Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Lunch for everyone!

In the spirit of Christmas, you are all invited to come join in the celebration with some of your fellow friends by joining us for mass celebrated by Fr. Thinh and lunch after at his place! Lunch will be potluck, so bring your specialty dish!


Friday, December 25, 2009
11:05am - 2:05pm, lunch will most probably be at 12pm
Fr Thinh's place (174 Brunswick St., Fitzroy)

See you all there and we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Exam Dates and Assessments in November 09'

(click for larger view)

An exam calendar for us to pray for one another during this stressful period and also for us to wish each other all the best for our papers the night before!

Dear Lord, be with me now as I enter this exam. Thank you for the many talents and gifts that you have already given to me. Help me recall all that I've studied and express it clearly. Inspire me to answer the questions and encourage me to do the very best I can. Lord, remind me that nothing is going to happen to me that you and I together can't handle. Holy Spirit, think through me until your ideas are my ideas. Amen -Melbourne University Chaplains-

Additional Prayers

Prayer to St Joseph of Cupertino for success in examinations.

O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favoured by God in
overcoming the difficulties of study and the worries of
examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and
strengthen my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom.
Help me especially in the decisive moments of my examinations,
protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety
which often affect me. May I succeed in offering God my finest
work and may I grow in knowledge, understanding, humility and
charity. May everything that I attempt to learn in life be offered in
faithful service to God, from whom flows that wisdom which leads
to eternal life. Amen

O St Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God
to be asked at your examination, the only proposition you knew.
Grant that I may like you succeed in my examinations. Especially
in ..... In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be

St Joseph of Cupertino pray for me; Our Lady of Good Studies
pray for me; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom
enlighten me. Holy Spirit enlighten me!

Prayer to St Joseph of Cupertino for students

Humble St Joseph of Cupertino, ever helpful to those who seek
your aid, hear me in my present need.

By that love which carried you to God, and by that burning
affection which made you a devoted son of Mother of Our
Saviour, and a loyal follower of your spiritual father St Francis of
Assisi, help me to be a successful student.

Help me to be attentive to my studies, so that I may profit by them,
and particularly that I may undergo examinations without fear.

Good St Joseph, you know well the trials and tribulations of
students, intercede for me that I may be successful by divine aid
just as you were successful through the goodness of God. I place
my trust entirely in your hands, realising that as long as I work for
the honour and glory of God that hope will not be in vain. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of enchanting love, of fear, of knowledge, of holy hope, through Whose pious intercession many make admirable progress in studies and piety despite crudeness of understanding, I choose Thee as protectress and patroness of my studies. Humbly I implore Thee that, from the heart of Thy maternal pity, and principally from the Eternal Wisdom that deigned to take on our flesh in Thee, and that exalted Thee in heavenly light above all the saints, Thou obtain grace from the Holy Ghost for me so that I might be able to penetrate with my understanding, retain in my memory, express by my life and words, and teach to others all that brings honor to Thee and Thy divine Son, likewise to the advantage of my eternal joy and that of all men. So be it.

On behalf of the Cosdu Committee 2009/2010, I wish you all the best in your revision and good luck in your exams! Have a happy holiday! :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Examination Mass!

It's the time of the semester again where Swot Vac isn't far away and exams seem to be just looming around the corner. Cosdu will be having an examination mass celebrated by Fr. Robin Koning and Fr. Thinh (the chaplain of melb uni) so that we can pray together for guidance, strength and peace of mind during this period.

In the midst of all our stress, this is what we need most! More divine intervention! So do come along and join us.

All are welcomed!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Discernment - 16 October 2009

This Friday we'll be having a session on the topic of
Discernment. I'm guessing that most people have faced tough decisions in life, regarding vocations (religious or non-religious), relationships or otherwise. Discernment is about hearing God's voice amidst all our distractions and making good, peaceful decisions. It could be through personal prayer or it could be through sharing with a spiritual advisor or a friend. Plinio Martins SJ will be our guest speaker. Some of you may have met him at easter camp 09.

Do attend our session to find out more!

Date: 16th October 2009, Friday
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Chaplaincy, 138-142 cardigan st

-Sessions Coordinator-

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Just something that I thought would be of interest to any of you, there will be a free screening of a feature length documentary by the Cage Free Campus Society about humanity's absolute dependence on animals for companionship, food, clothing, entertainment and research, and our startling disrespect for these so-called “providers”.

Narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix and featuring music by the critically acclaimed artist Moby, EARTHLINGS is a powerful, gut-wrenching and influential expedition through the myriad forms of suffering inflicted on non-human species. Labelled the single most definitive animal rights film ever made, it is a must see for all those who are concerned – or want to learn more – about the severity and extent of this shocking, hidden exploitation.

