By becoming discerning people, we allow God to use us, and we surrender our lives to Him. Discerning is not about making decisions that are right and wrong. There is no good or evil (an interesting example given was becoming a priest or a bank robber). Rather, discerning is finding out the choice that suits us, and the choice that allows us to love and praise God more.
Sr Melanie shared with us that our first step in discerning is Knowing. We have to know ourselves first - what drives us? our interests?. Besides that, we need to know God, not just knowing about Him in our minds, but knowing Him in our hearts. This can only be achieved through silence (quiet time to listen to the soft promptings of God), the Eucharist and the Scriptures.
Next, some practical points about Discernment was presented through an acronym:
Don't panic
Ignatian Exercises - what would you do if you were to:
(a) advise another person,
(b) be on your death bed
(c) stand before God on the Last day
Seek Jesus
Career or Vocation - Career is the particular way of living out your vocation [envision a cross - the vertical
beam is your vocation while the horizontal beam is your career]
Extra Ideas - (a) John 1:35-39 "What do you want?"
(b) In 10 years, I would like to be....
(c) Imagine each possibility and live as though that was your decision (a day/week in a life) and
Review advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) and weigh it well (not by quantity but quality!)
Notice the signs - life, joy, peace and desires
Move - take steps! Do not ignore!
Enjoy the present moment - Life is good
No single right way - different ways to make a decision and remember, God makes all things good!
Talk to.... - Spiritual Director, members of the vocation you are interested in (priest, married men/women,..),
community sharing
Sr Melanie then told a story of 3 Trees. *note that I shortened it somewhat with a little variation*
There were 3 Trees on a hill who shared their hopes and dreams. One wanted to be a treasure chest that would hold the world's greatest treasures and gems, one wanted to be a ship that sailed across the oceans with the world's greatest kings on board and one wanted to be the tallest tree that points to the heavens so that people will look to it and remember God.
Now the woodcutters came and chopped down the trees. The first two were excited to see their dreams fulfilled while the third was sad that its dream is shattered. However, the first was made into an animal's feeding box, the second a small boat and the third was cut into logs and set aside. And the trees began to give up.
Then came one day, in a manger, a baby was born in the feeding box and the first tree realised that it is holding the greatest treasure the world has ever and will know. Some years later, in the boat made from the second tree, a man calmed the storm at sea and the second tree realised that the greatest, most powerful king in all the world is sailing in its boat. Finally, a man was hung on the cross made from the third tree's log and until today, the whole world look to that cross and see God.
The message of the story was that all 3 trees had their dreams fulfilled but in totally unimaginable ways.
So, remember that God loves us very much that he only wants what is best for us and will provide us with all that we need.
Finally, I would like to share with you the prayer of Discernment.