Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is God?

All the words in the dictionaries in all the languages of the world would not adequately describe/explain God. He says, "I Am who I Am" (Exodus 3:13-15). However, God is not unknowable as He reveals Himself to us in His own time like in the example of Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3). The church teaches that God reveals himself so that we can know him personally and intimately. The CCC II. God Reveals His Name is a good place to read more about this.

These questions may help for a more personal approach to the question of Who is God?

1. How do you see God in relation to yourself? A friend, a parent, a teacher, a judge?
How does this affect the way you communicate with Him?

2. Has your relationship with God changed since you first came to know Him? How so? Why did it change?

3. What are your expectations of knowing God? Who do you want Him to be?

4. Someone who knows nothing of God asks you about Him. How do you describe God to them?

5. Imagine He were to stand in front of you right now. What would you do? What would you say?

Sessions Coordinator 09-10

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