Date: Tuesday 13 October
Time: 12-2pm
Venue: Public Lecture Theatre, Old Arts, University of Melbourne

taken from

Trailer available at:
The most violent movie ever made…only itʼs real.

Cosdu Trivia Night

This Friday, we'll be having our first Trivia Night!
Venue: Chaplaincy (138 cardigan st)
Date: 9th Oct, Friday
Time: 6.30pm

But you wouldn't just be sitting all night answering bible questions! There are bonus tasks, games and a little surprise to add to the challenge.

Please feel free to bring items that you think may help you (bibles, catholic books, etc.)

We hope to see you there =)

Prayer for the Guardian Angels

(click for larger image)

27th of September was also the Feast Day for St. Vincent De Paul, Patron Saint of Charities.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Social Justice Sessions + New Blog


Jian Sheng's talk on The Environment opened my eyes to different area of Social Justice. It's an area which is easily accessible and very relevant to our daily lives.

We should care because our environment affects us.
Jian Sheng covered three areas, Land, Water and Energy - the issues and the consequences.
He also dismissed some myths and clarified some facts before giving some simple suggestions as to what WE can do. For more motivation, JS presented the benefits to ourselves that would result from our efforts.

"Our future is in our hands."

Here are the slides.

We have also created a new page specifically for social justice - please visit and bookmark HERE.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sessions Recap


I hope you have enjoyed the sessions so far and more importantly, have learnt something from them.

Here are the powerpoint slides from Fr Thinh's talk on Prayer.

Some things he talked about were:
How to Prayer
Types of Prayer
Expressions of Prayer
Some obstacles that we face

If you would like to read more about prayer, you can visit the Catechism if the Catholic Church Part 4 Christian Prayer HERE

St. ThéRèse of Lisieux writes "For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."

And I found this website to be a good collection of verses about prayer - Prayer Bible Verses

Sessions Coordinator '09-'10

1 Timothy 2:1-4
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Friday, October 02, 2009

Sports Day And Youth Mass

Just in case some of you aren't getting emails:

is THIS SATURDAY (Oct 3) starting at 10am and it is going to be loads of fun and excitement! Since Albert Park is pretty big, we would be gathering at a specific tram stop before heading to the game field. And instead of walking there, we would be jogging there as our part of our warm ups so that we'd be all prepared to start the games off!

What you need to do:

Take tram 112 tram from Collins St heading west (meaning towards DFO) and stop at the corner of Albert Road and Cecil St // Tram stop no 131.

Allow 20 minutes travelling time from the city so the latest tram you can catch is the tram at 9.35 AM.

There will be committee members waiting for you there until 10am before leading you guys jogging to the games area.

We stress that you TRY not to be late as it would be difficult to locate your exact whereabouts and it would definitely make things easier for everyone.

Lunch will be provided but if you guys want to bring some snacks you are welcomed to do so.

Of course, please wear appropriate sports attire (shoes and sports clothing), and bringing some bottles of water might be good as well.

We have also randomly allocated you to your teams! So all you need to do is to come dressed in that colour! It also emphasises your team spirit so be a good sport! (especially for the team photos)

Yanfen's friend

Amanda Yeo

Yanfen's friend

Yanfen's friend

You can decide who will be your team leader and would lead your team to your success. See you on Saturday!!!


We would also like to encourage all of you to go for the Youth Mass the day after Sports Day at All Saints Parish in Fitzroy. We all have to go for mass on Sundays so why not go together? Come along and join us! If you can't remember how to get there, take the 112 tram on Collins street heading East (towards Parliament station or St Patricks's Cathedral) and get off at stop 14.

celebrated by Father Thinh
All Saints Parish
Sunday, 4th October
5pm (Praise & Worship at 4:30pm)

We hope to see you all on the weekend!
Meanwhile, continue enjoying your break :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An Invitation to Prayer

This friday is the last session before the much-needed September break. We'll be having our very own Chaplain, Fr Thinh, as our guest speaker. The topic of the night will be "Prayer".
I know some of you may be thinking BORING with a capital B. Trust me, as someone who has sat through hour long prayer meetings as a high-school student, I know how the very word can lead to yawns. So this is your chance to find out how to make prayer more interesting! What makes prayer such an important aspect of spirituality? Why should we bother to pray if God already knows the words we are going to say?

Friday 18th September
6.30p.m @ the Chaplaincy

We'll also be playing games, having praise & worship and discussion groups during this time. Please do join us. =)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Youth Mass on Sunday!

