Friday, March 07, 2008

Food & Games Day

They say the greatest treasure anyone can will ever find is a friend .

In C.O.S.D.U. , we don't just stop there ; we offer family .

And if there is one other thing we know (besides our faith) , it's food . So in the spirit of kinship , we , all members (ancient and new) gathered on our usual Friday nights for a whole night of food & games . I say the photos above splattered with smiles speak volumes about the fun (and gastronomical satisfaction) involved - far better than i could ever express in words .

We even had time to squeeze in announcements about WYD and hype everyone up about the coming Easter Camp .

For those of you who missed out , don't fret - there'll be plenty more ahead . I guarantee it .

1 comment:

pinto said...

Nice to see so many new COSDUans! Keep up the good work. =)

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