Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Graduation Mass

Hey all,

our super awesome secretary is solely responsible for the wicked brand-spankin new blog layout... and get this peeps.... she did all of this during the exam period! (*super woman*)

so..... thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankyou kershia, for making the blog awesom-ooo!!!! =^_^=

getting back to the topic.... grad mass is coming up- we have 4 graduates this sem,

Alice, Amanda, Hilary and Yanuar

So come join us in making sure they get a proper send off, COSDU style. Mass spam emails are out- but just in case you haven't been checking emails or facebook.... here are the details:

So come join us.... and till then

Take care :)

<3 flo

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Feast of Corpus Christi and Youth Mass

For those who are interested, the Feast of Corpus Christi 2010 runs from the 4th to the 6th of June at the Seminary church of the Sacred Heart in Carlton. For more details, check out the flyer ^_^

Also, a reminder that there is a YOUTH MASS this Saturday... please check Facebook for details, or open up your inbox. Hope to see you guys there!

as for now, take care everyone.

<3 flo

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Exam calendar

Hey everyone

Just letting the rest of you who don't have Facebook (or who refuses to be sucked in by Facebook during the exam period) know, the exam calendar is up :)

For those of you without exams, please pray for all those poor souls going through a 1kg tin of coffee this month just to function properly.... and as for those of you who are doing so, SLEEP.

Good luck everyone! And may the force be with you.

<3 flo

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