Come join us and celebrate the Youth Mass together with Father Thinh!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

To Know Your Name

Litany of Saints

Monday, August 31, 2009

This week's Monthly Mass

Come join us for our monthly mass this Friday!

Mass is at Newman College this week, not St. Carthage's so if you don't know how to get there, meet us in front of the Sidney Myer Asia building in uni at 6:10pm!

Dinner after mass will be at Ying Thai 2 on Lygon Street. Hope to see you all on Friday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is God?

All the words in the dictionaries in all the languages of the world would not adequately describe/explain God. He says, "I Am who I Am" (Exodus 3:13-15). However, God is not unknowable as He reveals Himself to us in His own time like in the example of Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3). The church teaches that God reveals himself so that we can know him personally and intimately. The CCC II. God Reveals His Name is a good place to read more about this.

These questions may help for a more personal approach to the question of Who is God?

1. How do you see God in relation to yourself? A friend, a parent, a teacher, a judge?
How does this affect the way you communicate with Him?

2. Has your relationship with God changed since you first came to know Him? How so? Why did it change?

3. What are your expectations of knowing God? Who do you want Him to be?

4. Someone who knows nothing of God asks you about Him. How do you describe God to them?

5. Imagine He were to stand in front of you right now. What would you do? What would you say?

Sessions Coordinator 09-10

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Patient Trust by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We would like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something
unknown, something new.
And yet, it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability -
and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you;
your ideas mature gradually - let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don't try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time,
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.

Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming in you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.

As mentioned, the overall theme for this semester is Faith & Reason. A major and more specific topic that often arises is Religion & Science. Here is short introduction to a man who immersed himself in the debate. Whether you agree with him or not, it is good to note that he kept to the faith even when his works were rejected.

Pierre Teilahrd de Chardin:
French philosopher and paleontologist known for his theory that man is evolving, mentally and socially, toward a final spiritual unity. Blending science and Christianity, declared that the human epic resembles “nothing so much as a way of the Cross.” Various of his theories brought reservations and objections from within the Roman Catholic Church and from the Jesuit order, of which he was a member. In 1962, the Holy Office issued a monitum, or simple warning, against uncritical acceptance of his ideas. His spiritual dedication, however, was not questioned. He stands among the very few leaders of thought in this century to integrate pure scientific research with a religious vocation. At an early point in his career this paleontologist and Jesuit priest made it his personal mission to reconstruct the most basic Christian doctrines from the perspectives of science and, at the same time, to reconstruct science from the perspectives of faith.

Cardinal Casaroli, when he was the Vatican Secretary of State wrote the following:
"What our contemporaries will undoubtedly remember, beyond the difficulties of conception and deficiencies of expression in this audacious attempt to reach a synthesis, is the testimony of the coherent life of a man possessed by Christ in the depths of his soul. He was concerned with honoring both faith and reason, and anticipated the response to John Paul II's appeal: 'Be not afraid, open, open wide to Christ the doors of the immense domains of culture, civilization, and progress.'

Donna Yeo,
Sessions Coordinator
Please attempt to be at the Chaplaincy (138-146 Cardigan st.) by 6.30p.m. It's to your benefit that we start and end on time! We will start off with a short activity and praise & worship before Fr Robin's presentation. The session is organized for YOU! So, for any questions or issues that you would like addressed in the session by Fr Robin Koning SJ, please email me (Donna) or speak to me in person so I can pass them on to Fr Robin.

1. How do we know Jesus when there is nothing in the bible about him in his teenage and young adult life?

2. I dont understand how the Trinity works. Is it like schizophrenia? Does it matter if I pray to one out of the three only?

3. On the face of it, the characteristics of transcendence and immanence appear to be in conflict. A transcendent God is one who is beyond perception, independent of the universe, and wholly “other” when compared to us. An immanent God, is one which exists within — within us, within the universe, etc. — and, hence, very much a part of our existence. How can these qualities exist simultaneously?

See you there!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

"Is there really a God?" talk

(click for larger image and more details)

Sessions Lineup for 2009 Sem 2

Week 1

Date: 31st July 2009
Activity: Food & Games Day
Venue: Chaplaincy (Cardigan st.)
Time: 6.30pm

Week 2

Date: 7th August 2009
Activity: Welcome Mass for the new members
Venue: St Carthage's (123 Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 3

Date: 14th August 2009
Activity: Session: Who is God?
Guest speaker: Fr. Robin Koning SJ
Venue: Chaplaincy (Cardigan st.)
Time: 6.30pm

Week 4

Date: 21st August 2009
Activity: Graduation Mass

Venue: St. Carthage's (123 Royal Parade)
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 5
Date: 28th August 2009

Activity: Session: Homosapien or Human

  • Are we just another species of the Animal Kingdom or are we something more? Rights?! Responsibilities?! Purpose?!

Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6:30pm

Week 6
Date: 4th September
Activity: Mass
Venue: Newman College
Time: 6:30pm

Week 7
Date: 11th September 2009
Activity: Social Justice Session
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30 pm

Week 8
Date: 18th September 2009
Activity: Trivia Night

Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6.30 pm

September Break : Cosdu's Sports Day

Week 9
Date: 9th October 2009
Activity: Your Greatest Fan

Guest Speaker: Fr. Thinh

  • On Prayer:Write, He will read.
  • Draw, He will look
  • Sing, He will hear.
  • Dance, He will watch.
  • Talk, He will listen.

Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6:30pm

Week 10
Date: 16th October 2009
Activity: Discernment: Decipher and Decide
Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6:30pm

Week 11
Date: 23rd October 2009
Activity: Faith and Reason

Venue: Chaplaincy
Time: 6:30pm

Week 12
Date: 30th October 2009
Activity: Examination Mass
Venue: St. Carthage's
Time: 6:30pm

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Easter Camp position descriptions

Roles within Easter Committee (prepared by Gracie):

Camp Commander:

  • To overlook and delegate work and responsibilities to the right person.
  • Make sure that work is completed and followed according to plan and schedule. It is also important that you do not run over budget. In short, you have to overlook everything that is going on in the committee; every role is to be managed with care.
  • Keep in mind that booking of venue, transportation etc... are to be done well in advance; always have a backup plan should anything go wrong.
  • Bring the committee together and work as a group, you’ll find yourself working with people of different personalities, therefore you’ll be exposed to learning more about your friends and yourself.
  • You can do more than I have mentioned here. Feel free to do anything you want to make Easter camp a fulfilling experience.
  • Update main committee (together with the main committee liaise/overseer) about the Easter camp preparations
  • Your role is to manage all the paper work, type out minutes and schedule meetings, ensuring that deadlines are met and tasks are completed well.
  • Advertise and publicize Easter Camp to all that are interested, within and outside of COSDU should your committee agree upon this.
  • Sort out all paperwork that needs to be filled and submitted to UMSU before the camp.
  • executionResponsible for all administrative matters in the duration of camp preparation and execution.
  • This may include, Indemnity forms, Participants registration forms, Grant application etc.
  • There will be more responsibilities that will arise as you progress: you’ll be able to define other responsibilities that you would like to add to your role.
  • You’ll find yourself doing more things, or helping out with other committee members should they need your help.

  • Your role is to collect, spend and save as much money where appropriate.
  • Have a budget proposal that is set up APPROPRIATELY. Set up and maintain an Easter Camp Account.
  • Communicate and plan out what is feasible and what is NOT. In particular you’ll be working very closely with logistics, food-person etc. Make sure these channels work and communicate soundly.
  • You’ll be finding yourself with more than I have mentioned. It’s complete fun, so I hope that you’re looking forward to making Easter Camp’s fare as sufficient as possible.
  • Your role is crucial in maintaining your cash flow WITHIN the budget so that the committee does not get into trouble. Find ways to make it feasible and efficient.
Logistic planner:

  • Your role is to think of all the stuff that is needed for Easter Camp. Nearing the Camp day, you’ll have to post up the list of things that retreatants should bring along with them.
  • Prepare things like first aid-kit, stationary, paper bags, bible, COSDU Banner and cross etc.
  • Find venues and means of transportation for the Camp. Keep in mind the amount of money that is available to be used.
  • You’ll find out more about your role as you progress, things will somehow find its way to appear to you; your role is important here because these are the little details that are overlooked and with your work, it will make Easter Camp run smoothly.
  • You’ll be working with the whole committee in ensuring the whole camp runs smoothly. You will collaborate with almost every committee member, whether it is the games, music, liturgy, or session coordinator to prepare items needed for the camp. Good organisation skill is essential in this role.
Sessions coordinator:

  • Your role is to design the schedule for the duration of Easter Camp and look for a priest or speakers to come along.
  • Have a plan for what topics to cover and ways in which it will be conducted.
  • Have powerpoint presentations arranged in order etc.
  • Your role is very specific because what the committee chooses to cover during Easter Camp will impact how people feel, it is during a time when our Lord shows His most Devine Love, conveying message and conducting sessions will help participants reconnected with their spirituality, and find a deeper meaning to their faith.
  • As your committee progresses nearer to the day, you’ll be getting more ideas and silent promptings, do not be afraid to put down your thoughts when inspiration fills your heart, talk it over with someone you trust will show you the right path and then implement it in sessions.
  • Usually the sessions coordinator does not work alone to plan the sessions. The whole committee usually brainstorms together to come up with a theme and relevant session lineup for the camp.
  • Keep in mind that if the committee members are conducting the sessions (as opposed to having external speakers), practice or trial sessions are required to ensure the quality of the talks and also to get feedback from the whole committee to find ways of improving them. It is the session coordinator’s job to arrange these sessions. Basically, the role of the session coordinator is to coordinate the sessions and make sure everything related to the sessions is running smoothly and on schedule. You will be required to work with logistics to acquire items needed for sessions.
Games director:

