this role, but it was pretty boring for me and I had to do something greater than that. So, I took on the responsibility of Organizing COSDU’s Greatest Annual Event - Eater Camp 2010. And it was FANTASTIC!! Don’t believe me, take up the challenge and be in the organizing committee and experience it for yourself, it will be your heart’s fondness memory!! Still not convince, then just pay-up and go to the camp! For 2011 that is.

Alright, so here are a few main Responsibilities:

  1. Logistics- Basically keeping track of the music equipments and Items bought for COSDU. Updating the inventory list every semester, or whenever COSDU buys anything.
  2. Supporting the session coordinator in making sure there are enough materials for each session.
  3. Helping out with the planning of sports day and scavenger hunt.
  4. Getting Sponsorships.

Coming to the end of my long winded profile, I would like to thank Jess, Sara, Yanuar, Jian Sheng, Donna, John, Matt, Audrey and Giovanni for making my experience such a lovely one. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with you guys, all your support and humour has made it rich and pleasant. I wish it wasn’t going to end so soon.

Lastly, to my future successor, or just anyone who is thinking of giving COSDU-VP a chance. GO FOR IT MY DEAR! You’ll gain a valuable experience from it. As for me, it helped shaped my character and made me into a better and stronger person. It shot me with a big wakeup call and taught me sincerity and kindness. And I know it will give you so much more than I have mentioned. Who knows it will bring you closer “home”, home where your heart knows Peace, Love and Joy. Go and TAKE UP this call to serve your fellow friends and laugh together.

Gracie is encouraging anyone to take on this Fabulous Role as VP. It’s Fun and Wonderful. Do pray and pray and pray and pray until you get the strong sense of “YES, this is what I want to do - to SERVE & BE”. This is what I felt when I decided to join COSDU’s committee. It was a definitely YES. Pray for his grace and guidance and YOU WILL feel it deep within you. Oh yes you will. Or you can just take on as a challenge to yourself, now this is what I call adventurous-soul.

Should you have any questions to ask me regarding COSDU's VP role or anything at all that you would like to share and talk about.
I'm always at sessions. Do come and I'll help you with all I can.

Till then my lovely people, toodlesss!!

With Warmest Love on this Autumn Night,

Gracie Valentina

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