Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome Food & Games

Hey all...

The first session of the semester will be our welcome food&games event. There will be awesome games organized by Felicia, lots of fun, prizes and above all...... FREE FOOD. yes, to all those students living on a super strict budget..... DINNER IS FREE.

So you know the drill people, rsvp on facebook, and let us know if you're coming so that we won't over-cater ridiculously and be forced to send off all remnants to michael phelps.

Hope to see all of you there, and until then.... take care

<3 flo

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hey all..... mid year o-week is coming up next week, which means....

We can legally deface and graffiti the uni for a great cause


We'll really, REALLY appreciate your support during the clubs and societies expo (22nd of July, 12-3pm, North Court). If you can drop by, say hi, or not say hi but just drop by and steal our food.... it will be really appreciated (the latter, of course, will be far more appreciated...).

So do come along, and support COSDU! =^_^=

Until then, enjoy the rest of the holidays guys, and take care

<3 flo

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Upcoming events

Hey people!

Hope the winter holidays are going great for you! I know this is a little last minute but better late than never, I suppose! :)

Anyway there are a few things going on in Melbourne (i.e. talks etc), some of which may appeal to you.

1. Theology at the pub
Time: Monday, 5 July 2010 - 6.30pm dinner (7.30pm start)
Venue: The Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy
Topic: What is the Bible and where does it come from?
Speaker: Fr Paul Mankowski SJ

Go here for more info

2. Fullness of Truth tour
There will be a few talks going on around in Melbourne

  • Mon July 5 @ 7pm: St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Church @ 33 Howard St, West Melbourne. Steve Ray’s conversion story - “Finding the Fullness of Faith”
  • Mon July 12 @ 10am - 12pm: Freedom Publishing - St. Benedict Book Centre @ Lvl 2, 35 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn. “Our Lady, the Eucharist and Islam” - Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J.
  • Mon July 12 @ 7:00pm - St Mary’s Star of the Sea Church @ 33 Howard St, West Melbourne. “Living your faith in a secular world” - Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J.

More info here

3. Life in the Spirit seminar
Organised by the Missionaries of God's love (the order that Fr Simon [who came with us to Easter camp] belongs to)

Dates and times: 5 Wednesdays : July 7, 14, 21, 28 (7.30-9.00pm) and Aug 4 (7.30-9.30pm)
Venue: Benedict House - 301 Warrigal Rd, Burwood
Cost: $10
Contact: Vincent Clementine MGL - 03 98087345
Chris Eaton MGL - 03 9808 2646
Info: Help you know more about faith, grow in prayer, discover the gifts that God has given to us, learn more about hte mission we have been called to, find out more about the work of the Spirit in our lives.

I know this one is a bit far. There may be a possibility that I can help arrange transport (no promises yet!) so let me know if you're interested but the distance is the only things putting you off. Another thing, apparently there might be a weekend seminar (most likely 10/11 Jul) for this. I have to find out more about that. So if you want to know whether there really is a weekend seminar for this, let me know ( and I'll pass on the details ASAP. :)

p/s this seminar's really good!

4. Religious Faith Formation: Brunswick 'I AM AMONG YOU AS ONE WHO SERVES'
This one related more to social justice stuff

Venue: St Ambrose's Parish, 287 Sydney Rd, Brunswick 3056

Cost: Gold coin donation per session

Thursday July 8: A Home For The Heart - Offering Local Hospitality In Our Parishes
Presenter: Damian Coleridge
Damian has worked for many years in pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese. He served as a parish pastoral associate for several years before spending the last 20 years as a pastoral support person for parish conferences of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Victoria. Damian begins a new role as Parish Support coordinator for the AOFE in June 2010.

Thursday July 15: 'We Are Waiters Not Masters' - Toward A Spirituality Of Service Today
Presenter: Br Mark O'Connor FMS
Mark is a Marist Brother and taught in Marist schools for many years. As Director of the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation, Mark holds a Master of Theology degree from the Melbourne College of Divinity and a Masters in Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin.

Thursday July 22: The God Of Justice - Service And Living The Eucharist
Presenter: Sr Jan Gray RSM
Jan is a Sister of Mercy in the Adelaide Congregation. She was educated at Macquarie University, United Faculty of Theology, and Cambridge University. Sr Jan's teaching areas are in systematic theology, especially theology of Human Person, Church, Feminist theology, and Christian Muslim relations. She is also a member of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia National Formation Council.

5. Where is God now? Searching for the sacred in the ordinary
Date: Friday 23 July 2010 5.00-7.00pm
Venue: The Oratory, Newman College, University of Melbourne, 887 Swanston Street, Parkville 3052
Presenter: Donna Orsuto

RSVP: Br Mark O'Connor FMS at

Phone: 0401 222 596

More info here. This one would probably be more on the intellectual side

6. MGL Vocation weekend for Women

The sisters invite you to attend a weekend of prayer, talks, sharing
and sisterhood to help discern your life direction and vocation.
Where: Sisters place in
North Balwyn, Melbourne
When: July 16,17, 18
Contact: Sisters 03 9857 8177

Sorry boys. This one's for the girls. There's one for the boys in August. :)

Thanks guys enjoy your holidays!

God bless.


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