  • Your role is to arrange games.
  • You’ll be working closely with sessions-coordinator, and logistics to list down the things that you’ll need during camp days.
  • Your role will help retreatants grow closer with each other as they discover more about themselves and others around them. Through the games that that you plan, it will allow people to relax and have fun at the same time.
  • You may choose to conduct Fun-time in ways that you want: e.g. more physically challenging, or more spiritually connected and fun at the same time, or helping one another to be more receptive and kind to other people.
  • Have a Fun time exploring people’s personalities through games.

  • Your role is to prepare yummy food throughout the camp duration.
  • Be mindful of the allergies that are present and set your recipes and menu accordingly.
  • Ensure that all food preparation adheres to food and safety protocols.
  • Ensure that at least one person in the food team has attended UMSU food and safety session (requirement by UMSU, check with main committee about this)
  • Have a good time making good food.
  • Work WITHIN the budget that the committee has set out.

  • Your role here is to coordinate the masses that will be held throughout the Easter Camp.
  • Discuss readings that will be read during masses and have them printed out. Choose your readers and ensure that the essential things are brought along.
  • Should liaise with music coordinator and consult spiritual director regarding all liturgical services.
Praise and Worship (Music):

  • Your role here is to make Easter Camp more memorable, where participants get the opportunity to sing and praise. Among the things that you are responsible for is choosing songs, arranging music practices before the camp, and working with musicians to enrich the camp through music in mass and also in praise and worship sessions. Also, you may have to liaise with Logistics in arranging for the transport and care of music instruments.

If you are interested in any of the above positions or would like to find out more about it, please see Gracie or any of the committee members of cosdu for more information.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Social Justice

It is fair to say that for most people, social justice brings to mind the sufferings and injustices done to our fellow men/women. In many parts of the globe, human rights are actively being violated not only by a certain group of people, but also by governments, whether voted into the system by democracy or by other means. For most of us, we try to help these people by giving aid such as water, food, medical supplies and other commodities to try and lessen their burden. This act in itself is highly commendable and indeed, encouraged. Part of being a Christian is being called to perform our philanthropic duties.

However, my goal as Social Justice officer is to make aware to the community that giving aid alone is not enough. Sending goods to people in need is only a short term solution to the problem. So, what does this mean? A good example would be this. Suppose we witness a man who is beating a child viciously. We've got 2 options. We can either provide the child medical attention or we can stop the act of beating. In our current world, alot of people have already been "beaten" up and there is tremendous support in this area. Unfortunately, the source of the problem, the "beater", is not sufficiently dealt with. In my writings and sessions, I will be dealing with large corporations and governments that commits grievous crimes against humanity. Most importantly, we will learn how, we, the so called "innocent bystanders", play a major role in this. Let's start from the beginning.

Although extremely complex and having multidirectional factors, the environments plays a major role in determining the health and livelihood of a community. The environment is then influenced by the people or the government. Governments inturn decide on policies that are perceived to benefit them in terms of socio-economy or purely just for financial gain. The problem starts when the well being of the people and their rights is trumped by the economic/monetary gains. These economic pressures is therefore decided by global consumers. In other words, our spendings habits has an indirect impact on how our less fortunate brothers and sisters are treated on the other side of the world. One simple example is as below:

When we go to the vegetable section in the supermarket and perhaps buy imported veges, we tend to look for the "prettiest" one, with the biggest and perfect leafs. Unknown to us, not only it may be poisoned with herbicides and pesticides, chances are, the ground in which it grew on is also poisoned by it. This would lead to the contamination of ground water which if consumed, may cause adverse health effects. This is true especially in a developing country where farmers are not informed by their governments of the proper methods to ensure that this does not happen. In fact, the government may even encourage extensive use of these herbicides and pesticides to increase production and therefore profits. More directly, our ignorance of the effects our buying habits can do has lead to the sufferings of others. Of course, this is overly simplified but the issues are there and they are real. Real enough to those dying of poisoning or other related diseases.

This is just a small section which I will be touching upon. So do check the blog regularly. I will be updating you on a fortweekly basis. If there is one thing I would like to impart to you if all things fail, I would like the members to think twice before we buy our products and what we can do to help in our own individual way. Remember, many individuals makes up a community. Many communities makes up a country. Many countries makes up the world. Every individual counts. You are an individual. Make a difference in the world.

Jian Sheng
Social Justice Coordinator

The Centenary of the death of Blessed Mary MacKillop

Monday, August 03, 2009

Details for Welcome Mass

Our very first welcome session of the semester was definitely a night full of fun and laughter. We were glad to have met so many friendly and excited new faces and we hope to see you all again this Friday for our Welcome Mass!

As for the older members, it was an awesome moment seeing everyone again after the holidays. Everyone looked a little different (fantastic holiday I presume?) but one thing remained the same which was despite not seeing each other over the holidays and with some of us not being in the same countries, there was still something that binds us together. We easily picked up our conversations where we left off last semester and I believe that it is because we all share one common belief which is our faith in God and that is what drives our friendship to greater heights.

For those who could not make it to the welcome session, do not worry as you can still come along and join us in celebrating mass together! Details of the mass can be found on the poster below, and we hope to see you all very soon :)

If you are unsure of how to get to St. Carthage's, we will be meeting inside the Sidney Myer Asia Building in uni (opposite the tram stop) to bring you there. We will be there from 6pm and we will leave at 6:15pm so please be on time as we would not like to keep the priest waiting for us as well. If you need further info or have any questions at all, send us an email or you can contact me (Audrey) at 0430385525.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, 23rd July 12-3pm!

If you were walking around uni and happen to spot any of these chalk vandalisms on the ground, that just means that you'd need to come visit our booth tomorrow!

Find out more about us and how to become a member. Bring your friends!

Venue: North Court, Union House
Time: 12-3pm
Day: Thursday, 23rd July

Monday, July 20, 2009

Clubs and Societies Orientation Day!

Come look for our stall at the North Court outside Union House if you want to join or if you require further details! All are welcomed!

Friday, June 26, 2009

WYD Anniversary Events in July!


Celebrate the one‐year anniversary of World Youth Day 2008 this July! Whether you were a pilgrim, a DID08 coordinator, volunteer or Melbourne Stay host – everyone is welcome! Catch up with fellow pilgrims and enjoy a special performance by international musician Matt Maher on 5 July, Catechesis in the Cathedral with Fr Chris Ryan MGL on 19 July, and an Evening of Prayer at St Francis with Bishop Prowse on 22 July. For more information, contact the Archdiocesan Office for Youth on 9412 8400 or visit

Further details on these events are on the posters below-

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Exam Dates and Assessments in June 09'

(Click for larger view)

Dear Lord, be with me now as I enter this exam. Thank you for the many talents and gifts that you have already given to me. Help me recall all that I've studied and express it clearly. Inspire me to answer the questions and encourage me to do the very best I can. Lord, remind me that nothing is going to happen to me that you and I together can't handle. Holy Spirit, think through me until your ideas are my ideas. Amen -Melbourne University Chaplains-

Additional Prayers

Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino for Students
O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favored by God in the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and aid my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom. Help me especially in the decisive moments of examination, protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often accompany them, so that I may grow in knowledge, love, and service of God from Whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. Amen.

O Mary, Mother of enchanting love, of fear, of knowledge, of holy hope, through Whose pious intercession many make admirable progress in studies and piety despite crudeness of understanding, I choose Thee as protectress and patroness of my studies. Humbly I implore Thee that, from the heart of Thy maternal pity, and principally from the Eternal Wisdom that deigned to take on our flesh in Thee, and that exalted Thee in heavenly light above all the saints, Thou obtain grace from the Holy Ghost for me so that I might be able to penetrate with my understanding, retain in my memory, express by my life and words, and teach to others all that brings honor to Thee and Thy divine Son, likewise to the advantage of my eternal joy and that of all men. So be it.

On behalf of the Cosdu Committee 2008/2009/2010, I wish you all the best in your revision and good luck in your exams! Have a happy holiday! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Examination Mass-29th May 2009

Examination Mass!

Feeling stressed? Nervous? Unprepared for the exams?

As the exams draw nearer and nearer each day, come join us in celebrating the examination mass together. Let us pray and ask the Lord that he may give us a calm heart and mind to study wisely and also in managing our time efficiently between work and play. Let us not be overwhelmed by our deadlines and our studies but instead be filled with the wisdom and strength to keep distractions away. All are welcomed.

Date: 29th May 2009, Friday

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: St. Carthage’s (123 Royal Parade, Parkville) only a short walk up from Melbourne University.

T: 0430385525 (Audrey)



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

World Youth Day’s Lasting Impact

Australian Study Reveals Positive Effects

By Father John Flynn, LC

ROME, MAY 17, 2009 ( Seven out of 10 young people who attended World Youth Day in Sydney last year rated it as one of the best experiences in their life. This was one of the findings of a survey carried out to measure the impact of the event.

The “Pilgrims' Progress 2008 research project” is led by Father Michael Mason and Professor Ruth Webber from Australian Catholic University, and Dr Andrew Singleton from Monash University.

On May 4 they released their preliminary findings. The study was based on interviews, personal observation of the participants, and two large-scale Internet surveys of pilgrims: one before and the other after World Youth Day.

The findings of the preliminary report concentrate on Australian pilgrims only. For 93% of them it was their first experience of going along to a World Youth Day. Almost half of the local participants were in the 14-18 age bracket. World Youth Day attracted more young women than men and that is reflected in the study, in that 68% of respondents were female

Some of the highlights of the findings were the following.

-- More than 40% said their faith in God had been strengthened.

-- A third or more stated that they were now not embarrassed to let others see that they believed; that they wanted to live as disciples of Jesus; that they wanted to learn more about their faith.

-- Asked what they found most fun, pilgrims chose being part of the huge, happy crowd walking together through the streets, and making new friends.

-- Over half of the respondents said that they were determined to change their behavior towards others - to be more considerate, more “Christ-like.”

-- Significant proportions reported changed attitudes and behavior on a range of social-ethical issues.

Superficial or spiritual?

Critics of World Youth Days, both within and outside of the Church, have frequently questioned the spiritual value of the events. So one of the aims of the survey was to determine if it’s just an enjoyable spectacle or whether it does make a significant spiritual impact.

Contrary to the somewhat feverish speculation in some of the local secular media prior to last July the pre-event survey showed that pilgrims did not see World Youth Day as an opportunity for romantic encounters. The option of “Perhaps meeting someone I really like,” was the lowest priority for all of the age groups.

Instead their highest priorities were listed as: seeing the Pope; wanting to experience the presence of God; and to feel ‘part of a large crowd united by shared beliefs.

Generally, the older pilgrims were somewhat more interested in the devotional and religious aspects: the Masses, catecheses, and prayer services. The youngest group were more attracted to the youthful aspects of the event: making new friends, feeling the “buzz,” and sharing their faith with other young people.

Nevertheless, even among the teens, the options of “experiencing the presence of God,” and “seeing the Pope,” also ranked highly. Only a minority of the youthful Australian pilgrims went hoping simply to have a good time.

The answers also depended on the existing level of religious practice. Those who did not regularly attend Mass were more likely to give a higher priority to the social aspect of the event, while those who were regulars at Mass indicated they were more interested in the spiritual activities.

The top three benefits hoped for by those surveyed prior to the event were: living what you believe (85%); a closer relationship with God (81%); and a stronger sense of Catholic identity (78%). There was very little variation by age: these were the top three priorities for pilgrims of all ages.

Spiritual help

Turning to the post-event survey the study found that regarding the spiritual benefits most of the respondents said that what was most helpful was the experience of being with so many people who shared the same faith

This sharing of the faith corresponded to what the majority of pilgrims had said before World Youth Day, and their hopes were fulfilled - they found the experience powerful and significant.

In the personal interviews pilgrims explained that it was very important to them to be part of a big crowd of people around their age who were expressing their faith. They said that in their experience, it was mostly older people who took faith seriously. Young people, by contras, even if they were Catholic, were not interested in religion, or inclined to make fun of it.

They were also used to keeping their faith discreetly private. Normally only close friends would know if they continued to believe, attend Mass, or take part in other religious groups or activities.

In fact, a year 11 student in a Catholic school said in an interview that “it’s social suicide” to be active and speak out in religion classes.


Other benefits singled out by pilgrims included the sense of Church and pride in being a Catholic also rated highly. Many pilgrims also mentioned the sense that God was present in the large gathering of people sharing and the feeling that World Youth Day brought out the best in everyone.

Another highly-rated option was that of feeling themselves part of a community that transcended them in space and time and fused them into a unity with others and with God.

In terms of the events pilgrims singled out the Vigil, the Mass with Pope Benedict and the Stations of the Cross as occasions of strong experiences of the presence of God, and also as most spiritually helpful.

The morning catecheses also received a favorable response and according to the survey it seems that the catecheses played a more important role at the Sydney event than at previous World Youth Days.

Only a small proportion (10%) of pilgrims rated the catecheses “not so helpful.”

The report commented that during the event in Sydney even casual observers were struck by the infectious joy, friendliness, and enthusiasm the pilgrims. But, it noted this positive atmosphere was founded on a deeper level the experience of communing with others who shared the same faith, and the experience of the presence of God.

In conformity with the pre-event survey the social side of World Youth Day was not considered very important among those who replied to the post-event study. Making new friends was often mentioned, but all of the social aspects, including the beauty of the sites and the good weather were rated well below the spiritual benefits.


The survey participants were also asked about what activities they felt would be most beneficial as a follow-up to World Youth Day. Over half of them chose first the option of retreats or camps for people who want to grow in faith.

There was also strong support for regularly getting together with their fellow pilgrims, for more youth-oriented Masses, and high-quality teaching of the Catholic faith.

Over half of the group was very keen to attend the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid.

“There is clear evidence that many pilgrims have changed the ways in which they think about and respond to others, and that they attribute the changes to their participation in World Youth Day,” the study concluded. A finding that should lay to rest the doubts about the benefits of such an event, and spur efforts to give continuity at a local level so that young people will continue to be confirmed in their faith.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cosdu Committee for 2009/2010

After a night filled with excitement and suspense at our Annual General Meeting, here is your new COSDU committee 2009/2010!

President: Jessica Tan
Vice President: Gracie Ng
Secretary: Sara Kang
Treasurer: Yanuar Kurniawan
Social Justice Coordinator: Ooi Jian Sheng
Sessions Coordinator: Donna Yeo
Liturgy Coordinator: Matthew Kwok
Music Coordinator: Jonathan Au
Publicity Coordinator: Audrey Teh
Social Activities Coordinator: Giovanni Rinaldi

Sunday, April 26, 2009

For your convenience

Here are two links from google docs.

The first is the email that I've sent out last week regarding our social justice visit to Little Sisters of the Poor. The link here is just a reminder that I will use in the future emails, instead of sending the entire email out again. It is also so that you can easily look for the details as it is available here on the blog.

The second link below will be Jean's powerpoint slides on her presentation last Friday. A few of us requested for the slides, so here they are available for your viewing :)

Enjoy :)

Monday, April 06, 2009

President - Amanda Johan

I am thankful to be given the opportunity to be COSDU president. There are so many things that I have learnt from this experience, let me share with you some of those things.

As the president, I have learnt to be patient and considerate. As a person, I tend to want to fix any problem as quickly as possible and often tend to neglect others’ feelings. This journey has made me realise that getting the easy way out from a problem does not really solve the underlying issue. I need to be a good listener and be open to all the different point of views. Not everyone will have the same view as me and I will never be able to change their mind as we are all individuals who are entitled to our own voice and opinion. Things can get heated and tension starts to build. This makes me realise that I am only human and God is teaching me a very valuable lesson. I believe that He will never give me a test that we can’t handle together. As human, we can only make plans and He will lead the way. I have learnt to have faith in Him.

I often forget the fact that I am in COSDU committee to serve God. I will start relying on my human strength and instinct. Fortunately, God is forgiving; He has not forsaken me even though I have neglected Him. I learn to seek for mercy and forgiveness, to be humble and to accept my weaknesses.

There must also be a balance between the spiritual as well as the official duties of a President. Below is a short list of these official duties:

    1. Oversees and ensures the overall smooth running of COSDU
    2. Takes care of each ministry of COSDU and takes care of every committee member
    3. Supervises and delegates tasks to committee members
    4. Chairs committee meetings
    5. Organizes Committee Retreat at the start of each semester
    6. Seeks the spiritual guidance and liaises with the Chaplains on a regular basis

I am not perfect as a person as well as a leader. I am still learning and will continue learning even after the end of my term. I was certainly not prepared at the beginning and never knew that there is so much to learn and comprehend as a President. Hence, I urge anyone who has the desire or still considering being the next President to give it a try. You don’t have to be an experience person. What you need is the passion and love for God and COSDU; and be committed to your term. You also need to realise the responsibilities that comes with the post and to persevere when things get tough. Remember, you are not alone as the President. You will have nine other committee members who will support and help you throughout your term. Do not be afraid as this will be a fulfilling journey for you. Trust me, you will not regret it. Thus, pray about it and let God speak to you. Everyone is welcomed to talk to me, even if it is not for the President role; you are still welcomed to approach me.

Every single moment as COSDU President is a blessing to me. The good times makes me happy and the bad keeps me stronger. I really enjoy the journey and will definitely treasure the friendship and the memories I made along the way. I thank God for giving me this opportunity and I thank the members for having faith in me to lead COSDU. To my committee, I thank you for all your support.



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